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Design and Development of a

Thermoelectric Cooler


Waste Heat Recovery: Two third of power get lost as heat .
Capturing and converting waste heat into useful electrical 2
power or cooling, addressing the issue of energy loss in
industries like automotive, manufacturing, and power

Green Technology: Contributing to sustainability efforts by

utilizing waste heat, minimizing the use of harmful
refrigerants, and reducing carbon emissions. Bismuth
Telluride(Bi2Te3),Silicon Germanium(SiGe),Lead
MOTIVATION Telluride(PbTe) are eco friendly thermoelectric material.

Efficiency Improvement: Offering a solid-state,

environmentally friendly alternative to traditional cooling
systems, potentially improving efficiency and reliability.

Compact and Versatile: Providing compact, lightweight

cooling solutions suitable for diverse applications where
space is limited or portability is required.

Enhancing Cooling Capacity: Design a thermoelectric cooler capable of handling larger heat loads and
achieving lower temperatures to meet the cooling demands of high-performance electronics or industrial
Environmental Sustainability: Address environmental concerns associated with thermoelectric cooler
manufacturing and operation by developing eco-friendly materials, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and
minimizing resource consumption. Bismuth Telluride(Bi2Te3),Silicon Germanium(SiGe),Lead
Integration with Renewable Energy: Explore opportunities to integrate thermoelectric cooling technology
with renewable energy sources such as solar panels or waste heat recovery systems to enhance overall
energy efficiency and sustainability.

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Energy Efficiency: Prioritize the design to maximize the cooling effect while minimizing energy consumption, ensuring optimall
performance without excessive power usage.
Durability: Use durable materials and robust construction techniques to enhance the longevity of the cooler, ensuring resistance to
corrosion, vibration, and other environmental factors that may affect its performance and lifespan.
Cost-effectiveness: Strive to achieve an optimal balance between performance and cost, making the cooler affordable without
compromising its efficiency, scalability, or durability.
Scalability: Design the cooler to be easily scalable, allowing for adjustments in size and capacity to accommodate varying cooling needs
in different applications and environments

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Thermoelectricity is a phenomenon where a

temperature difference between two points in a
material creates an electric voltage.

 What is TEC ?
• TEC is a device that uses electricity to create a
temperature difference, cooling one side while
heating the other.

• Principle of operation is “PELTIER EFFECT”.


 This term was discovered by Jean Charles Athanase Peltier in 1834.

 “The Peltier effect involves passing an electric current through the junction of two
materials , causing one side to absorb heat and cool down while the other side releases
heat and heats up.
 The TE coolers convert electrical energy into a temperature gradient is a peltier effect.

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 Voltage Application : Apply a direct current (DC) voltage to the thermoelectric

cooler module.
 Peltier Effect : The applied voltage causes electric current to flow through the
module, inducing the Peltier effect.
 Heat Absorption : One side of the module absorbs heat from its surroundings,
cooling that side down.
 Heat Release : Simultaneously, the opposite side of the module releases heat
into its surroundings, heating up that side.
 Temperature Differential : The temperature difference between the two sides
creates a cooling effect on one side and a heating effect on the other, allowing for
cooling or heating applications depending on the direction of the current flow.

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Method used Improvements Limitations

Components: Peltier module, heat sink, fan, 1. Enhanced Thermoelectric Materials: Research 1. Low Coefficient of Performance (C.O.P.): The
SMPS, and insulated stainless steel container. into advanced thermoelectric materials with system may not be operating at optimal
higher thermoelectric performance could efficiency, indicating room for improvement in
Assembly: Connecting the Peltier module's hot improve the refrigeration effect and overall energy utilization.
side to a heat sink and its cold side to a water- efficiency of the system.
filled, insulated container. 2. Limited Refrigeration Effect
2. Optimized System Design

The research utilized a Thermoelectric Cooler 1. Optimization of geometric 1. Complex optimization process due
(TEC) system to capture waste heat from
automobile engine exhaust. TECs were placed on
parameters for enhanced to interdependence of TEC
an Aluminum pipeline with heat sinks, aided by efficiency and output power. components.
cooling fans to maintain cold side temperature. 2. Consideration of size and cost 2. Challenges in achieving high
TECs were connected in series and connected to constraints. efficiency due to trade-offs
a load.
between heat transfer.

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Requirements Material selection

Prototype construction and
Definition and system design testing

Optimization and
iterative improvements

Validation ,
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 Employ thermoelectric coolers in space missions for temperature regulation in spacecraft,

spacesuits, and equipment.
 Implement thermoelectric coolers in data centers for more efficient cooling of server racks, reducing
energy consumption.
 Utilize thermoelectric coolers in vehicles to regulate electronic component temperatures, enhancing
performance and longevity.
 Apply thermoelectric coolers for precise temperature control in food transportation and storage,
ensuring freshness and compliance.
 Integrate thermoelectric generators with renewable energy sources to convert waste heat into
electricity, contributing to sustainable energy solutions.

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References :

Astrain D and Vian J G (2005), “Computational Model for Refrigerators Based on Peltier Effect Application”, Applied
Thermal Engineering, Vol. 25, No. 13, pp. 3149-3162

Ho-Sung Lee (2010), “Thermal Design Heat Sink”, Thermoelectrics, Heat Pipes and Solar Cell, pp. 510-520.

Hammad, M. Zahed, M. F. A. Hafeez, M. A. and Sohail, M. A. (2017). Cooling of Water using Peltier Effect.
International Journal of Engineering Research, 6(3): 163-166

Mainil, A. K. Aziz, A. and Akmal, M. (2018). Portable Thermoelectric Cooler Box Performance with Variation of Input
Power and Cooling Load. Aceh. Int. J. Sci. Technol, 7(2): 85-92.

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