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Have you ever wondered how to create a travel
bucket list? Most people think of a bucket list as a
collection of things to accomplish before you die,
but this couldn't be further from the truth!

Right now, you can create as many bucket lists as you want. In
fact, creating a travel bucket list is a fun way to stay motivated to
pursue your dreams, especially if traveling is something you
want to do.

Put these easy tips for creating your travel bucket

list into practice, and you'll be asking all the right
questions to compile a practical yet inspiring list
you can't wait to complete
What kind of adventures do you like?
Take a look at the places you've visited in the past and consider what kind of places you'd like to
go to next. Do you enjoy hiking in the alpine mountains? Trekking through a tropical jungle?
Relaxing on a quiet sandy beach? The destinations you want to visit revolve around the
adventures you want to experience
What's your reason to go somewhere?
This goes hand in hand with the previous point. Why do you want to visit the places on your list? Is there a certain
food or experience you want to try? Do you want to volunteer? Are you trying to learn more about a hobby, or do
you want to try something completely new? Thinking about your purpose in going to a destination may provide
inspiration for more places to visit and things to do. For example, if you want to learn how to learn to scuba dive,
you may consider visiting Vietnam, Thailand or Indonesia.
Where can you find inspiration?
If you're looking for once-in-a-lifetime places and activities
to add to your bucket list, the resources available are
limitless. The internet is full of ideas if you know the right
places to look. Great places to find bucket list inspiration

 "Best of" Lists - Travel bloggers and tourism boards are

always creating lists and articles full of the best of
whatever you're looking for. These "best of" lists can
be broad like "The Best Beaches in the World" or ultra
specific like "The Best Underground Restaurants in
New York City". Find a list of places or activities you're
interested in and add your favorite items to your bucket
 Social Media - In recent years, this has become one of the
best travel inspiration sources. Check out gorgeous travel
images on Instagram, watch scenic videos on Tiktok and
YouTube, or research new and beautiful places on Pinterest.
These are only a few of the many social media platforms
that have high quality, inspiring travel content.
 Ask Your Friends - Speaking of social media, use Facebook
to ask your friends for recommendations of places to go
and things to do. Or, if you know a friend who has traveled a
lot, ask which places have been their favorite. If your friends
know you well, they can make recommendations based on
what they know you'll like or dislike.
 Learn from the Experts - Read travel blogs and travel
magazines for helpful articles on places to visit, not to
mention beautiful travel photos to inspire you. Movies and
books set in foreign locations are also a good place to start.
Creating Your Travel Bucket List
Once you've finished brainstorming ideas, it's time to
create your list. You'll need to decide what type of
travel bucket list you want to make. Here are some
 List for the year - It's common to make a bucket list
for the new year the same way you make new
year's resolutions. But you don't have to wait for
1st January to start a bucket list! Make a list to
complete in the next 365 days, or even for a
certain month if you're feeling ambitious.
List for your 20's, 30's, etc. - It's a great idea to create a
list of all the places you want to travel before you turn
25, 30, or whatever age you're turning next. You can
make one for each year of your life, or just before the
"big numbers" like 30 or 40. See my example
Before 30 Bucket List
 List for different seasons - Make a bucket list for
each season or for your favorite season of the
year. For example, when you're looking up "Best
of" lists, find one for best summer destinations in
the USA or best winter activities in Canada.
 List for a certain destination - You could make a
bucket list for places to travel all over the world, or
you could narrow it down to destinations you want
to visit in a certain region, country, state, or even
city. So, a bucket list could be for Europe, Italy,
Tuscany, or Florence.
 List of places in a certain category: Once you've
figured out what kind of adventures you like, make
a bucket list for one of the categories you're
interested in. For example, make a list of the best
hikes in national parks, or perhaps make a bucket
list for visiting all 50 states in the USA.
How should you organize your bucket list
When choosing destinations and activities, it's
important to prioritize and organize destinations
based on both your desire and realistic ability to go.
You should dream big for your bucket list, but the
reality is that some places will require you to save up
a little more money.

Does that mean you should leave out the more

expensive activities and destinations? Absolutely

Find clever ways you can save money and draft a

timeline of how long you think it will take you to save
enough funds. Then, you can work on the easier
items on your travel bucket list while saving up for
the harder ones.
So how do you actually create your bucket list?
When you are ready to physically create your travel bucket list, think
about how you want to keep track of it. Most people would just grab a
piece of paper and start writing things down, but a scrap of paper is easy
to lose or forget about.
There are so many creative ways to keep a bucket list, but here are a few
of my favorites:
 Paper List - The tried and true way of making a list: write it on paper.
But like I said, a random piece of paper is easy to lose. Write it down
on a nice list or printable to hang on your bulletin board, stick on your
fridge, or keep securely with your travel documents.
 Maps - There are many different kinds of special maps for sale on the
internet that will help you track your travels. Whether it's using push-
pins, scratching off destinations, or pasting a photo from each country
onto the map, there's never been a prettier way to display your
bucket list.
 Journal - If you're passionate about travel, consider keeping a travel
journal. Not only is this a way to remember details of your travels, it's
the perfect place to keep your detailed plans for future trips and, of
course, your bucket list.
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Are you ready to start checking off items on your bucket list? There's no time like the present. Keep these tips handy while you create your
ultimate travel bucket list. Now go book that flight, take that trip, and start living your dreams!

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