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Shri Vishnu Engineering College for Women::Bhimavaram

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Date: 27-02-2024

Java Full Stack Virtual Internship

Supported by KodNest

Presented by:
Koppineedi Meghana Pushpa Sri-20B01A0586

2023-2024 Department of Computer Science and Engineering Slide No: 1

Java Full Stack Development
• Frontend and Backend Integration:
Java Full Stack encompasses both frontend and backend development, providing a
comprehensive solution for creating dynamic web applications.

• Versatility and Scalability:

Java's robust backend capabilities combined with frontend technologies like HTML,
CSS, and JavaScript offer versatility and scalability, making it a preferred choice for
building modern web applications.

• Seamless Communication:
With Java Full Stack, frontend and backend seamlessly communicate through APIs,
ensuring smooth data exchange and functionality integration, resulting in a cohesive
user experience.
Frontend Development

• User Interface Design:

Frontend development involves crafting visually appealing user interfaces using
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, ensuring an intuitive and engaging user experience.

• Responsiveness and Interactivity:

Frontend technologies enable the creation of responsive and interactive web
interfaces, allowing users to navigate seamlessly across devices and engage with
the application effortlessly.

• Client-Side Operations:
Frontend code executes on the client's browser, handling tasks such as form
validation, user input processing, and dynamic content rendering without
requiring server interaction.
Backend Development and Integration
• Server-Side Logic:
Backend development involves implementing server-side logic using Java
frameworks like Spring Boot, managing data storage, retrieval, and processing

• API Development:
Backend exposes APIs that allow frontend components to interact with the server,
facilitating data exchange and enabling dynamic content generation based on user

• Database Management:
Backend interacts with databases, storing and retrieving data required by the
application, ensuring data integrity, security, and scalability.

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