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Project Management

Lack of cross-team workload visibility

Lack of clear direction within teams

Current Issues Time wasted for coordination meetings

No clear prioritization of tasks

Tasks encompass a wide variety of subtasks, too wide to

properly manage
Proposed Kanban Agile
What is Kanban?
If you’ve used Trello,
you’ve indirectly used
• Represent Stages of development
• Proposed: Backlog, InDev, Integrating, Testing,
Deployed, Debug
• Cards are placed top-down in terms of priority (Tasks
further up have higher priority)
Key Kanban
• Represent Action items
• Typically, not more than 1-2 days workload per person
per card
• Cards are moved across columns as development
• Once a card reaches final stages of development, a
new card is pulled from the Backlog column
Operational Definitions
Term Meaning
Backlog Tasks scheduled to be completed within the current workweek
In Development Tasks currently in active development (includes Development, RnD,
Internal Testing)
Integration Tasks currently integrated with other teams / services (UI waiting for
FrontEnd implementation, BE waiting for FrontEnd consumption, etc).
Typically means code is on Staging servers
Testing Tasks currently being tested and validated for bugs and completeness
according to Requirement spec
Deployment Tasks currently mature and ready for deployment onto Production
Demonstration of Steps
In Development Integration Testing Deployment
Doing Debug Done Doing Waiting Done Doing Done Doing Done



Start of workweek (Monday)
◦ Team leads gather to discuss what new items to be placed into
Backlog (similar to Sprint)
◦ Try to limit total backlog tasks to 1 week’s worth of work
Kanban Start of each day
LifeCycle ◦ Team members check and update task status accordingly

End of workweek
◦ Team meets and discuss any leftover issues not completed.
◦ Move all completed tasks into graveyard
Question Time

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