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Products that involve engineering range from small devices and
electronic equipment to large buildings, roads, and bridges.

Engineering design is an creative process that turns abstract ideas

into real products or systems that meet human needs.
Engineering design always starts with a problem –a mountain

that blocks the path of a road, a medicine that needs to be

administered in certain way, or a phone that needs to be made

First step is to identify, define, and understand the problem. This is

often done by sales and marketing people working with engineers to

develop products that meet customer requirements.

A specification is established from which engineers can gather

information and begin to generate solutions. Engineers often

communicate by sketching and drawing.

It is a useful engineering skill to be able to visualize three

dimensions on two dimensional paper.

Before the introduction of computers, design solutions were

developed and communicated using drawings and mathematical

models followed by the manufacture of three-dimensional models

in wood and plastic, after which working prototypes could be


CAD is an important industrial art extensively used in many

applications, including : automotive, shipbuilding, aerospace
industry, land architecture design, prosthetic, and many more.

CAD is also widely used to produce computer animation for

special effects in movies, advertising, and technical manual.
CAD use in our activities :

1. Special effects in movies

2. Dentistry , etc.
in the other hand, CAD is what you’re able to do is to basically use

lines different circles and you build like the likeness of a product

and you can make it three-dimensional you can look it from all

different angles.

It’s basically you’ve got a picture of that model that you can look at

in any direction.
Computer- aided design has (accelerated the design process by
improving visualization, introducing design data such as standard
part sizes directly into the model, and by developing, reviewing, and
improving the design model in the computer before starting
expensive and time-consuming prototype manufacture.

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