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Structure and Written

By Mrs. Voncy Altiar, S.Pd
01 Types of questions 02 The meaning of 03 |Component of
sentence, clause, and sentence

04 Verb 06 Noun

05 Auxiliary verb 07 Pronoun

Did you know the type of structure question?

There are 40 questions in two parts on the When water is frozen, it becomes ____.

Structure Section of the Paper-Based TOEFL.

a. Ice

In the first part, you will see incomplete b. Ices

sentence. There are 15 questions which have 4
c. The ice
possible answer (multiple-choice), you have to
choose the right one to complete the sentence. d. An ice
Did you know the type of written expression question?
Those of us who (A) have a family history of heart
disease should make (B) yearly (C) appointments with
There are 40 questions in two parts on the their (D) doctors.
Structure Section of the Paper-Based TOEFL.
a. A
In the second part, you will see 25 incorrect
b. B
sentences with four underlined words or
phrases marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Choose c. C
the one word or phrase that must be changed to
correct the sentence. Refer to Exercise 55 to see d. D
What the sentence is?

Di dalam bahasa Indonesia, kalimat adalah…

Beberapa kata yg berawalan huruf KAPITAL, minimal teridiri dari

Subject + Predicate dan diakhiri titik (.)

Exp. I finally fell asleep at the midnight.

What the clause is?

Di dalam bahasa Indonesia, klausa adalah…

Beberapa kata dalam kalimat yang terdiri dari Subject + Predicate

- She breaths
- I sleep
What the phrase is?

Di dalam bahasa Indonesia, frase adalah…

Beberapa kata yg menerangkan satu kata di dalamnya..

- A new car
- A best seller product
Let’s knowing about the components of sentence?

1. Subject (subjek)

- Noun (People, animals, things, gerund

- Pronoun ( I, You, They, We, She, He, It)
- Adjective Pronoun + Noun (my book, your pen etc.)

2. Predicate (predikat)

- Nominal ( Adjective, noun, adverb)

- Verbal (Active & Passive)
Let’s jump to the
main discussion.

This is where you section ends. Duplicate this set of slides as many times you need to go over all your sections.
Structure : Verb (kata kerja)
Kata kerja dapat diklasifikasikan
sebagai transitive atau intransitive
yang mana tergantung
pelengkapnya. Dari pelengkap yang
ada lalu diklasifikasikan lebih lanjut
sesuai jenis pelengkap yang
dibutuhkan, tidak hanya Nouns,
Pronouns, Adjectives dan Adverbs,
tetapi juga berbentuk Gerund atau
Structure Section Answer

• The subject is plural and the appropriate tense

1. Great numbers of tiny shelled is simple present tense. Thus, the correct
animals ......... on the ocean floor. answer is A. (Subject Verb Agreement)
• Subjeknya jamak dan tense nya adalah simple
a. live present tense maka jawaban yg tepat adalah
A. (kesesuaian subjek-verb).
b. lives

c. living

d. To live
Written Expression Section Answer

2. A barometer (A) is a device with a sealed • An infinitive is used to express

(B) metal chamber designed to reading
purpose. After “to” should be Verb 1.
(C) the changes in the pressure of air (D) in
the atmosphere. to reading --> to read. So, the correct
answer is C.
a. A c. C
• Infinitif digunakan untuk menyatakan
b. B d. D tujuan. Setelah kata “to” seharusnya
kata kerja bentuk 1/dasar. To reading--
> to read. Jadi jawaban yang benar
adalah (C).
Written Expression Section Answer

3. Bones(A) composed(B) chiefly(C) of • (B) Every sentence must have a main

calcium, phosphorous, and a fibrous verb. This is a passive voice, so the
substance known as(D) a collagen. formula should be: to be + Verb3
Composed should be are composed
a. A
• Setiap kalimat harusnya mempunyai kata
b. B
kerja utama. Kalimat ini merupakan
c. C kalimat pasif, jadi rumusnya: tobe +
Verb3. Composed harusnya menjadi
d. D are composed.
Structure : Auxiliary Verb (kata kerja bantu)

