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What is Power BI?

● Power BI is a one stop solution for reporting, data visualization and business
● It can be used to automate the manual excel based reporting.
● It can be connected to multiple sources and can be used to create interactive
dashboards and reports that can be distributed to the internal and the external
● These reports help the business stakeholders take informed decisions.
● It can be used a forecasting tool to analyse and predict future trends in the business
and be prepared for different scenarios.
● We can create fully automated ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) procedures to shape
and transform and load data from various sources.
2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms

Gartner has recognized Microsoft as

a Magic Quadrant Leader in analytics
and business intelligence platforms.

For the fourth year running,

Microsoft is again positioned furthest
in completeness of vision and highest
in ability to execute.
Components Of Power BI
Power Query – It is the ETL tool of Power BI. Using this we can connect power Bi
multiple sources and Clean the data. It is also present in Excel.
Power Pivot - It is the the modelling tool of Power Bi. We can create data model and
build relationships in the power pivot.
Power View – It is the Data Visualization component of Power Bi. This is the place
where most of the time is spent in creating various reports and analysing the data in
different ways to get better / informed decisions.
Power Map – Used to visualise the geographical data.
Power BI Desktop - It is an integrated tool consisting of Power query, Power Pivot
and Power view.
Power BI Website - This is the cloud environment of power BI where we can share
the reports with the stake holders and the internal and external team members, by
publishing the reports to the Power BI service.
Power BI Mobile Apps - These applications provide you with an interactive view of
reports and dashboards on the Power BI site. You can even share them from your
mobile app.
Course Outline
1. Introducing Power BI Desktop – Downloading and installing Power BI Desktop.

2. Connecting and Shaping Data – transforming data using Query Editor

3. Creating the data model – Understanding Foreign and Primary Keys in the data and creating
appropriate connections in Power BI Desktop.

4. Adding Calculated Fields and Dax -Formulas and Functions in Power BI Desktop

5. Visualizing data with Interactive Reports – Charts in Power BI Desktop

Course Intro
We begin by Downloading Power BI Desktop and understanding it’s components.

Next we connect various types data to the Power BI Desktop.

Once the data is connected, next step is to check if all the columns have appropriate data type. If not then
we have to change it. This has to be done in the Query Editor where we perform all the transformation
and cleaning of the data.

Once we feel that the data is cleaned and transformed, create the model in the power BI desktop.

Finally visualize the data as per the business requirements using various functions and DAX formulas in
Power BI Desktop.

Note: Power BI Does not work on the Aggregated data, but needs the raw data. We can perform
aggregations in Power BI as per the project requirement.
Connecting and Shaping Data with Power Query
1.Data Connectors: Power BI Has a huge library of Data Connectors for
connecting the most basic flat files to the huge databases like SQL server,
web connectors like Sharepoint and so on..
2.Shaping Data in Query Editor.
•Basic Table Transormations:
We can select the columns that need to be kept or removed.
we can keep rows or remove rows.
we can remove null values
we can remove duplicates
we can combine and separate the columns as per the requirement.
Connecting and Shaping Data with Power Query
> Connect to Adventure-Works Product table.

> Check data types of all the columns.

•Text specific tools – transform tab.

> Connect to Adventure-Works Customers table.

