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Harmony Haven

Nurturing Minds, Fostering Resilience in the Modern Age

Name Roll number Section
Nallavelli Gowthami 22R11A0530 CSE-A
R. Sai Monisha 22R11A0579 CSE-B
N.Akshitha 22R11A05C6 CSE-C
Pradhan Sunil 22R11A05H2 CSE-D
Paritala Laxmi Yashaswi 22R11A05M7 CSE-E
Problem Statement
 Mental health is described as a state of well-
being where a person is able to cope with the
normal stresses of life.
 As mental health struggles increase due to
societal pressures, technological
advancements, and fast-paced lifestyles, there
is an urgent need to tackle the problem head-
• 1 in every 8 people in the world live with a mental disorder

• It is estimated that more than 75% of people experiencing mental disorders in

low- and middle-income countries receive no treatment.

• 800 000 persons approximately die from suicide globally each year (one
death every 40 seconds).

Source link: Mental health (

Source link: Mental disorders (
 Users
 Local mental health clinics, private therapists, counseling centers.
 Local community organizations, online forums, and nonprofit mental health
 Content creators
 App developers
 AI developers
 Data Security Experts
Present Scenario
 Traditional Therapy and Counseling
 Pharmaceutical Interventions
 Online Mental Health Platforms: BetterHelp, Talkspace, 7 Cups, and other
teletherapy platforms.
 Mobile Apps for Mental Well-being: Headspace, Calm, MoodMission, and other
mental health apps.
 Community Support Groups
 Corporate Mental Health Programs
 Self-Help Books and Resources
Proposed Solution:
Online Therapist Support, Peer Support
Engaging Activities, Educational Resources
AI Chatbot, Medication and Activity Alerts,
Feedback Mechanism
Uniqueness of our solution
 Holistic support
 Accessibility
 Immediate assistance
 Alerts regarding
recommended medication
or activities

Technology Details
 Backend Development: Crucial for features like chat and notifications.
 Database: Crucial for managing user profiles, therapy records, and engagement
 Real-Time Communication: Vital for instant messaging and timely alerts.
 AI Chatbot: Natural Language Processing (NLP) enhances the chatbot's ability to
understand and respond naturally to user queries, improving user interaction.
 Security: Encryption algorithms safeguard sensitive user information.
 Frontend Development: Ensuring a smooth and interactive user experience.

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