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Dosen Pengampuh : Ns. Verra Karame, S.Kep.,
Cindy A. Silvana
Kahidopang Batubuaya
01. (2114201020) 04. (2114201018)

Cleonira Palandi
(2114201030) Mercindah Tuerah
02. 05. (2114201034)
Susana S. Uwaubun Clarisa
(2114201014) Manampiring
03. 06. (2114201009)
Gabriel M. Rondonuwu

08 Afiska liwan
Good mental health is an integral part of human health and well-
being. Many common mental disorders are formed by the social and
economic environment. and physical. The most common risk factor
for mental disorders is social inequality. One of the schizophrenia
disorders is delusions. Thought process disorders: Delusions are false
beliefs that are persistently held even though they are not believed by
others and are contrary to normal reality. Delusions are client beliefs
that are not in accordance with reality that are maintained and cannot
be changed logistically by other people. These beliefs originate from
the client's thoughts that have lost control.
Qualitative research is a type of scientific research that focuses on
in-depth understanding of certain phenomena, concepts, or
contexts. This research aims to explain and understand the meaning
and complexity of a phenomenon in its natural context. In contrast
to quantitative research which relies on numerical data, qualitative
research uses data in the form of text, interviews, observations, or
visual material. Some common methods in qualitative research
include in-depth interviews, participant observation, content
analysis, and narrative analysis. Qualitative research is often used
in social sciences, anthropology. psychology, and other fields in
which researchers wish to gain deep insight into the experiences,
values, beliefs, and cultural context of research subjects.
The research carried out in this case used a case
study design. The case study was conducted at
RSJ Proা Dr. Serj Magelang in the Drupada
Room to Mr. S with the problem of delusional
thought process disorders and was carried out on
20-24 December 2022. The research method
carried out in this scientific paper used
interviews, observations and documentation
studies. In collecting data, the researcher chose 1
patient diagnosed with schizophrenia who had
delusional disorders, after that the patient
collected the data through the patient's medical
record which had previously obtained
After disbursement of posten Medical
permission from RSJ Prat. Dr. Swereje
Records. The researcher conducted an
assessment of the patient's mental
health care using interviews and
observational studies to collect primary
data. In Impianentosi vientost reality
therapy (TOR) is carried out in 3 stages
of the first sext activity: wrong
orientation, sest to place orientation:
betigo art: vrientast time
Projective Sub
the patient said he was a person who had
magical knowledge, the patient said he had
a magical keto like the Kaaba and was
filled with money and had meters and
furniture, the patient said he was fasting
Destination data
David, fasting Monday-Thursday for 4 full The patient's appearance looks clean, hair and
years, the patient said he was confident he nails are short and clean, and he can take care
could behave like the Prophet Muhammad, of himself. and doesn't want to budge, looks
PBUH. hyperactive. The patient's face looks happy and
excessively happy, the patient's affect is
unstable and he says he can't control the engine
yet, the engine changes quickly.
Results obtained based on data collection meetings:
Interviewers Things asked during the interview
include: patient identity, identity of the person in
charge, reason for entry. predispvelsi factors,
prastpitssi factors, perceptions and expectations of
patients and families, grams and decision making
strategies. self-concept, serial relationships, cultural
issues, mental status. as well as puck mechanisms

Observation The data that the

researcher wants to observe include
Documentary studies, detailed studies
physical examination, physical
are carried out from knowledge,
activity, conversation, speech,
intervention diagnosis, imagination,
interaction during interviews,
and personal evolution.
behavior, level of consciousness, and
state of mind. assessment of abilities,
and needs until home
"Based on a case study conducted from 20
to 24 December 2022 on Mr. S with
thought process disorders: delusions, the
results of the implementation of reality-
oriented therapy (TOR) showed that the
client was able to concentrate in reality
and was able to control delusions."
1 John 4:19 "We Love, Because God First
Loved Us"

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