• Change the Prefix column to Proper case. (This can be done in Add
columns tab and in Transform Tab).
•Create a Customer Full Name Column.
•Extract Username from the EmailAddress Column.
•Extract the Company Name from the EmailAddress Column.
•Remove the ‘-’ from the Company Name Column by Going to Replace text
Option in the Transform Tab.
Connecting and Shaping Data with Power Query
•Number specific tools – transform tab.
Ø use Product Lookup table.
•Statistics Functions are aggregators so it doesn’t make any use in while we are in
the add columns tab. So they’ll be greyed out in the add columns tab. But will be
usable while in the Transform tab.
•If we select a text column and then go tot the Statistics tab then all the functions
will be unusable there except for the counting functions.
•Find the DistinctCount of the Product Column. That gives the no. of unique
products in the data.
•Find the Average Price of all the Products using the Statistics Functions.
•Find the Maximum Price of all the Products using the Statistics Functions.
•Use Rounding functions in the transform tab to Round Off both the Cost and the
Price Columns upto 2 decimal values.
•Multiply each value in the Product Price Column by 0.9 – Assuming that the
Company management decides to give a Storewide 10% discount. And round it off
to 2 decimal places.
Connecting and Shaping Data with Power Query
•Date specific tools – Add Columns tab.
Ø Connect to Adventure Works Calender Table.
•Check the Earliest and the latest dates in the data by going to Transform menu and then in the
Dates Functions.
•Go to Add Columns tab and choose Name Of Day from the dates function.
•Go to Add Columns tab and choose Start of the Week from the dates function. Now by default
Power BI considers that Start of the week is Sunday. If we want to change it to Monday the it can
be done using M-Code (1 – Monday, 0 – Sunday). OR type Day.Weekday () any weekday as
required afte the [Date] in the M-Code.
•Go to Add Columns tab and choose Start of the Month from the dates function.
•Go to Add Columns tab and choose Name of the Month from the dates function.
•Go to Add Columns tab and choose Name of the year and the Year options from the dates
Connecting and Shaping Data with Power Query
•Number specific tools – transform tab.
> Use Product Lookup table.
•Statistics Functions are aggregators so it doesn’t make any use in while we are in the add
columns tab. So they’ll be greyed out in the add columns tab. But will be usable while in the
Transform tab.
•If we select a text column and then go tot the Statistics tab then all the functions will be
unusable there except for the counting functions.
•Find the DistinctCount of the Product Column. That gives the no. of unique products in the
•Find the Average Price of all the Products using the Statistics Functions.
•Find the Maximum Price of all the Products using the Statistics Functions.
•Use Rounding functions in the transform tab to Round Off both the Cost and the Price
Columns upto 2 decimal values.
•Multiply each value in the Product Price Column by 0.9 – Assuming that the Company
management decides to give a Storewide 10% discount. And round it off to 2 decimal places.
Connecting and Shaping Data with Power Query
•Date specific tools – Add Columns tab.
> Connect to Adventure Works Calender Table.
•Check the Earliest and the latest dates in the data by going to Transform menu and then in the
Dates Functions.
•Go to Add Columns tab and choose Name Of Day from the dates function.
•Go to Add Columns tab and choose Start of the Week from the dates function. Now by default
Power BI considers that Start of the week is Sunday. If we want to change it to Monday the it
can be done using M-Code (1 – Monday, 0 – Sunday). OR type Day.Weekday () any weekday
as required afte the [Date] in the M-Code.
•Go to Add Columns tab and choose Start of the Month from the dates function.
•Go to Add Columns tab and choose Name of the Month from the dates function.
•Go to Add Columns tab and choose Name of the year and the Year options from the dates
Connecting and Shaping Data with Power Query
i.Go to Get Data tab and Select “Blank Query”. This takes us to the query editor
ii.Give an Appropriate name to the Query.
iii.In the formula bar type:
=#date( 2018,1,1) and hit enter.
iv.Click on “fx” to the left of formula bar and this adds a new step in the Applied Steps.
Now type the below formula:
= List.Dates( Source, Number.From( DateTime.LocalNow() ) -
Number.From( Source ), #duration (1,0,0,0) )
This will create a list of dates.
v.A new tab will lbe generated at the top – List Tools, Click on “To Table” option in that
tab. This just converts the list to a table of dates.
vi.Now rename the column and convert it the date format.
vii.Then we can add all the required calendar columns based on the required analysis.
Connecting and Shaping Data with Power Query

Creating Index column and Conditional Columns:

1.Connect to the Sales 2017 file.
2.Go to the Add columns tab and select Index Column option.
3.Go to the Add columns tab and select Conditional Column option. Create a
column for the Quantity type – having values ‘Single item’ and ‘Multiple
items’ based on a particular logic.
Connecting and Shaping Data with Power Query
Grouping and Aggregating Data:
•Go to the Sales 2017 table. Check the Product ID Column in that table and
look at the multiple ID’s in that table.
•To get the Sum of order quantities based on the Product ID Select the Product
ID column and Go to transform tab and Select the Group By Option.
•The Go back and remove the steps from the Applied steps and go back to the
original state of the table.
•Now to see the total sales for every combination of product ID and Customer
key, again click on group by, but now select advanced tab and then we can add
another feature to use for grouping by.
Connecting and Shaping Data with Power Query

Pivoting and Unpivoting the Data:

-Convert Row values to Columns – PIVOTING
-Convert Column values to Rows – UNPIVOTING

Use the data for this section provided separately.

Connecting and Shaping Data with Power Query

Merging Data Power BI

-This is like pulling data from one table to another table based on a
particular column. This is similar to VLOOKUP in MS Excel.

-Generally this is not advisable to be done in PBI as we can create a

relationship model here, but there can be cases when we need the
data in one table the in such cases this Merge method can be used.

