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Regulations of Nervous

Systems’ Feedback
 Nervous system is an organ system composed by different
nerves and neurons which primarily transmit signals between
body parts.
 It controls our actions, thought, emotions and a lot more.
 Neurons are parts of the nervous system that transmit signals
or stimuli between the body and brain.
 Neurons (also called neurones or nerve cells) are the
fundamental units of the brain and nervous system, the cells
responsible for receiving sensory input from the external
world, for sending motor commands to our muscles, and for
transforming and relaying the electrical signals at every step
in between.
 There are three types namely: Sensory, Motor and
Interneurons. Sensory neurons act as a receptor of stimuli
from our senses (sight, touch, smell, hearing, taste).
 Sensory neurons then transmit this to the interneurons or
sometimes called the middlemen neurons.
 When the brain receives the info from the sensory neuron,
it also sends signal directed to motor neurons. This motor
neuron then tells the body part to act accordingly. This is
the normal processing of information happens in the body.
 If this process is disrupted, then homeostasis is also is
Homeostasis is controlled by the nervous system
which balances everything that happens inside the
human body. Disruption in the body’s homeostasis
can lead to certain conditions of abnormalities
such as gigantism, dwarfism, diabetes, goiter and
many more. Though some of these abnormalities
happen without our control, some ways can help
mitigate or possibly prevent these to happen.

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