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How are you doing?

A flock of sparrows partying and practicing social distancing

Despite the cold, they are finding ways to meet friends.
Sleep is your superpower
Do you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night?

A superb book to read.

Watch Matthew Walker speak on sleep – TED talk
What Bill Gates said after reading the book
Did you know? : Canada has over 250 ethnic origins and ancestries

Here’s where my students are living this semester. The world is truly “flat” – we are all connected.

Canada Russia
U.S. Iran China
India Taiwan
Guyana Vietnam
Colombia Sri Lanka
Brazil Ghana

An amazing opportunity to make new friends, learn cultures.

How was
3 Tools to help you learn better
Interesting ways to learn
This is such a super site. Connect and enjoy the experience.
Song to keep you motivated
Completing Weekly modules ahead of time.

Please note that I will evaluate this ONLY when

it is due.
The 3 levels of Organizational Behaviour

14: Organizational Culture

9: Managing groups and teams
10:Conflict and negotiations
11: Making decisions
12: Leading people within organisations
13: Power and Politics

3: Understanding people at work

4.Indivdidual attitudes and behaviours
5.Theories of motivation
1. What is OB?
6.Designing a motivating department
2. Managing Demographic and
7.Managing stress and emotions
Cultural Diversity
Learning Objectives
• Define “work attitudes”
• Define and differentiate between job
satisfaction and organizational
• List the factors related to job
satisfaction and organizational
• Describe the consequences of job
satisfaction and organizational
• Define job performance,
Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash
organizational citizenship,
absenteeism, and turnover
• Explain factors associated with each
type of work behaviour
Your attitude will determine your altitude
Work Attitudes
• An attitude refers to our
opinions, beliefs, and feelings
about aspects of our
• Two types of work attitudes:
– Job satisfaction: how people
feel towards their job.
– Organizational commitment:
emotional attachment towards
their company they work for.
• Both of these are closely tied
to outcomes such as
performance, helping others, Photo by from Pexels
absenteeism, and turnover.
• Think about a job that you have had in the
What factors do you past that you loved
believe lead to job •
– Why did you love it?
Share with a partner or your table
satisfaction and – What factors do you have in common?

commitment? – Any connections you can make between all of your

8 Drivers of Work Attitudes
Research shows that people pay attention to several aspects of their work environment, including how
they are treated, the relationships they form with colleagues and managers, and the actual work they

Researchers therefore focus on the follow eight factors:

8 factors

This is a concept that you will use in Assignment #1 : The Case of Xerox
1. Personality
• Experts have found that job satisfaction has a
connection to personality
Personality traits that tend to lead Personality traits that tend to lead
to job satisfaction to job dissatisfaction

• Affective Disposition(+ve/-ve • Negative Disposition

moods) • Neurotic personality
• Emotionally stable personality • External locus of control
• Conscientiousness
• Self-esteem
• Internal locus of control
• Extraversion

Remember OCEAN and concepts in Chapter 3

Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism
Humility + Ambition = Humbition
Always learning
Learning all ways
2. Person-Environment Fit
• Fit between what we
bring to our work
environment and the
environmental demands
influences our work
• Need to consider in
terms of values and
Photo by rawpixel from Pexabay abilities:
– Person-job fit
– Person-organization fit
3. Job Characteristics
• The presence of certain
characteristics on the
job seems to make
employees more
satisfied and more
• Job Characteristics:
– Variety of skills used
– Autonomy
For some employees GROWTH is most important – Receiving feedback
4. Psychological Contract
• The understanding an employee
has of their responsibilities and
rights on the job
• A trust relationship based on an
unwritten understanding about
what the employee will bring to
the work environment and what
the company will provide in
• If either side does not abide by
this understanding their will be
psychological contract breach,
which leads to low job
satisfaction and commitment.
5. Organizational Justice
• People pay attention to
the fairness of company
in terms of:
• Policies and procedures
• Treatment from
• Pay and other rewards
received from the

Photo by Wesley Tingey on Unsplash

The Fairness Balance

I give the company this I expect to get this

6. Relationships
at Work
6. Relationships at Work
• Two strong predictors of our happiness
at work and commitment to the
company are our relationships with
coworkers and managers
• The people we interact with, their
degree of compassion, our level of
social acceptance in our work group,
and whether we are treated with
respect are important factors in
commitment and satisfaction
• Research also shows that our
relationship with our manager, how
considerate the manager is, and
whether we build a trust-based
Photo by Sithamshu Manoj on Unsplash relationship with our manager are
critically important
Being supportive even if it means ………

