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Main departments of a newspaper organization

The content of the newspaper can be very broadly categorized
• Editorial as news and news related on the one hand and the commercial
one on the other. The editor and his team prepare the news
The Content -Headlines, News stories, features, interviews,
edit page articles, advertisements readers' letters to the editor
are arranged in their order of the importance.
It's the Editorial Department that is responsible for the
gathering and processing of news. It is also responsible for the
design and layout of the newspaper. It's the Department that
turns the name of the paper into a well- known brand, which
goes a long way in increasing the circulation and readership of a
• Commercial [Advertising, marketing]
Advertising and marketing departments look after the advertising- small and big
and the other related areas. An equally important Department is the
Advertising/Response, which woos advertisers to buy space on different pages of
the newspaper. Space-selling is an art in itself; advertising rates depend on
circulation and readership but also on the brand value of the paper. English dailies
have much higher advertising rates, for instance, than Hindi or Marathi papers.
• Management – Policy making,Accounts and Administration
Top management frames the overall policy of the newspaper, which the editorial team
has to follow.
• Technical
The Printing or Production Department sees to it that the required copies of the paper are
printed in time.
• Distribution
The distribution department ensures the timely delivery to the main distributors, who
will on their part ensure the retail delivery through the vendors and news agents in every
nook and cranny of the city and its outlying mofussil and rural areas. The Circulation and
Marketing Department assists in this massive exercise every morning.
• Compositor (typesetting), a person or machine which arranged movable type
for printing. Paige Compositor, a device developed to replace manual compositors,
which was a commercial failure. In the jargon of the profession, the 'subs edit copy'
before it is sent down to the compositor in the printing department. Desktop
publishing (DTP) has eliminated the roles of the compositor and the layout artist, and
has simplified the production process considerably.

• Layout designers are graphic designers or artists who work with text and images on
printed pages or screens, ensuring that these elements are balanced and
readable. ... Layout designers can work in various fields, including advertising,
marketing, and publishing.
• A reporter is the gatherer of news, and as such performs an important function in a
newspaper establishment. As he has to gather news, he is required to be on the move
most of the time usually within the area allotted to him.

• He has to interview persons and attend public functions and meetings, press
conferences and law courts to investigate events of public interest, to collect news and
to ascertain news on contemporary events.

• The nature of the job being such, an ‘up-and -doing” type of person proves successful
in this line. Naturally, persons who prefer fixed working hours and regular routine in
daily life are unsuitable for this job.
• An ideal news editor manages to get all the obvious stories into his paper with a good
proportion of them as exclusives. While the selection of obvious stories is impor­tant,
greater importance is attached to the original ones produced by his team of
• The news editor is called upon to use his discretion, discrimination and imagination in
reading the public mind and select the stories which have real news value and can be
called important by his readers-quite a large number to be allotted a “splash” position on
the main news pages according to the subject matter 01 field of activity they are
concerned with.
• An intelligent news editor has to make a judicious follow-up of a seemingly promising
paragraph or sometimes even make further enquiry before finalizing the story and give it
the perfect shape he wants.
• A Sub-Editor is a presenter of news and reports. He has a lawyer’s analytical approach and quick-
mindedness which enable him to understand a story quickly and come to the core of the matter.
• He has to give suitable head-lines and where necessary, revise and condense the material to suit
the available space. This is rather a difficult task which requires skill, flair for writing and mastery
over the language. More often than not, a sub-editor has to deal with the reports of different
• He has to glean important points from the mass of material sent by the news reporters and
condense them, giving a shape in a logical and interesting way.
• It is the task of the sub-editor to decide as to what is going in for tomorrow’s newspaper and in
what form. In fact, the sub-editor with a wide experience in his work is the most suitable person to
become the editor in due course of time.
• Photojournalists create pictures that contribute to the news media, and
help communities connect with one other.
• Photojournalists must be well informed and knowledgeable about events
happening right outside their door. They deliver news in a creative format
that is not only informative, but also entertaining.
• Photojournalists work independently or with news and television
networks to tell us stories through their photographs. The job of
a photojournalist is to tell the world the true stories with the help of a
Headlines are usually of 4-5 words. It tries to attract interest of the reader’s by telling them what the story
is about in short and interesting ways. The headline is the gist of the whole news, which helps the reader to
identify the nature of the story, so that they don’t have to go through the whole story to understand what it
is about ?

Tips for writing Headline :

• Be accurate
• Keep it short
• Fill the space
• Be direct
• Write in present tens
• Make your headline appropriate to the story
The inverted pyramid is a metaphor used by journalists and other writers to illustrate
how information should be prioritized and structured in a text . It is a common method for
writing news stories and has adaptability to other kinds of texts, such as blogs and editorial
columns. It is a way to communicate the basics about a news report in the initial sentences.
It is widely taught to mass communication and journalism students, and is systematically
used in Anglophone media.

The inverted or upside-down pyramid can be thought of as a triangle pointing down. The
widest part at the top represents the most substantial, interesting, and important
information that the writer means to convey, illustrating that this kind of material should
head the article, while the tapering lower portion illustrates that other material should
follow in order of diminishing importance.
An interview is a conversation where questions are asked and answers are given.
Interview refers to one-to-one conversation with one person acting in the role of
interviewer and the in the role of interviewee. The interviewer ask questions and
interviewee responds.

• Interviews usually take place face to face and in person.

• Interviews almost always involve spoken conversation between two or more parties.
• Interview may be conversational, but they are not casual conversations.
• Detecting or exposing crime or a serious misdemeanour.
• Protecting public health and safety.
• Preventing the public from being mislead by some statement or
action of an individual or organization.
• News strive to keep the public’s trust.
• Reporters should not convey their opinion to the public .
• News objective may refer to fairness, factuality.

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