• Auxiliary Verb adalah sebuah Example:

kata kerja yang bebarengan 1. I was a students 10 years ago.
dengan verb asli dan membuat (kalimat past tense berarti telah)
perbedaan arti yg signifikan
dengan verb aslinya. 2. I should copy my curriculum vitae to
• Beberapa contoh dari Auxiliary my pen drive. (kalimat dengan
Verb adalah Be, Have, atau Modal auxiliaryverb berarti seharusnya)
(can, will, must, should, may).
Structure Section Answer

• (C) Every English sentence must have a subject and a main verb.
3. The train has just ........ Choice (A) is an infinitive, not a main verb. Choice (B) is an -ing
form. Choice (D) is a main verb, but it does not agree with the
a. to arrive auxiliary verb “has”. the auxiliary verb “has” shows present perfect
tense. Thus, the main verb should be in past participle (Verb3).
b. arriving
• (C) Setiap kalimat bahasa Inggris pasti mempunyai subjek dan kata
kerja utama. Pilihan (A) adalah infinitif, bukan kata kerja utama.
c. arrived
Pilihan (B) adalah bentuk -ing. Pilihan (D) merupakan kata kerja
utama, namun tidak sesuai dengan kata kerja bantu “has”. Kata
d. arrives
kerja bantu “has” menunjukkan present perfect tense. Jadi, kata
kerja utama seharusnya dalam bentuk ke 3.
Structure : Noun (kata benda: orang objek, ide)
1. Countable Nouns 2. Uncountable Nouns
adalah kata benda yang dapat dibuat jamak adalah kata benda yang tidak dapat dibuat jamak.
dengan menggunakan penambahan –s, -es atau Uncountable noun pasti singular.
bentuk yang tidak beraturan. Countable noun Contoh Uncountable Nouns:
1. Water (only singular)
bisa jadi singular atau plural.
2. Wind (only singular)
Contoh Countable Nouns:
3. Electricity (only singular)
1. Cat (singular)  Cats (plural)
4. Love (only singular)
2. Butterfly (singular)  Butterflies (plural)
3. Mouse (singular)  Mice (irregular form of
4. Child (singular)  Children (irregular form of
Structure Section Answer

1. When water is frozen, it becomes ____. • (A) the answer is ice, it’s because ice is
uncountable noun.
a. ice
• (A) jawaban yang tepat adalah ice,
b. ices
karena ice merupakan kata benda yang
c. the ice tidak bisa dihitung.

d. an ice
Written Expression Section Answer

2. One of the most(A) distinctive plant(B) • (B) Plant should be plants to imply one of
found(C) in the desert is the(D) Saguaro many.
• Plant harusnya plants untuk menyiratkan
a. A
satu dari banyak benda yang bisa dihitung.
b. B

c. C

d. D
Structure : Pronoun (kata ganti)
• Pronoun adalah sebuah kata yang digunakan sebagai
pengganti Noun yang mana fungsinya adalah untuk
menghindari terlalu banyak kata berulang dalam satu
• Pronoun dapat berupa kata tunggal maupun jamak :
First, second, third person sesuai benda yang
• Pronoun dapat digunakan sebagai subject, clause,
object, atau preposition.
• Dalam Bahasa Inggris juga digunakan untuk
menyatakan possessives atau reflexives.
Structure Section Answer

1. The crime rate has begun to decline in • (D) There must be agreement between pronoun and
New York City due to efforts on the part antecedent. Choices (A), (B), and (C) do not agree
in number, gender, and case with the singular,
of both government and private citizens to
neuter, objective antecedent crime rate. Choice (A)
curb ____ is plural. Choice (B) is masculine. Choice (C) is
a. them • Harus ada kesesuaian antara kata ganti dan
pendahulunya. Pilihan (A), (B), dan (C) tidak sesuai
b. him dalam jumlah, jenis kelamin, dan kasus dengan
tingkat kejahatan anteseden yang tunggal, netral,
c. its dan obyektif. Pilihan (A) berbentuk jamak. Pilihan
(B) bersifat maskulin. Pilihan (C) bersifat posesif
d. it
Written Expression Section Answer

2. Although the destruction that it causes (A) The pronoun “it” does not agree with the
(A) is often terrible, cyclones benefit (B) a plural subject “cyclones”. It should be “they”.
much wider (C) belt than they (D) Kata ganti “it” tidak sesuai dg subjek jamak
devastate. “cyclones”. Seharusnya adalah “they”.

a. A

b. B

c. C

d. D
Let me know if you have any question by
rising your hand or texting me later!
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