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Principles of Animal & Population Genetics

Lecture – 4

Change of Gene frequency due to Selection

Dr K G Mandal

Department of Animal Genetics & Breeding

Bihar Veterinary College, Patna
Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna
Change of gene frequency due to selection

According to I.M. Lerner: Selection is the non-random

differential reproduction of genotypes.

According to J.L. Lush: Selection is the difference in

reproduction rates within a population whereby some
individuals tend to have more offspring than the other animals.

• Individuals differ in viability and fertility.

•They contribute different number offspring to the next

•Fitness:- Contribution of offspring to the next
generation is known as fitness of an individual. It is
also known as adaptive value or selective value.

• If the differences of fitness are in any way

associated with the presence or absence of a
particular gene then selection operates on that gene.

• When a gene is subject to selection its frequency

in the offspring will not remain same as in parents.
•Selection is a major force to cause the change of
gene frequency.

•Selection changes gene frequencies due to

differences in fitness of the genotype that is

• When all the genotypes are equally fit, the

population remains in Hardy-Wienberg
•Coefficient of selection:- Proportionate reduction in
gametic contribution of a particular genotype in
comparison to the standard genotype is known as
coefficient of selection.

• The standard genotype means it is the most forward

genotype which contributes highest number offspring to
the next generation.

• The coefficient of selection is also known as strength of

selection or Intensity of selection. It is denoted as ‘s’.
•The gametic contribution of the standard genotype is
taken to be 1, then the contribution of the genotype
selection operating against that genotype is then 1-s.

• This express the fitness of a genotype in respect to

the standard genotype.

•If coefficient of selection ‘s’ of an individual is 0.1,

then its fitness = 1 – 0.1
= 0.9 or 90%.
Degree of dominance: Dominance with respect to fitness.
Considering a locus with two alleles A1 and A2 the different degrees of
dominance with respect to fitness are as follows:
No dominance

A2 A2 A1 A2 A1 A1
1-S 1-½ s 1
Complete dominance
A2 A2 A1A1, A1A2
1-s 1
Over dominance
A2 A2 A1 A1 A1 A2
1-s2 1- s1 1
Change of gene frequency due to selection under complete dominance and
selection operates against a recessive genotypes.

A1A1 A1A2 A2A2 Total
Initial frequencies p2 2pq q2 1
Coefficient of selection 0 0 s
Fitness 1 1 1-s
Gametic contribution p2 2pq q2(1-s) 1-sq2

Total gametic contribution = 1-sq 2

Change of gene frequency, q = sq2(1-q)/1-sq2
Conclusion: The effect of selection on gene frequency depends not only
on the intensity of selection, “s” but also on the initial gene frequency.
The total gametic contribution (new total)
= p2+2pq+q2(1-s)
= p2+2pq+q2-sq2
= 1-sq2
The new gene frequency of A2 gene is
q1 = [q2 (1-s) + ½ (2pq)] / 1 –sq2
= [q2 – sq2 + pq] / 1 – sq2
= [q2 – sq2 + (1 – q)q] / 1-sq2
= [q2 – sq2 + q – q2] / 1-sq2
= [q-sq2] / 1-sq2
The change of gene frequency resulting from one generation of
selection is ∆q = q1-q
By subtituting the value of q1,
∆q = [q-sq2] / [1-sq2] –q
= [q-sq2-q(1-sq2)] / 1-sq2
= [q-sq2-q+sq3] / 1-sq2
= [sq3-sq2] / 1-sq2
= - [sq2 (1-q)] / 1-sq2
1.the effect of selection on gene frequency depends not only on the
intensity of selection ‘s’ but also on the initial gene frequency
2. The negative sign indicates that the frequency of A2
gene has decreasing trend.
Dispersive Process: The process by which the change of gene
frequency in a small population can be predicted only in amount but
not the direction.

1. Random drift: The random change of gene frequency due to

sampling is known as random drift.

2. Genetic drift: Random drift is also known as genetic drift.

3. The change of gene frequency in a small population is erratic

in manner from generation to generation with no tendency to
revert to its original value.

For this reason, the random drift is known as genetic drift.

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