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Input – Output and Operators
Masoud H. Mahundi
+255 713832252
Input / Output
 These are C Language functionalities

 The program, uses the operating system to communicates with the I/O devices and external

 The use of these functions requires to include the stdio.h file

 Common input is through the keyboard and output is through the console, the monitor.
 Could also be an external file – to file or from file

 Through these functions we read from the user deliver the message to the user.

 Basic of these functions are the printf() and scanf()

 printf() for output and scanf() for input

The printf() function
format Description
 Comes from print formatted
%d print an int argument in decimal
 Generates output under the control %ld print a long int argument in decimal

of some format string %c print a character

%s print a string
 Prints on to the monitor not any %f print a float or double argument
other destination %e same as %f, but use exponential notation
%g use %e or %f, whichever is better
 It has two arguments as shown
%o print an int argument in octal (base 8)
printf (“format string”, variable list);
%x print an int argument in hexadecimal (base 16)

 Wherever there is a % the computer %% print a single %

goes out of the quote marks

The printf() function
 Example printing statements
1. printf("Hello, world!\n");
This one prints a constant string Hello, world

2. printf("i is %d\n", i);

it replaced the character %d with the value of the variable i.

3. printf(“%f”, salary);
it replaced the character %f with the value of the value in the variable salary.

4. printf(“%0.3f”, salary);
it replaced the character %f with the value of the value in the variable salary but puts it to three (3) decimal places.

5. printf(“%e”, salary);
it replaced the character %f with the value of the value in the variable salary but in exponential form.
The printf() function
 The printf() function uses its first argument

 To determine the number of arguments that will follow and their data types

1. #include<stdio.h>
2. main(){
3. int age;
4. age=45;
5. float midsalary = 10000;
6. char username[15] = “Makazi Dodoma";
7. printf("\n");
8. printf("*********TRYING THE C OUTPUT*********\n");
9. printf("Mr %s of age %d is paid %f\n",username, age, midsalary);
10. }
The scanf() function
 Similar to the printf()

 Allows the program to accept input from the keyboard

 Uses the same format strings as printf()

 In this case the program instructs what data is expected in a particular field

 The data type of the declared variable

 Uses the unary address operator ampersand (&).

 It also has two arguments as shown

scanf(“format string”, arguments list);

 arguments list is the list which has already been declared

scanf("%d", &b);// it means b is the variable which was declared above

The scanf() function
1. #include<stdio.h>
2. main()
3. {
4. int age;
5. char lname[15];
6. printf("Your Name: ");//prints to the monitor - output
7. scanf("%s",lname); //takes in from the keyboard - input
8. printf("Your Age: ");
9. scanf("%d",&age);
10. printf("\n\n");
11. printf("Your Name is %s and you are %d years old\n", lname, age);
12. }
 Wake Up

 Given the code fragment main()
float a = 1.618;
float b = 57000;

 What will be the output in the following lines

1. printf("%f",a);

2. printf("%0.1f",a);

3. printf("%0.2f",a);

4. printf("%e %e",a,b);
 Wake Up
 Write a small program that

1. Through a console (screen), prompt the user on to enter

their age

2. Accept their ages as will be entered through the keyboard

3. Print on the screen their age like;

Thank you, you are 24 years old
 symbols used for computations and manipulation of data

 it is the operators which make the data processing possible

 There are six basic categories of operators in programming

1. Arithmetic operators,
2. Relational operators,
3. Logical operators,
4. Increment and decrement operators
5. Conditional or ternary operators
6. Assignment Operators
7. Others
Arithmetic Operators
Operator Description
+ Addition e.g. result = var1 + var2;
Used to subtract number
Also used to negate numbers
* Multiplication e.g. result = var1 * var2;
/ Division e.g. result = var1 / var2
 When applied to integers, the division operator / discards any remainder, so 1 / 2 is 0 and 7 / 4 is 1.
 When either operand is a floating-point quantity (type float or double), the division operator yields a floating-
point result, with a potentially nonzero fractional part. So 1 / 2.0 is 0.5, and 7.0 / 4.0 is 1.75
% Modulus (remainder)
Gives the remainder when two integers are divided
Can only be applied to integers
E.g. 5 % 2 = 1
Arithmetic Operators

1. #include<stdio.h>
2. main()
3. {
4. int age, byear;
5. printf("YEAR OF BIRTH\t");
6. scanf("%d",&byear);
7. age = 2023-byear;
8. printf("YOU ARE %d YEARS OLD\n",age);
9. }
Relational Operators
 Sometimes are referred to as comparison operator

 Meant for comparison between operands

 They are often used in the situations where we need to do some decisions

 The results of the relational operators are always TRUE or FALSE

Operator Description
< Is less than

<= Is less than or equal

> Is greater than

>= Is greater than or equal

== Is equal to

!= Is not equal to
Logical Operators
 Often thought of as secondary operators as they are often used in conjunction with other operators

 They combine two or more relational operations

 Operate in the same mathematical logics – as in logical AND, logical OR

 The results of the logical operators are always TRUE or FALSE

Operator Description
&& Logical AND: only TRUE AND TRUE results to TRUE, any other combination – FALSE

|| Logical OR: only FALSE OR FALSE results to FALSE, any other combination – TRUE

! Logical NOT: Negate every relation

Increment and Decrement
 These are unary operators, as they work on one operand only

 They work in two ways; prefix and postfix

1. int var1 = 9;
Operand Description 2. int var2 = ++var1;
In this case the value of var1
Z = ++ X Increment X first and then assign the result to Z
and var2 are both 10
Z = X ++ Assign X to Z first then increment X

3. int var1 = 9;
Z = --X Decrement X first and then assign the result to Z
4. int var2 = var1++;
Z = X-- Assign X to Z first and then Decrement X In this case the value of var1 is
10 While var2 is 9

 x++ and ++x have the same meaning when they each stand alone
Ternary Operators
 Combining some symbols to test if a certain condition is met

 It has three parts,

 The condition -- Instruction when the condition is TRUE -- Instruction when the condition is FALSE.

 <<condition>> ? <<expression when TRUE>> : <<expression when FALSE>>;

1. #include<stdio.h>
2. main() {
3. int grage, brage;
4. printf("BRIDE'S AGE\t");
5. scanf("%d",&brage);
6. printf("GROOM'S AGE\t");
7. scanf("%d",&grage);
8. (grage>=brage)?printf("NORMAL COMBINATION\n"):printf("NOT COMMON IN AFRICA\n");
9. }
Wake Up

 Write a program that

1. prompt a user for scores for test 1

2. Accept the scores through the keyboard

3. prompt a user for scores for test 1

4. Accept the scores through the keyboard

5. Compute the students course work

6. Tell the student something like

Your coursework is: 35

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