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Work and Relaxation in Ancient Greece

An exploration of how people in Ancient Greece worked and played.

Introduction to Ancient Greece

• Ancient Greece was a civilization that existed over 2,000 years ago.

• The Ancient Greeks made important contributions to art, science, and


• They lived in city-states, with each city having its own government and
way of life.
•There were many .
Types of Jobs • Some people were farmers and grew crops like wheat and olives.

in Ancient • Weaving, making cloth, and textiles.

• Others were potters and made beautiful pottery.

Greece • Some people were soldiers and protected their city-states.

Would You Rather: Farmer
or Pottery Maker?
Work Time vs.
Leisure Time in
Ancient Greece
• In Ancient Greece, people
worked hard during the day.
• They had to farm, make
pottery, or do other jobs to
support themselves.
• But they also had time for fun
and relaxation in the evenings
and on holidays.
Fun Facts
Cheesecake was invented in Ancient Greece!

• Ancient Greek cheesecakes were made from flour, wheat, honey and of

course cheese! These cheesy delicacies were used in wedding traditions and

were even given to competitors in the Olympics for energy.

True or False
•Ancient Greeks invented the Olympics.
Cultural Achievements of
Ancient Greece
• Ancient Greece was known for its cultural
• They made great advancements in philosophy,
sculpture, and mathematics.
• They also enjoyed sports and invented the Olympic
Multiple Choice
Question: Cultural
•Which of the following is not a
cultural achievement of Ancient
• a) Philosophy
• b) Sculpture
• c) Mathematics
• d) Soccer
The correct answer:

d) Soccer.

Soccer is not a
achievement of
Ancient Greece.
Soccer as we know
it today did not exist
in Ancient Greece.
Comparing Work and Relaxation

Let's compare work

and relaxation in
Ancient Greece
with modern times.
Extra Activity, Poll:
Working vs. Relaxing

Which activity do
you think is more
popular in modern
times working or

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