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• List what you appreciate and honor about yourself.
• Read the list aloud while looking in mirror.

ACTIVITY 7: Complete love yourself worksheet


1. List what you honor and appreciate about yourself - your gifts, talents, skills and abilities:

my sense of humor
my commitment to feeling good about myself
my willingness to help others
openness to learn new things
2. When you've completed your list, read it aloud while looking in a mirror. Begin each statement with the words, I Love my:

I Love my sense of humor!

I Love my commitment to feeling good about myself!
I Love my willingness to help others!
I Love my openness to learn new things!
8. Choose to be Happy
Make the Choice

• Humans are decision making animals. From the moment you wake up until the
moment you fall asleep you make choices. What to wear, what to eat, you are
making decisions, consciously and unconsciously, all the time.
• However, people suffering with low self esteem often believe they have no choice
in how they ultimately feel about themselves.
• This is just not so!
• You have the power to change your thoughts which will transform how you feel
and behave - how you experience life.
• The sooner you realize that you are responsible for your own happiness - no other
person, material possession or external condition can make you happy or unhappy
- the sooner you can consciously choose thoughts that support your positive self
esteem and self confidence.
• Choice is the act of making a decision. To consciously choose the thoughts that support your
positive self esteem and self confidence you must be aware of both your thoughts and
feelings that detract from and support your positive self esteem.
• With this awareness you will notice when you are thinking thoughts that undermine your self
esteem; as well as be aware of the thoughts that boost your self esteem. A powerful question
to consider in order to choose thoughts and feelings that promote your self esteem is:
• What are the thoughts and feelings that support
positive self esteem and confidence? Whenever you notice you are being critical and
judgmental of yourself you can make the choice to strengthen your
• brain pathways that affirms your positive self esteem by declaring: I Am Confident!
Change your energy - focus on something pleasurable.
Activity 8: Pleasure list activity
9. Build your self confidence
When your confidence is low, how do you react? Do you:
• Blame others
• Withdraw
• Cry
• Get angry
Evaluate recent performance situations.
• Highlight mistakes.
• Generate alternative positive behaviors and thoughts.
• Practice
Activity 9: Complete self confidence work sheets
exploring and identifying what makes your feel good. Regular reminders of these, creates new
brain pathways and strengthens your self esteem muscle.
Activity 8: Complete Toot your horn worksheet
• By cultivating gratitude, you begin a cycle that actually attracts healthy self esteem, a positive
attitude and good things into your life. No matter who you are, what circumstances you are facing,
or how overwhelming life may seem at times, there are always reasons to be thankful. When you
live your life with an attitude of thankfulness, you begin to see yourself and the world in a different
• When you acknowledge What Is Right In My Life, you experience greater joy, confidence, and trust
in your ability to successfully meet and deal with the challenges of life. Problems do not seem as
overwhelming when you take a few moments each day to count your blessings and appreciate
those who enrich your lives.
• Begin cultivating gratitude by making a gratitude list and read it regularly as a reminder to be
thankful everyday. Research has shown that people who practice gratitude everyday are healthier
and happier.
• A daily practice of cultivating gratitude, can transform your thoughts and as a result enrich your
Activity 10: Complete gratitude journal worksheet
11. Set a course of your life
• Set goals (SMART).
• Make a vision.
• Evaluate success.
Activity 11: Complete my definition of success worksheet
Visualize your goals
• Write your visualization – a scene that reflects your result accomplished. This allows
you to be specific in describing your result. Seeing the words on paper can make more
of an impact on your mind and emotions then just imagining the scene in your mind.
• our visualization can be long or short. There are no time rules, although the more
senses activated while you visualize the more potent the impression on the brain.
(According to Esther & Jerry Hicks you only need to visualize for 17 second – and we
can all make time for that!)
• Once you have created a visualization focus your attention on it – experiencing and
then allowing it to come to form, making sure your thoughts, words and actions are
all reflecting and supporting your goal accomplished.
• e yourself on a big screen, in High Definition your goal fully, effortlessly and
satisfyingly accomplished.
Vision boards
• Vision boards are powerful tools, that like goal setting worksheets, help in
setting personal goals and making your dreams a reality. It is a creative
picture collage of what you desire. They are fun to create and very powerful
to use.
• They effectively take what you imagine in your mind and heart, and create
pictures that you can see, giving clarity and focus to your goals. They are
typically made with poster board on which you paste or tape images from
magazines, calendars, photos and greeting cards.
• They may be based on a specific theme such as where you want to live; or
they may be compilation of all your hopes dreams and desires. Some
questions to ask yourself when gathering images to include in your collage
• Where do you want to live?
• Where do you want to work?
• What type of work/activities do I want to be doing?
• What type of people do I want to surround myself with?
• What do I want to do for fun and relaxation?
• What does health and well-being look like to me?
• What do I do for fun and relaxation?
• Basic Instructions:

• Sit quietly (you may want to have special music playing or light a candle to symbolically illuminate your hopes,
dreams and desires).
• Focus your attention on your questions.
• Go through your magazines, etc. . . and cut/tear out all the pictures and words that attract your attention (This
is the process of generating the images for your collage so trust your impulses and don’t worry about whether
you will actually use all the images).
• Review the pictures you have gathered and decide which ones best represent your desires (Again, trust your
feelings and allow the possibility of your dreams to be nourished).
• Paste the images on your poster board. (I always include a photo of myself on my board, so I can actually see
myself in the picture.)
• When your collage is completed put it in a place where you can see it every day in order to stay focused and be
reminded of your goals and dreams.
• Every morning and evening use your vision board to “see” yourself living the life you desire, knowing that
through this process you are activating the Law of Attraction.
• Technology has made this process very easy. Vision board software is
now widely used.
Sample vision board


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