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My friend Maria (irregular plural nouns)

My friend Maria always tells me the silliest stories
Today she told me that her pet fish likes to dress up in a
top hat and drink tea with her grandma.
Her Grandma will invite over even more fish.
and those fish will invite over a bunch of crazy children.
Her grandma always worries that the children will get
That's when things really start to get crazy...
One child, named Marcos, will start to juggle knives.
Grandma is scared that the knives could hurt somebody.
That's when one child, Sam, will invite some sheep.
The children will start throwing the sheep in the air.
One sheep always falls and hurts himself.
That's when it's really crazy! There are so many people
and animals in the house.
The noise will attract some geese.
There is not one person who the geese will not chase
out of the house.
All the people and all the animals will run away.
and grandma will just smile
She enjoys a nice cup of tea in silence.
I don't know if I believe it, but it certainly is an
interesting story.

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