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Online Access

Computer Security
BY: Kanishka and Laksh​


Threats to Computer Security

Computer Viruses

Damage Caused by Viruses


Presentation title 2
We live in a world at a time which is often called information age
where information is freely available from any part of the world.
Unfortunately, this also has resulted in increase security concern.
Today we will talk about the threats that are associated with online
access and the measures to prevent and counter them, if they ever

Presentation title 3
Threats to Computer Security
• A Threat is a potential violation of security. When a threat is actually
executed, it becomes an attack.
• those who executes such actions, or cause them to be executed are
called attackers.
• Some common threats the average user faces everyday are:
1. Viruses: Worms or Trojan
2. Spyware
3. Adware
4. Spamming
5. PC Intrusion: Denial of Service, Sweeping and Password
6. Phishing

Computer Viruses
• No one enjoys being sick. When you’re suffering from a cold,
there’s no way you can operate at 100%.
• It might sound silly, but your computer can catch a cold just like
you. OK, maybe not exactly like you—you won’t give your
computer a virus by sneezing on your keyboard, but there are
• Computer viruses are malicious codes/programs that cause
damage to data and files on a system.
• Viruses can attack any part of a computer’s software such as
boot block, operating system, system areas, files and
applicable-program-macros etc.

Presentation title 7
A worm is a self replicating

program which eats up the entire
disk space or memory. A worm
keeps on creating its copies until all
the disk space and memory is filled.

A worm often uses the victim

organization's internet or a local
area network (LAN) connection to
spread itself.
Presentation title 8
Trojan Horses
A Trojan Horse is a program that

appears harmless (such as text
editor or a utility program) but
actually performs malicious
functions such as deleting or
damaging files.

Presentation title 9
Damage Caused by Viruses
• Damage or delete files: some viruses may damage or delete
random documents or specific files that are crucial to your
operating system. This damage can range from rendering
useless just a few files to affecting your entire computer,
possibly requiring you to reinstall you operating system and
start from scratch.
• Slow down your computer: viruses can run in the background,
without being seen, and may cause your computer to run
extremely slow.
• Invade your email program: some forms of viruses may wreak
even more havoc by spreading themselves to the contacts in
your address book.
Presentation title 11
• Spyware is a software which is installed on your computer to
spy on your activities and report this data to people willing
to pay for it. It tracks the user’s behavior and reports
information back to central house. These are used to spy one
either for legal or illegal purposes.
• Spyware mostly get installed on your PC without your consent.
Typically, spyware finds its way onto PC’s by “piggybacking”
onto a file, or gets downloaded from the internet when you visit
a particular website. Pests such as spyware can often lurk
silently on your computer, until someone or something sets
them off, or they are found and properly removed.

Presentation title 13
Damage Caused by Spyware
Compromise your data, computing
habits, and identify: Slows Down Your PC:
Alters PC Setting:
• Spyware can monitor • Spyware can rob your
• Some forms of
information about your PC or system speed
spyware can alter and internet access
computing habits, such as
computer setting like efficiency. This can
websites you visit, record
your web browser become a big problem
the keystrokes which in the
home page setting or when you are trying to
end can lead to identify
the placement of use the program on
theft. Spyware can record
icons. This don’t do you PC, watch videos,
the keystrokes that you use
much harm to your PC or download large
while keying in a credit
but it’s really files.
card number and send this
number to a “cyberthief”
Presentation title 14

BY: Kanishka and Laksh


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