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By: Shel Silverstein

The Giving Tree
The story begins with a boy playing and laughing with the
tree, who is always there to provide shade and comfort.
As the boy grows older, he begins to have different needs
and desires. He asks the tree for apples to sell, and the
tree willingly gives them. Later, he asks for branches to
build a house, and the tree gladly provides them. The boy
continues to return to the tree throughout his life, each
time requesting something from it.
The Giving Tree
The tree is left as a mere stump, but it is content knowing
that it has made the boy happy.
In the end, the boy returns to the tree as an elderly man,
seeking a place to rest. The tree, with nothing left to give,
offers its stump as a seat.
The Giving Tree
Is a story about the enduring friendship between a young
boy and a selfless apple tree. However, the boy realizes
the extent of the tree's love and sacrifice, expresses
gratitude for the tree's unwavering friendship.
The Giving Tree
"The Giving Tree" is a bittersweet story that highlights the
power of unconditional love and selflessness.

It serves as a reminder to appreciate the connections we

have in our lives and the importance of giving and
receiving with gratitude and kindness.

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