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Albert Einstein once said:

“If the bee disappears from the surface of the

earth, man would have no more than four
years to live. No more bees, no more
no more men!”
• Apiculture (bee keeping) is the maintenance of honey
bee colonies, commonly in man- made hives. Apiculture
!s taken from the Latin word opis which means Bee.
• A beekeeper or (Apiarist j keeps bees in order to
collect honey and beewax, to pollinate crop, or to
produce bees for sale to other beekeepers. The location
where the bees are kept is called an Apiary. The main
products are Honey, Beewax, Propolis, Pollens, Bee
venom and Royal jelly. .

4Rylum arthrop‹›da
4Class e‹xa
4Fa› lly
1At some point humans attempt to domestic wild bees in
artificia( hlve made from hotfow logs, wooden baxes, pottery
vessels and woven straw baskets.
2 BeekeepIng \n Jn0la has been mentioned 1n anctent vedas
and buddisht scriptures.
3In India first attempt to keep bees In movable frame hives was
made in 1882 in Bengal then in 1883-84 in punjab
4 Before BC 2422 in Egypt Apiculture is started in sun tempte
of nyusere n.
1 In Indla first attempt I:a J‹eep bees Tn uavable frame hhes was made In 188Z In
eengat and thenIn 1683-&s \n PvnJcb
2 Beekeegtng was also started In the Yravancore st:ate (row Cochtn) in 1917 and
In mysore In 1925
3 In H\madiaf Pradesh modem beekeepTng with fndlgenixis honey tee A. cerono
started In 19H at Kutlu and In 1936 at Kangra.
4 The exoLlc bee A. melttfe was siJccessfuky introduced for the first Hme fn
india \n 1962 at NagroLaBagwan (then in Punjab slate and now In Himachal
F'radesh),because this bee has potendal to produce mv honey
lot of honey is also being collected from Idle Mtd bees vlz. A. dorsuta and

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