-Example – get the product key and colour columns from the product
lookup table in the sales 2017 table.
Connecting and Shaping Data with Power Query

Appending Data Power BI

➢ Connect to Sales 2015 and 2016 tables
➢ Check all the data types and column headers before appending.
➢ Append all the sales tables.
➢ Try deleting the individual sales tables.
➢ Delete all the sales tables and the appended table. Then connect to the
Connecting and Shaping Data with Power Query
Manage Data Source Settings
Useful when we accidentally change the file name or file location.
We can fix by changing the data source settings / or by changing
the name of the file to the original name.

Refreshing Queries:
We can refresh all the queries together at a time by clicking on
Refresh queries in the PBI desktop. Or by individually refreshing
each query.
Connecting and Shaping Data with Power Query

Additional Data formats & categories in Power BI.

From the data view, we can see data Category. This is generally used for
categorising the data as geographic data like addresses, countries,
continents, zip codes and so on…
1.Go the calendar table format the dates in to short date format.
2.Go the Sales table format the dates in to short date format.
3.Go to the Product lookup table and convert all the currency data to currency
4.Connect to Territory lookup table and follow all the previous formatting steps
in the query editor. Convert all the geographic data to geographic format.
Connecting and Shaping Data with Power Query

Defining Hierarchies
Hierarchies are groups of nested columns that reflect multiple levels of
i.Geographic hierarchy may include country, state, city, zip codes….
ii.Products can have Hierarchies such as – Product category, product sub
category, product
iii.Date can have Hierarchies of: Year, Quarter, Month, Date.
Connecting and Shaping Data with Power Query

Best Practices – Connecting and shaping data.

i.Have a clear understanding of the requirements.
ii.Define intuitive table names from the start. Renaming tables can be done
later anytime, but this is not advisable since the table names have to be
referenced while defining DAX measures and once they been referenced, it
becomes a difficult task to rename it everywhere.
iii.Have a pre defined file structure for making connections with the various
data sets. This can avoid changing data source settings at a later stage.
iv.Disable data refresh for static tables.
v.When working with large data, only load the data you need by filtering out
the unwanted data.
Connecting and Shaping Data with Power Query
Crate connections with other tables and be ready for the next section:

1) Create new queries to connect to the AdventureWorks_Product_Categories and AdventureWorks_Product_Subcategories files from the course resources:

Name your queries AW_Product_Category_Lookup and AW_Product_Subcategory_Lookup Confirm that headers have been promoted and that detected data types are correct. Disable the report refresh
option for both connections.

2) Make the following modifications to the AW_Product_Lookup query:

Add a calculated column that extracts all characters before the dash ("-") in the ProductSKU column, named "SKUType" . Update the SKUType calculation above to return all characters before second dash,
instead of the first. Replace zeros in the ProductStyle column with "NA" . Update the DiscountPrice calculation to 15%.

3) Using the Statistics tools in the Query Editor, confirm the following values:

•Average product cost ($413.66)

•Number of distinct product colors (10)

•Number of distinct customer names (18,110)

•Maximum annual customer income ($170,000)

•Count of order numbers (56,046)

•Count of distinct order numbers (25,164)

4) Make the following modifications to the AW_Customer_Lookup query:

Add a new calculated column for the year of birth (named "BirthYear"), based on BirthDate

Add a conditional column to categorize customer income (named "IncomeLevel"), based on the following criteria (09:34 mark):
•If AnnualIncome >= $150,000, then IncomeLevel = "Very High"
•If AnnualIncome >= $100,000, then IncomeLevel = "High"
•If AnnualIncome >= $50,000, then IncomeLevel = "Average"
•Otherwise IncomeLevel = "Low“
Creating Table Relationships and Data Model
What is a Data Model?
In the relationship view of PBI, if we look at the different data
tables, it’s just collection of independent tables. This is not a Data
•Check this by creating a table visual, taking the Product name from the Product table, Order quantity from the
Sales table and Return Quantity from the Returns table. This will return the same total values in each rows,
since they don’t have any relationships defined between them, so they can’t filter out each other.

When the tables are connected with each other via a Primary-Key
and Foreign Key relationship, and are able to filter out the data in
each other then it’s called as a data model.
•Connect the above tables based on Product key and have a look at the matrix visual. Now since the
relationships are defined, Product table is now able to filter the data in the Sales table and Returns Table.
Creating Table Relationships and Data Model
Database Normalization:
Normalization is defined as the process of organising the tables and columns in a relational
database to reduce redundancy and preserve data integrity.
Used to:
1.Eliminate redundant data: Reducing the table size by decreasing the number of columns in 1
particular table. This increases the processing speed and efficiency of the report.
2.Minimize errors in the database: This may happen if we modify the data frequently.
3.Simplify Queries and give a proper structure to the database and helps in performing
meaningful analysis.
★ In a Completely normalized database, each and every table serves a
specific purpose and gives a distinct information( eg: product info- product
lookup table, calender info – calender lookup table, orders info – Sales
table etc… )

★ IN SHORT, It’s always better to have multiple small tables rather than
having one large tables which have multiple duplicate values.
Creating Table Relationships and Data Model
Dimension (Lookup) Tables And Fact (Data) Tables:
A model Generally has 2 types of tables: Dimension tables and Fact tables.

