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Understanding Autism and

Related Diseases
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and related conditions impact the lives of
millions of children worldwide.
Challenges in Early

1 Varying Symptoms
Symptoms can manifest differently, making
early detection challenging.

2 Lack of Awareness
Misunderstanding of symptoms hampers
early identification efforts.

3 Limited Screening
Access to screenings and resources is
restricted in many areas.
Global Prevalence

1 in 59 400K+
Current Data Increasing Cases
An estimated 1 in 59 children globally are diagnosed Over 400,000 children are diagnosed with ASD annually.
with autism.
Common Symptoms and Challenges
Sensory Sensitivities Social Difficulties Rigidity in Behavior

Children may face heightened Challenges in social interaction A preference for routines and
sensitivities to sensory input. and communication are common. resistance to change are often
Examples: loud noises, bright
lights, and certain textures. Difficulty in understanding non- Repetitive behaviors or narrowly
verbal cues is a key challenge. focused interests may also occur.
Impact on Families and Caregivers
Emotional Stress
The daily challenges can lead to emotional strain on families.

Financial Burden
Costs related to therapy, support, and healthcare can be significant.

Invaluable Connections
Families find strength and build supportive networks within the community.
Technological Solutions
1 Advancements in 2 Personalized 3 Accessible Tools
ML/DL Interventions
Apps and devices provide
Machine learning and deep Technology enables tailored assistance in communication
learning hold promise for treatment approaches for and learning.
early detection. each child.
Deep Learning
1 Early Identification
AI aims to detect symptoms in children aged 6
to 24 months.

2 Promising Outcomes
Initial trials show encouraging results for early

3 Long-term Impact
Early intervention could lead to improved
developmental outcomes.
Autism Awareness Initiatives

Community Advocacy Groups Educational Research

Support Campaigns Endeavors
Organizations around the
Various organizations world work to advocate Efforts to promote Global research is
aim to provide for those with ASD. understanding and focused on understanding
community assistance acceptance of autism are and addressing ASD.
and resources. widespread.
Call to Action
Education and Awareness Funding and Research
Encouraging understanding and support Supporting research initiatives and providing
within communities and schools. financial aid to families.

Empathy and Inclusion

Promoting acceptance and empathy towards individuals with ASD.

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