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Start: At any place on your page - this example started at the lower left. Draw
the first letter (from your first name) with an outline shape (lower case letters are the
most interesting.)
Next: Before you draw the second letter, turn your sketchbook, so that it
creates interesting negative shapes (areas that are empty or not drawn in). Try to draw
different styles of letters, different widths, different slants, or even different fonts to
create interest.
Let the letters touch, overlap, or interlock with each other in order to close off more of
the negative spaces.
Finally: Fill your page, adding and turning letters, and creating interesting
negative spaces between them. You may color this sketch, but remember to add values.
Take a look at some student examples on the next slide.
Notice the varied text STYLES, SHAPES,
DIRECTIONS, and WIDTHS in the student
examples. There is very little negative space or
space in between the letters.
The key to creating interest is to vary the size and
style of the font as well as find an interesting way
of using values and negative space.
For a massive list of font choices, you can go to and choose many different formats
to create inspiration.
Make sure to add values where you see overlapping,
touching, or interlocking. You may add color but
remember color DOES NOT improve your grade.
Type this EXACTLY in the text box of Canvas. Give yourself a grade of 0 to 25
for how you feel you did in each category:

Name Collage Sketch

Filled Page: ______/25
Neatness: ______/25
Effort: ______/25
Value: ______/25
Total: ______/100
Artist’s Statement: In the text box in Canvas, write three sentences about your
artwork. (These are possible ideas of what to write about):
• How do you feel about your work and why?
• What sparked your creative ideas?
• What parts of your work did you find challenging?
• What parts of your work are you the proudest of?
• Why did you like/dislike this sketch?

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