Fact (Data) Table: have numerical values (Qauntity Sold, Order Quantity, Return
Quantity, Sales etc. ) to the most granular level. They also contain an ID or a Key
column (Generally Foreign Key) to create a relationship in the model.
(Sales and Returns tables are Fact tables in our model.)

Dimension (Lookup) Table: have all the description (Names, Store, City, Colour,
Cost Price, etc. ) about the data. They also contain an ID or a Key column
(Generally Primary Key) to create a relationship in the model.
(Date, Customers, Products, Product category, Product Sub Category are the
Dimension tables.)
Creating Table Relationships and Data Model
Relationship VS Merged tables:
Merging data from multiple sources creates a lot of redundant and duplicate
information and so this is not advisable. This even utilizes more processing
power and memory of the computer compared to the relationship model.
Instead we can have multiple small tables and tie all the tables via a relationship
Create Table relationships in the Power BI desktop.
Creating Table Relationships and Data Model
Snowflake Schema and Star Schema:
•Data Models having chain of dimension tables are said to have Snowflake
•Data Models having one central data table surrounded by multiple individual
dimension tables is said to have Star Schema.

Create Snowflake schema in the Power BI desktop, by

connecting Product table with the category and subcategory
Creating Table Relationships and Data Model
Creating and Managing relationships:

In the Modelling view tab, we have to option to Manage existing relationships

and create new relationships.
Here we can add, edit and delete any table relationships.
We have Editing tools to activate / deactivate the existing relationships,
modifying the cross-filter-direction and view the table cardinality.

Managing Active and In-active Relationships.

We have 2 types of table relationships in PBI desktop – Active and Inactive.
The Sales data in our example has 2 date fields – OrderDate and StockDate.
So we can have more than once relationships of the Sales table with the Date
table. But both cannot be active at a time. One relationship will be active and
the another will be inactive. In order to activate the inactive relationship, we
need to first inactivate he active relationship.
Creating Table Relationships and Data Model
Relationship Cardinality:
It gives the idea about the uniqueness of the data in each column.
In our case, we will need the One-To-Many (OR Many-To-One) cardinality
which indicates that one instance of primary key in the lookup table is
connected to multiple/many instances of foreign key in the data table.

This is generally understood by seeing the * and 1 near the tables in the
relationship/modelling view. This indicates that a single(1) instance in the
lookup table is connected to many(*) instances in the fact table.
We can also see the relationship cardinality by clicking on the relationship
line and click on edit.

Other types of cardinalty: many-to-many and one-to-one relationships.

This can give ambiguous outputs so they are generally avoided in
Creating Table Relationships and Data Model
Connect to multiple data / fact tables:

Connect Returns table to the model.

Generally we never create any direct relationships between fact
tables. We can connect them via shared dimension tables.
Creating Table Relationships and Data Model
Understanding Filterflow:

In the relationship model, observe the direction of relationship between the various tables
shown by arrows on the relationship lines.
Generally filter flows from one-side of the relationship to the many-side of the relationship.
This means that we can filter the data table using the dimension table but opposite is not

Always arrange the dimension table above the fact tables. This is a visual indicator that the
filters flow ‘downstream’.
i. Make a table by taking Territory_Key from the territory table, Order_Qty from the sales table
and Return_Qty from the Returns table.
ii. But we have the territory key in the sales and the return table. If we chose the territory key
from here, then we won’t get proper results.
Creating Table Relationships and Data Model
Two-way Filters:
Now change the filter direction between the territory lookup and the
Sales_Table to a Bidirectional filter and check the table visuals.
Now we can filter the territory lookup table using the territory key from
the sales table and in-turn, it can then also filter the values in the
This will also work in the opposite direction if we have a single
direction filter between sales and territory table and a bidirectional
filter between territory and returns table.



Use Two-Way-Filters only when necessary.

