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Presented by: Group 2

200610830028 – Aracely Johana Banegas

201920010044 – Jayson Odair Bautista
202010050133 – Andrea Iveth Amaya Briones
202230110009 – Aldo Ely Maradiaga Reyes
Fashion: Definition and Summary
 If you look in a dictionary like the Duden, you'll find this or a similar
definition for fashion: "at a certain time, for a certain period of time,
preferred way, considered contemporary, of dressing, combing one's
hair, equipping oneself." What it really means is that fashion is a style
that a lot of people just like at any given time. So, if a lot of people are
wearing Nike sneakers this year, they're trendy this year. When you
follow fashion, you often have a sense of belonging.
 Another definition is that of "elegant garments made according to the
prevailing and most recent fashion", which then also goes more in the
direction of the fashion industry. This usually describes clothing
manufacturers in particular. Like many things in this world, fashion
didn't just exist yesterday and has a long history.
From Clothes to Fashion: A Summary
 Clothing itself is as old as mankind and was
originally meant to protect us from all kinds
of environmental influences. After the
development of social and cultural structures,
certain values became associated with
clothing. In the European Middle Ages, for
example, not too much skin should be
shown. From the 15th century onwards, a society
began to develop that wanted to express its
prestige through expensive garments, but also
followed certain trends of its time. First it was
the nobility that flaunted themselves and their
power. Later it was the rich, also called
bourgeois, who indulged in exclusive fashion,
such as haute couture.
History of the Fashion Industry
 Clothing dates back to the beginnings of
humanity. At first, it simply served to protect the
body. Thus, when animal skins and skins were
placed around the body, it was protected from the
cold and rain, but also from superficial wounds.

As humanity developed, culture also began to develop.

Religion and social status gained in importance. They also
expressed themselves through the material and pattern of
clothing. For example, rulers wore more elaborate skins. On
the other hand, spiritual people, like the early priests, wore
motifs on their clothing that indicated their function and
religious connection. They were often the same people, so
the leaders were also the highest person in the religion.
Clothing has benefits: Body protection
The first adornment on clothing indicates domination and religion.

 Industrialization: mass production and haute couture.

Industrialization from the 19th century onwards was a boon for the fashion industry
from an economic point of view. The first factories were established during this time.
This also led to the development of mass production and machines were able to produce
more and more in less time. With the previous colonization, new sources of raw
materials had been found. Thanks to their often inhumane exploitation and
industrialization, a prosperous society developed in Central Europe. The money earned
allowed him to afford this fashion.
Economic growth and the resulting wealth also gave rise to haute couture. The first fashion
shows were held in Paris to showcase these very special garments. Paris became the center
of European fashion. It was there that fashion really became an industry. Whereas in the
past only craftsmanship was mentioned in the production of garments, now the name of the
designer or fashion house also comes to the fore. As is the case with fashion brands today.
• Factories are built = more production
• New sources of raw materials thanks to colonization
• Affluent society had money
• Fashion became an industry thanks to haute couture
• The names of the designer/fashion house become important
From the 50s to the present: versatile, but short-lived

After World War II, fashion changed even

more. Whereas fashion used to be something
for wealthy citizens, now young people
wanted fashion that reflected their lives and
was affordable. This resulted in an explosion
of fashion genres and the fast fashion
industry. There had to be as many different Increasingly advanced technical development and
things as possible that were close to life and globalisation have favoured this development.
that the buyer could relate to. Fashion is a status symbol to express social
affiliation, incredibly diverse, and an integral part of
our lives. There are many important components to
fashion and here are four of them.
• After the Second World War: young people have more purchasing power and
ideas of their own
• More Fashion Types
• Rapidly evolving trends – something new is always needed
• Made possible by mass production
• Identification and reference to everyday life are important

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