It is not about winning. It is always about HOW you win
7. Stress
• The amount of stress present in our
job is related to our satisfaction and
commitment to the company
• Not all stressors are bad and some can
lead to jobs being challenging and
increase levels of satisfaction
• Example of stressors that make people
– Role ambiguity (what is expected of
me ? How should I perform my job?
Why am I being pulled in many
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash directions?)
– Role conflict (being mother and
executive – and the stress that
accompanies this status)
– Organizational politics
8. Work-Life Balance
8. Work-Life Balance
• In modern times, more employees
expect to lead balanced lives,
pursue hobbies, and family life while
at the same time continuing to
succeed at work.
• The notion of work–family conflict is
one cause of job dissatisfaction. This
conflict can be particularly strong for
women due to societal expectations
• Research shows that policies that
help employees achieve a balance
Photo by Victoria Heath on Unsplash
between their work and personal
lives, such as allowing
telecommuting, are related to
Work –Life higher
job satisfaction.
Beliefs (I believe that hard work will make me succeed)

Feelings ( I feel good when I achieve as a result of my hard work)

Attitudes Behaviour Results

Personal success
Team success
Organizational success
Job Satisfaction Encourage and motivate
Organizational Commitment others to succeed
Organizational Commitment
Affective commitment
• Emotional attachment to, identification with, and involvement
in an organization
• Lower turnover, higher motivation, sense of family
• Risks of very high affective commitment -- conformity,
protecting the company unethically
Continuance commitment
• Calculative attachment ( I don’t like working here but no other
job available) OR ( I hate this place but can’t afford to quit)
• Risks of low continuance commitment:
- high turnover, low/no performance, org citizenship( lack of
organizational commitment), low/no co- operation

©McGraw-Hill Education.
How to build Affective Commitment
How a company can create higher levels of affective commitment

• Apply humanitarian values

Justice/ Support • Support employee well being ( paternity
leave, wellness class membership)

Shared • Values are a good fit (company values

Values environmental protection)

• Employees trust org leaders

• Job security supports trust

Organizational • Know firm’s past/present/future

Comprehension • Open and rapid communication

• Employees feel part of company

• Involvement ( empowerment- Ritz
Carlton) demonstrates trust

©McGraw-Hill Education.
Zappos builds affective commitment
EVLN template: Responses to Dissatisfaction
E • leaving the situation (can happen in a short time)
• quitting, transferring
V • changing the situation ( speaking to change
constructively or destructively)
• problem solving, complaining
L • patiently waiting for the situation to People with high
improve(suffer in silence) are less likely to
engage in

N Neglect NEGLECT and

more likely to
• reducing work effort/quality engage in VOICE

• increasing absenteeism

©McGraw-Hill Education.
Organizational Citizenship Behaviours
• Organizational
citizenship behaviours
(OCB) are voluntary
behaviours employees
perform to help others
and benefit the
• These behaviours lead
the smooth running of
the organization and also Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash
make the workplace
more enjoyable
Work Behaviours
Organizational Citizenship Behaviours


• Helping a co-worker
• Providing suggestions
Turnover Citizenship to management
• Volunteering for a cause
that the organization supports

• Voluntary
• Involuntary

Absenteeism • Health
• Stressful work environment
You don’t need to learn this
Only for your information
Job Performance
• Job performance, or in-role
performance, refers to the
performance level on factors
included in the job description
• Measures of job performance
include the quality and
quantity of work performed by
the employee, the accuracy
and speed with which the job Photo by BBH Singapore on Unsplash
is performed, and the overall
effectiveness of the person
performing the job.
How can a manager or organizational leader
predict job performance?
Job Performance
• Predictors of job
– General mental ability or
cognitive abilities
• Reasoning abilities
• Verbal and numerical skills
• Analytical skills
• Overall intelligence
– Treatment by coworkers
and managers
– Stress
– Workplace attitudes
• Absenteeism refers to
unscheduled absences from
• Absenteeism is costly to
companies because of lost
productivity. The cost of
absenteeism to organizations
in Canada was $17billion in
• Causes of absenteeism:
– Health reasons
– Lack of motivation or interest
– Workplace stress
– Photo by twinsfisch on Unsplash
Family obligations
• Turnover refers to an employee
leaving an organization.