Creating Table Relationships and Data Model
Best Practices: Data Modelling

i.Focus on building a normalized model from the start. Each table the
model must serve a special purpose.
ii.Always use relationships instead of using merged tables. Keep
tables long and narrow instead of short and wide tables.
iii.Keep Dimension tables above the fact tables in the data model view.
This just helps us to understand that the filters flow downstream from the
lookup tables to the data tables.
iv.Avoid using 2-way filters unless required.
v.Hide key columns in the fact tables from the report view.
Creating Table Relationships and Data Model
HOMEWORK: Creating Table Relationships & Data Models in Power BI
Using your Adventure Works report file, complete the following:

1) Navigate to the RELATIONSHIPS view, and perform the following actions (00:14 mark):
Right-click to delete each relationship between AW_Sales, AW_Customer_Lookup and
AW_Calendar_Lookup (including both date fields)
Use the Manage Relationships tool to delete all remaining relationships between all tables

2) Recreate all table relationships (using any method you prefer), and confirm the following :
•Cardinality is 1-to-Many for all relationships
•Filters are all One-Way (no two-way filters)
•Filter direction correctly flows "downstream" to data tables
•Data tables are not connected directly to one another
•Both data tables are connected to all valid lookup tables
•Product-related tables follow a snowflake schema
Creating Table Relationships and Data Model
3) Return to the REPORT view, and complete the following :
Edit (or insert) the matrix visual to show ReturnQuantity (values) by CategoryName
(rows) from the AW_Product_Category_Lookup table
Which category saw the highest volume of returns? How many?
Replace CategoryName with Year from the AW_Calendar_Lookup table
How many returns do you see in 2015 vs. 2016?
Replace Year with FullName from the AW_Customer_Lookup table
What do you see, and why?
Update the matrix to show both OrderQuantity and ReturnQuantity (values) by
ProductKey (rows) from the AW_Product_Lookup table
What was the total OrderQuantity for Product #338?
Creating Table Relationships and Data Model
4) Unhide the ProductKey field from the AW_Returns tables (using either the DATA or
In the matrix, replace ProductKey from AW_Product_Lookup with ProductKey from the AW_Returns
Why do we see the same repeating values for OrderQuantity?
Edit the relationship between AW_Returns and AW_Product_Lookup to change the cross filter direction
from Single to Both
Why does the visual now show OrderQuantity values by product, even though we are using ProductKey from
How many orders do we see now for Product #338? What's going on here?

5) Complete the following :

Change the cross filter direction between AW_Returns and AW_Product_Lookup back to single (One-
Hide the ProductKey field in the AW_Returns table from report view (and any other foreign keys, if
Update the matrix to show ProductKey from the AW_Product_Lookup, rather than AW_Returns
Recommendation: Save a separate backup copy of the .pbix file (i.e.
DAX Calculations in Power BI
•DA– Data Analysis Expression is the formula language of Power BI.

•Using DAX we can add measures and calculated columns for additional analysis.

Calculated columns allows the report builder to add new formula based columns to the model.

Calculated columns give us values for each row and are visible to us in the data view of Power BI.

Calculated columns occupy the space in the model and thereby increasing the size of the file.

They are based on the row context, and not on the filter context. The are used for calculating values at row level (eg: if CP and SP is
given for each product, we can make a column for Profit.) But the calculated columns are not suitable for doing any aggregate calculations
like SUM, MIN, MAX, etc.

Generally we use calculated columns for Row Level Calculations.

Example- create a calcuated column in sales table:

1)Quantity_type = IF(Sales[OrderQuantity] > 1, “Multiple Items”, “Single”) (– Sales table )

2) Parent = IF(d_Customers[TotalChildren] = 0, "Not a Parent", "Is a Parent") - Customer table

3)Total Quantity = SUM(Sales[OrderQuantity] )

DAX Calculations in Power BI
Measures are DAX formulas used to generate new calculated values in the visualizations.
Unlike calculated columns, measure values aren’t visible in the table. They can only be seen in the
Measures are evaluated based on the Filter Context. That means that the measures recalculate
itself each time the field or the filter on the visualization changes.
Use measures instead of calculated columns when we want to do the aggregation.
Use measures to create numerical / calculated values that can be a visualized in the report.
Revenue can be calculated using the measure and also using the calculated columns.
DAX Calculations in Power BI

Calculated Columns Measures

● Values are calculated based on information from each ● Values are calculated based on the information in the
row of the table. It uses row context. filters in the report. It uses filter context.

● It gives same value to each row in the table and it is ● Does not create new data in the table and hence doesn’t
stored into the model. Thereby increasing the file size. increase the file size.

● They recalculate each time on data source refresh or ● Measures recalculate each time when the filters in the
when the changes are made to the columns used for reports changes.
creating those calculated columns.
● Almost always used in the values field of the visual.
● Often used as columns for slicers or the filters. Used as
dimensions to change the view of the report. ● Measures live in the visuals on the report.

