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The toll-like family of receptors is a key component of the innate immune system
that constitute 13 different receptors that are evolutionarily conserved from
plants to humans, primarily found on immune cells like macrophages and
dendritic cells , these vigilant guards also stand watch on non –immune cells ,from
fibroblasts to cardiovascular and nerve cells, ensuring widespread protection
TLRs trigger key molecular events culminating in two potent reponses: immediate
innate immunity and the development of tailored ,long-term acquired immunity
Toll-like receptors ( TLRs) play a more pivotal role in cardiovascular disease (CVD)
progression than previously recognized. Endothelial cells, vascular smooth muscle
cells, and even cardiomyocytes—all key players in cardiovascular health—express
TLRs, equipping them to respond directly to threats. TLR4, perhaps the most
notorious member of the TLR family, has been intimately linked to plaque
instability and rupture, the deadliest consequences of atherosclerosis.
Because inflammation plays a crucial role in the atherogenic process TLRs and
their signaling cascades have emerged as important mediators in this pathology.
Oxidized low-density lipoprotein has been found to be one of the most crucial TLR
ligands during atherogenesis, influencing macrophage differentiation to foam cells
and inducing the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines

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