• Employee turnover has

potentially harmful
consequences, such as poor
customer service and overall

• Not all turnover is bad, it can

be good for the organization
when poor performers decide Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash
to leave especially in pay-for-
performance situations
Organizational Citizenship Behaviours
• Are citizenship
behaviours always
beneficial to the
• Can you think of any
citizenship behaviours
that employees may
perform with the
intention of helping Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash
that may have negative
consequences overall?
• Always read “ Announcements”.

• Complete Online Module: Chapter 4 on Blackboard

Remember to use the rubric when forming your answers. Use of concepts from the text and PowerPoint are
very important when answering module questions.

• Complete Quizziz

• Keep working on Assignment #1

If you do not meet the deadline of “ Weekly Application Module” you get a ZERO
The online modules can help boost your overall grade
Example of a student’s marks who did not do the weekly module
You now have completed Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4

Start working on the assignment

Group Assignment #1 – Due date

Monday : Sections NKK : Due on Saturday, February 20 th, 2021, 11:59pm

The Group leader uploads

Assignment + his/her own
Tuesday : Sections NII and NJJ : Due on Sunday, February 21 st, 2021, 11:59pm
Peer assessment.

The other two team members

only upload the peer assessment. Wednesday: Sections NLL : Due on Monday, February 22 nd, 2021, 11:59pm

Peer assessment is confidential. It is your assessment of your team member and

of yourself. Do not share your peer assessment with your teammate.
No Peer Assessment = No grades for you
Delayed submission = less 15% of marks for everyday delayed
Please do not send me the assignment or the peer assessment by email
Use these codes specific to your section

Use this link

Section NKK Due: Saturday: 11:45pm

Tuesday Due: Sunday: 11:45pm

Section NII

Tuesday Due: Sunday: 11:45pm

Section NJJ

Wednesday Due: Monday: 11:45pm

Section NLL
Summary of Homework for the week

Homework for the week

Plan Action Due date Due Time Where to find

Tuesday Sections NII
Monday Section NKK and NJJ Wednesday Section NLL

1 Group Assignment Group Saturday, 20th February Sunday, 21st February Monday, 22nd February 11:59pm Use "Assignment Calculator" to plan your team work.
Start early to do well.

2 Weekly Module Chapters 4 Individual Saturday, 6th February Sunday, 7th February Monday, 8th February 11:59pm On Blackboard " Applied Weekly Learning"

3 Quizziz : Chapter 4 Individual Saturday, 6th February Sunday, 7th February Monday, 8th February 11:45pm See my powerpoint end of presentation for your class code

If you do not meet the deadline of “Weekly Application Module” you get a ZERO
Ibn Sina is regarded
as one of the most
significant physicians,
astronomers, thinkers
and writers of the
Islamic Golden Age,
and the father of early
modern medicine.
How to live a rich life everyday
Health is Wealth

•Compartmentalize your time – Where to begin? Often with many deadlines and responsibilities mounting, it can be hard to
organize the tasks. Prioritize the deadlines and plan a specific amount of time for task completion. The planning of time is
key; otherwise, before you know it, the revision of an article or editing of a file can take all day. This will not only support the
management of your workload, but will provide an informative benchmark to assist your efforts to manage task completion in
the future. Whiteboards are great planning tools to map task completion!

•Set weekly goals – In addition to a to-do list, set manageable goals to motivate and inspire yourself. When times are tough,
these little wins can be just the pick-me-up needed to continue to push through busy times. Celebrate your achievements!

•Talk to your team – You are not alone, but it may feel like it some days, especially from a home office. Keep in touch with
your team and invest time to reconnect and simply chat.

•Drink water, eat healthy – We have all been there, typing for hours without a break. Keep a water bottle beside you for
convenience. Resist the quick snacks and Starbucks sugary goodness; instead, reach for a healthy alternative.

•Schedule breaks – This also includes limiting screen time. Walk away from your technology. It will wait for your return! Set
a timer in another room that makes you walk away to turn it off. How frequently? Health and safety experts say 5 minutes for
every 60.

•Get outside – Stretch your legs and take a deep breath. Moving into a new environment can be just the reset needed to
continue to make it through a busy day.

•Gratitude – What is working? What is wonderful? Who is amazing? When we are busy, we can sometimes get lost in the
mix and focus on the negative. Essentially, we become our own worst enemy. Journals, even simple pauses of reflection
throughout the day, can significantly improve your outlook. The key to success is simple: highlight the wins and shift your
focus to what you can do, instead of what you cannot.

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