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Human rights are fundamental rights and freedoms
that every person is entitled to. They encompass a
wide variety of values, such as dignity, equality, and
security, and are crucial for a just and harmonious

Human rights are rights inherent to all human

beings, regardless of race, sex, nationality,
ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status
Historical Background of Human Rights

Magna Carta Enlightenment Era Declaration of Independence

A historic document The Enlightenment
from 1215 that laid This influential document
period in the 18th
the foundation for of 1776 emphasized the
century marked a
the concept of unalienable rights of life,
significant shift in
human rights by liberty, and the pursuit of
philosophical thought
limiting the power of happiness, setting a
towards individual
the King of England precedent for human rights
rights, freedom, and
and establishing the principles.
the pursuit of
The English Bill of American Declaration of
Rights, 1689 The Citizens, 1789 Independence,1776
Enacted after the Glorious In 1789, citizens witnessed the French
In 1776, the American Declaration of
Revolution, the English Bill of Revolution, demanding liberty, equality,
Independence proclaimed the thirteen
Rights in 1689 limited royal and fraternity. The storming of the colonies' separation from British rule.
power, affirmed parliamentary Bastille marked a turning point. The
Penned by Thomas Jefferson, it
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of
supremacy, and safeguarded asserted natural rights to life, liberty,
the Citizen asserted universal rights,
individual rights. and the pursuit of happiness..
reflecting Enlightenment ideals..
The U.S. Bill of Rights The UN Charter,1945 International Covenants on
Human Rights
The U.S. Bill of Rights, ratified in
1791, comprises the first ten The UN Charter, adopted in 1945, The International Covenants on
amendments to the Constitution. established the United Nations, aiming Human Rights, comprising the
Ensuring individual freedoms, it to maintain international peace and Covenant on Civil and Political
protects rights such as freedom of security. It promotes cooperation, Rights and the Covenant on
speech, religion, and the right to human rights, and social progress. Economic, Social, and Cultural
bear arms.. Emphasizing sovereign equality, it Rights, were adopted by the UN
outlines the UN's structure, functions General Assembly in 1966
Key Milestones in the Development
of Human Rights
Magna Carta
The Magna Carta, sealed in 1215, is a historic English document that limited the arbitrary power of King John,
establishing the principle that the monarch is subject to the law. It laid the foundation for constitutional
governance, individual liberties, and the idea of due process.

French Revolution
The French Revolution (1789-1799) marked a transformative period in France, overthrowing the monarchy and
challenging traditional social structures. Fueled by ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity, it led to radical political
changes, including the Reign of Terror, before culminating in the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte and the spread of
revolutionary principles across Europe.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948, setting out the basic
rights and freedoms to be universally protected.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Foundational Endorsed by Impact

Document Nations
The UDHR has
The UDHR is It has been served as a source
considered as the translated into of inspiration for
foundation of over 500 the drafting of
international languages and constitutions and
human rights law, remains one of laws across the
providing a the most globe, shaping
comprehensive translated legal frameworks
set of rights and documents in the for human rights
freedoms for all world, signifying protection.
individuals. its global
International Human Rights Instruments
International Covenant on Convention on the Convention on the Elimination
Civil and Political Rights Rights of the Child of All Forms of Discrimination
Against Women

Focuses on civil and Emphasizes the Addresses discrimination

political rights such protection and against women and works
as freedom of well-being of towards gender equality.
speech, assembly, children globally.
and the right to life.
Challenges and Controversies in
Human Rights

1 Political Resistance 2 Cultural Differences

Some governments and Differing cultural norms
political groups resist the and traditions can clash
implementation of certain with universal human
human rights principles rights standards, leading
due to various reasons, to challenges in
including power struggles. implementation.
3 Global Economic Disparities
Economic inequality can hinder the full realization
of economic, social, and cultural rights for many
individuals and communities.
Current State of Human Rights
Advancements in gender equality, LGBTQ+
rights, and access to education signify positive
steps in the human rights landscape.
Ongoing Struggles
Issues such as refugee rights, human
trafficking, and freedom of expression continue
to pose challenges worldwide.
Global Advocacy
International organizations, civil society, and
individuals are actively advocating for the
protection and promotion of human rights.
Conclusion and Call to Action
Reflection Take a moment to consider how historical
events have shaped the human rights
landscape today.

Commitment Make a personal commitment to promoting

and defending human rights in your own
community and beyond.

Empowerment Empower yourself with knowledge about

human rights issues and support
organizations working in this field.

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