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Biography Writing

-By Runidh Sunuwar

Grade 12 Science ‘C’
In the serene town of Gundu, nestled in the heart of
Bhaktapur, Nepal. On the 4th of Shrawan, 2064, a
remarkable boy named Krishna Bista was born.
From the very start, he displayed a unique spark that
would set him on an extraordinary path. His life
story would become a blend of experiences,
aspirations, and principles that set him apart and
continue to inspire.
His early schooling led him to Himal Academy,
where the foundations of his intellectual curiosity
were laid. Teachers there nurtured his inquisitive
nature, encouraging him to explore and question the
world around him. These formative years played a
pivotal role in shaping his lifelong love for learning
and exploration.
Yet, it wasn't all about academics. He found solace and joy within the pages of books, discovering
new worlds and perspectives. Books became a refuge, a source of knowledge, and a way to fuel
his imagination. In addition, he found himself drawn to the digital realm, immersing himself in
the world of e-games. This combination of traditional reading and modern gaming showcased his
diverse interests and multifaceted personality. As time passed, his aspirations grew more defined.
He harbored a bold ambition – to become a billionaire. But this goal was not solely about wealth;
it was driven by a desire to leverage his success for positive change. He envisioned using his
resources to support causes close to his heart and make a meaningful impact on the world around
At the core of his journey was the guiding light of Stoicism, an ancient philosophy

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