● Calculated columns live in the table view

DAX Calculations in Power BI
Implicit Measures Explicit Measures

● Created automatically by PBI when we drag a ● Created by the report developer by actually entering
numerical column in the values pane of the visual and the DAX functions to define the calculated columns or
select the aggregation type (Min, Max, Average, Sum, the measures.
● They can be used anywhere in the report and
● They are only accessible only in the visual in which referenced in multiple visuals on the report and can be
they are created. They can’t be referenced anywhere used to create “measure-trees”.
else on the report
Example: Create measures:
1. Quantity Sold = SUM(Sales[OrderQuantity])

NOTE: Implicit Measures can not be used in creating Measure Trees – i.e. they can be used while creating other measures. On the other
hand the explicit measures can be used in creating the other measures as well.

EXAMPLE: Quantity Sold= SUM(Order Quantity)

Quantity Returned = SUM(return Quantity)

Net_Quantity_Sold = [Total_orders] – [Total_returns]

DAX Calculations in Power BI
Measures are evaluated based on the Filter Context, i.e. they recalculate each time the
fields in the columns pane of the visuals changes or the filters on the report are changed.
Create a matrix visual with Product name, total orders, return rate.
The measure gives us the values based on the rows in the matrix.
The totals are not calculated by summing the above values, but it evaluates based on it’s
own separate measure created automatically by Power BI ( advanced).

DAX Syntax
Measure_Name = Function_Name(Table_name[Column_name])
Function_Name can be SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, ….
Table_Name must be an existing column in the data model
Column_name must be the column from the table name mentioned above. It cannot be from any other
DAX Calculations in Power BI
Comparison Operators Logical Operators Concatenation Operator
Comparison Meaning Example Text operator Meaning Examples
Text Meaning Example
operator operator
&& (double ampersand) Creates an AND ([Region] = "France") &&
= Equal to [Region] = condition between two ([BikeBuyer] = "yes"))
"USA" expressions that each
have a Boolean result. If
both expressions return & Connects, or [Region] & ",
== Strict equal to [Region] == TRUE, the combination (ampersand) concatenate " & [City]
"USA" of the expressions also s, two
returns TRUE; otherwise
the combination returns
values to
> Greater than [Sales Date] > FALSE. produce one
"Jan 2009" continuous
text value
|| Creates an OR condition (([Region] = "France") ||
< Less than [Sales Date] < (double pipe symbol) between two logical ([BikeBuyer] = "yes"))
"Jan 1 2009" expressions. If either
expression returns
TRUE, the result is
TRUE; only when both
expressions are FALSE
>= Greater than or [Amount] >=
is the result FALSE.
equal to 20000

<= Less than or [Amount] <= IN Creates a logical OR 'Product'[Color] IN

equal to 100 condition between each { "Red", "Blue", "Black" }
row being compared to a
table. Note: the table
<> Not equal to [Region] <> constructor syntax uses
"USA" curly braces.
DAX Calculations in Power BI
Common Function Categories
Basic aggragation Functions for returning the Functions to calculate text Lookup functions based on Basic date and time
functions and iterators values based on a given strings or dates. related tables for dynamic functions for date related
evaluated at row level. condition calculations. calculations.
Commonly used: Commonly used: Commonly used:
SUM, IF, CONCATENATE, Commonly used: Commonly used:
Iterator Functions: VALUES, Time Intelligence
DAX Calculations in Power BI
Basic date and time functions demo:

DAY / MONTH / YEAR() : Returns day(1-31), month of the year(1-12), year of the given date
DAY (Date) / MONTH(Date) / YEAR(Date)

HOUR / MINUTE / SECOND() : Returns hour(0-23), minute(0-59)

HOUR(datetime)/ MINUTE(datetime) / SECOND(datetime)

EOMONTH(): Returns the last day of the month.

EOMONTH(StartDate, Months)

DATEDIFF(): Returns the difference between the 2 dates based on the given interval
DATEDIFF(Date1, Date2, Interval)

TODAY / NOW(): Returns the current date or the exact time.

WEEKDAY / WEEKNUM(): Returns the weekday 1(Sunday) to 7(Saturday) or the week of the year
WEEKDAY(Date, [Return Type])
DAX Calculations in Power BI
Examples :
Create calculated columns:

1. In the Calender table:

Day of week = WEEKDAY(date, 2) (:- 2 indicates week starting
2. In the customer table:
Birthyear = YEAR(customer[Birthday])
3. Current age = DATEDIFF(Customer[Birthdate], TODAY(), Year)
DAX Calculations in Power BI
Basic Logical functions demo:

IF() : Checks if the given condition is met and return one value if the condition is TRUE and another if the condition is
IF(Logical Condition, ResultIfTrue, ResultifFalse)

IFERROR() : Evaluates an expression and returns a specified value if the expression returns an error, otherwise the vale itself.
IFERROR(Value, ValueIfError)

AND(): Checks whether both the values are true and returns TRUE if both the arguments are TRUE else returns FALSE
AND(condition1, condition2)

OR(): Checks whether one of the argument is true and returns TRUE, else returns FALSE
OR(condition1, condition2)
DAX Calculations in Power BI
Examples :
Create calculated columns:

1. In the customers table:

Parents = IF(Customers[Children] > 0, “Yes”, “No”)
2. In the calendar table:
Weekend = IF(OR(calender[day of week] = 6, calender[day of week] = 7) , “Weekend”, “Weekday”)
Method 2
Weekend = IF(calender[day of week] = 6 || calender[day of week] = 7 , “Weekend”, “Weekday”)
DAX Calculations in Power BI
Basic TEXT functions demo:

LEN(): Returns number of characters in the string


CONCATENATE(): Joins 2 strings into one


LEFT / MID / RIGHT():Returns number of characters from the start, middle or the end of the string
LEFT / RIGHT(Text, [NumOfCharacters])
MID(Text, StartPosition, NumOfCharacters)

UPPER / LOWER / PROPER(): Converts a string into Upper / Lower / Proper case.

SUBSTITUTE(): Replaces the instance of the text with the new text in the string.
SUBSTITUTE(Text, OldText, NewText)

SEARCH(): Returns the position where a specified string of the character is found, reading left to right
SEARCH(FindText, WithinText)
DAX Calculations in Power BI
Examples :
Create calculated columns:

1. In the calender table:

Create the Quarter_Year column :
Quarter Num = QUARTER(Date)
Quarter_year = “Q” & Calender(Quarter Num) & “-” & Calender(Year)

2. In the calendar table:

Create a short name for month.
ShortMonth = LEFT(MonthName, 3)

To get the month names in the Upper case:

ShortMonth = UPPER( LEFT(MonthName, 3) )

3. In Customers table:
SUBSTITUTE eg = SUBSTITUTE(d_Customers[Domain Name],"-","_")

4. SEARCH eg = SEARCH( "@", d_Customers[EmailAddress] )

DAX Calculations in Power BI
It returns the related values in each rows of a table based on the relationships with the other tables.
It works exactly like VLOOKUP function in excel.
It requires row context so it’s mainly used in the calculated columns or in the iterator functions.

Avoid using the RELATED function to create redundant calculated columns unless absolutely needed, since they can increase
the file size. Instead use them in the iterator functions.

1. Pull the retail price form the product table in the sales table using the related function.
In the sales table add a calculated column
RetailPrice = RELATED(products[ProductPrice])
2. Revenue = Sales[ProductPrice] * Sales[Quantity]
DAX Calculations in Power BI
Basic Math and Stats Functions:

SUM() : Evaluates the sum of a column


AVERAGE(): Returns the average of all the numbers in that column


MAX() :Returns the largest value in that column


MIN() :Returns the smallest value in that column


DIVIDE() : Performs division and returns the alternate result (or blank) if div/0
=DIVIDE(Numerator, Denominator, [AlternateResult])
DAX Calculations in Power BI
Examples :
Create Measures:

1. Total order quantity = SUM(Sales[Order Quantity])

2. Total Return quantity = SUM(Returns[Retuen Quantity])
3. Total Revenue= SUM(Sales[Revenue])
(Revenue column is a calculated column created by 1 st pulling the Product Price column from the Products table using the
RELATED function. Then multiplying the order quantity column with the price column in the Sales table)
4. Return rate = DIVIDE([Total Return quantity ], [Total order quantity ], “No Sales”)
5. Average retail price = AVERAGE(Product[Product Price])

Create a matrix with Product categories, total order quantity, total return quantity, return rate and the average retail price.
Then add the product sub categories and the product name to understand the drill down buttons in the Power bi.
DAX Calculations in Power BI
Basic Math and Stats Functions:

COUNT(): Counts the number of cells in a column that contain numbers


COUNTA(): Counts the number of non-empty cells in a column (numerical and non-numerical)

DISTINCTCOUNT(): Counts the number of unique values in a column .


COUNTROWS(): Counts the number of rows in the specified table.


Number of returns = COUNTROWS(Returns)
Number of Orders = DISTINCTCOUNT(Sales[Order Number])

The number of order measure is different from the total order quantity measure as there are multiple items with the same order number. Explore
this more in the sales table by sorting the ordernumber in DESC
DAX Calculations in Power BI

Evaluates a given expression or formula based on set of defined filters.

=CALCULATE(Expression, [Filter1], [Filter2],…)

CALCULATE works just like SUMIF or COUNTIF or AVERAGEIF in Excel

1. Bulk orders = CALCULATE([Number of Orders],
f_Sales[OrderQuantity] > 1)

2. Bike returns = CALCULATE([total returns],

d_Product_Categories[CategoryName] == "Bikes")

3. Weekend Offers = CALCULATE([Number of Orders],

f_Sales[OrderQuantity] > 1)

CALCULATE changes the filter context on the visual based on the filters provided in the calculate formula.
CALCULATE modifies and overrules any other filter context.
DAX Calculations in Power BI

It returns the total of all the values in the column ignoring the any filter applied in the visual
=ALL(Table or ColumnName, [ColumnName1], [ColumnName2],…)

1. total orders_ALL = CALCULATE([total Orders],ALL(f_Sales))

2. % of all orders = DIVIDE([total Orders], [total orders_ALL],0)

3. Avg Prod Price = AVERAGE(d_Products[ProductPrice])

4. Overall Avg Prod Price = CALCULATE([Avg Prod Price],ALL(d_Products))

ALL removes any filter context that is applied to the visuals and returns the total of that column.
It is generally used in calculating the %of total values in a report.
DAX Calculations in Power BI

It returns the total of all the values in the column ignoring the any filter applied in the visual. But it accepts the filters from outside of the
= ALLSELECTED( [<tableName> | <columnName>[, <columnName>[, <columnName>[,…]]]] )

1. All Selected prod category revenue =

Here create a matrix with product color and the total revenue
measure. Take the measure created with all selected function in a
separate card. Take the categories in the slicer visual.

Here we can apply the if hasonevalue functions for naming the

card. Wrap selectedvalue function inside coalesce function and
see the changes.
DAX Calculations in Power BI

Returns a table that represents a subset of another table.

=ALL(Table or ColumnName, [ColumnName1], [ColumnName2],…)

Filter works as an iterator function such that it checks the entire table row by row and then creates a subset of the table based on the
condition on the given column name.

FILTER is not used by itself as creating the subset of the tables is not required more often. Hence it is generally used inside the
CALCULATE or SUMX functions

Create a calculated table.
1. red Products = FILTER( d_Products,d_Products[ProductColor] == "Red")
2. High end products = CALCULATE( [total Orders],FILTER(d_Products,
d_Products[ProductPrice] > [Overall Avg Prod Price]))
DAX Calculations in Power BI

These functions allow the user to loop through a particular calculation row by row and calculate the results.
=SUMX(Table, Expression)

Some commonly I terator functions are:



1. Revenue_Sumx = SUMX( f_Sales,

f_Sales[OrderQuantity] * RELATED(d_Products[ProductPrice]) )
DAX Calculations in Power BI

These functions allow the user tp calculate the common time comparisons.

Performance To-Date = CALCULATE(Measure, DATESYTD(Calendar[Date]))

Previous Period = CALCULATE(Measure, DATEADD(Calendar[Date], -1, MONTH))

Running Total = =CALCULATE(Measure, DATESINPERIOD(Calendar[Date], MAX(Calendar[Date]), -10, DAY))

To calculate Moving averages, use the running total calculation above and divide by the number of intervals.
DAX Calculations in Power BI

1. YTD_Revenue = CALCULATE([Revenue_Sumx],DATESYTD(d_Calendar[Date]))

2. Prev Month Revenue = CALCULATE([Revenue_Sumx],DATEADD(d_Calendar[Date],-


3. revenue target = [Prev Month Revenue] * 1.1

4. 10 day rolling total =

DAX Calculations in Power BI

Allows to access the fields within the DAX measures or calculated columns through either physical or virtual
relationships between the tables.


 Used to define columns or measures using fields from related tables.

 Used to handle relationships between calendars and multiple date fields (such as Order data, Stock Date, etc.) .
 Used to traverse an inactive relationship in the relational data model, or modifying the filter behaviour.

Physical relationships can be accessed using RELATED and USERELATIONSHIP functions.

DAX Calculations in Power BI

Used to access the data from tables which are not related directly but are related to each other via shared tables (Indirectly related tables).
= CROSSFILTER(Left Column , Right Column , Filter Direction)

We can see the Customers and the territories tables that are not directly connected to each other.
They are connected via Sales table.
If we want to know the average annual income of the customers according to country.

Create a matrix with country from the territories table and the Annual income from the customers
table. We see that all the values are same in all the rows.


Country wise cust avg income =


Instead of average we can also calculate the countrywise total income for the customers in the same way.

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