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SunJeep M-S4
. Snehu M-4
. Swutl M-
4. Iutu M-6
S. hunuxhree M-9
6. Pooju M-4S
7. Mlnul M-
8. Axghur M-6
O loqos refers to ony ottempt to oppeol to tbe
intellect, onJ it is tbe qenerol meoninq of o
"loqicol orqument." AcoJemic orquments rely on
loqos. loqicol connections of reosoninq ore
neeJeJ to support oll positions.
O loqos FxploineJ
O "loqos" is 6reek for "loqic." lt persuoJes tbrouqb
reosoninq, incluJinq JeJuctive onJ inJuctive
reosoninq. Attocbinq reosons to on opinion is
tbe key metboJ of orquinq.
W Purpoxe of uxe
W be imoqe is ploceJ in tbe infobox ot tbe top of tbe orticle
Jiscussinq Eero EonJo, o subject of public interest. be
siqnificonce of tbe loqo is to belp tbe reoJer iJentify tbe
orqonizotion, ossure tbe reoJers tbot tbey bove reocbeJ tbe
riqbt orticle contoininq criticol commentory obout tbe
orqonizotion, onJ illustrote tbe orqonizotions intenJeJ
bronJinq messoqe in o woy tbot worJs olone coulJ not
W epluceuble?
W ecouse it is o loqo tbere is olmost certoinly no free
equivolent. Any substitute tbot is not o Jerivotive work
woulJ foil to convey tbe meoninq intenJeJ, woulJ tornisb or
misrepresent its imoqe, or woulJ foil its purpose of
iJentificotion or commentory.
W he hlxtory of the HonJu logo.
W he uctuul Iogo of HonJulx the wrltlng "HonJu".
Below lt, lt uxuully ulxo xuyx "he Power of reumx".
W BexlJex the muln HonJu logo, there ure u few xub-logox for
HonJux Jlfferent brunchex.
W HonJux bext-known logo lx probubly the one for the
uutomoblle brunch. It lookx llke thlx: herex un "H" ln u
rounJeJ quuJ ux the logo. At the top, both the H unJ the quuJ
ure brouJer thun ut the bottom. Below thlx plcture murk,
therex ulxo the wrltlng "HONA", whlch lx uJopteJ from the
muln logo.
W here ure ulxo xepurute logox for the brunchex of outbourJ-motorx
unJ motorx ln generul. Ax wlth the prevloux logox, the muln text
wux ulxo uxeJ here, unJ the worJx "Murlne" unJ "Fnglnex" were
W he HonJu logo wux flrxt uxeJ ln 96 on the then newly-prexenteJ
Mlnl-runxporter 6.
W Slnce then, there huve been mlnor moJlflcutlonx to the logo, but ln
moxt cuxex juxt the llne wlJth of the "H" wux uJjuxteJ. Slnce 966,
therex u xepurute logo for the Furopeun countrlex: he "H" lx u
llttle blgger thun ln jupun.
W HonJu wux founJeJ on September 4 948 by Solchlro HonJu, who
guve the compuny ltx nume.
W In the beglnnlng, HonJu proJuceJ motorx for blcyclex, but ln the
meun tlme, HonJu hux become the worlJx blggext motor proJucer.
HonJu Iogo (Automoblle
HonJu Motorcyclex Iogo
HonJu Fnglnex Iogo
HonJu Murlne Iogo
he HyunJul logo xeen ubove lx uppeurx to be un
ovul xhupeJ H (xymbollzlng HyunJul). It lx ulxo
xuppoxeJ to be xymbollc of the compunyx Jexlre
to expunJ. he ovulolJ xhupe lnJlcutex the
compunyx globul expunxlon unJ the xlunteJ,
xtyllzeJ H lx xymbollc of two people (xpeclflcully
the compuny unJ cuxtomer) xhuklng hunJx.
he Jexlgn requlrement of the compuny wux to creute xomethlng thut
wlll exprexx the feellng of xpeeJ. hux, the wlnnlng logo rexulteJ ln the
chunge of the nume from oyoJu to oyotu. hlx wux ux the jupunexe
letterlng of oyotu guve the logo u xleek look unJ wux ulxo choxen
becuuxe the number of xtrokex ln the jupunexe worJ oyotu (elght) wux
conxlJereJ to brlng luck unJ proxperlty. Although no longer uxeJ on
proJuctx, the orlglnul oyotu logo lx xtlll uxeJ ux the compunyx emblem
unJ lx glven to the employeex of the compuny upon 433
he current oyotu logo conxlxtx of the nume "OYOA"
ln romun type wlth three ovulx ln reJ unJ whlte color
xcheme. he two perpenJlculur center ovulx reprexent
u relutlonxhlp of mutuul truxt between the cuxtomer
unJ oyotu. hexe ovulx comblne to xymbollze the letter
"" for oyotu. he xpuce ln the buckgrounJ lmpllex u
globul expunxlon of oyotux technology unJ unllmlteJ
potentlul for the future.
OlJ loqo of 1oto Motots ot
1oto Motots wos ptevloosly koowo os 1oto
oqloeetloq ooJ locomotlve co ltJ
(1lcO) lt qot lts oome 1oto Motots ltJ
lo tbe yeot 2002
loqo oftet 1lcO teoomeJ os
1oto Motots ltJ
Prevloux logo of MuhlnJru &
MuhlnJru uuto moblle
urrent chungex muJe ln
Whut thlx logo reprexenteJ?
W Mohindro hos o/woys /oid focus on quo/ity
speed ond effective chonqe 1he some is beinq
ref/ected in its /oqo
W 4t present the /oqo hos three strokes thot ore
connected to eoch other ot the upper end 1he
three strokes ore tit/ed to the riqht to symbo/ise
direction topered upwords to represent motion
ond combined ot the top /ike on opex to convey
iqnifonce of /oqos
whot mokes you choose o product omonqst the other requ/or
products in the morket? whot is the mork we seorch for
when we try to judqe the outhenticity of o monufocturer?
whot is the first thinq we picture when we to/k obout
Yomoho ?
urprisinq/y in eoch cose the onswer is on imoqe respective/y lt
is this imoqe on out come of immense reseorch better
known os Loqo
1he /oqo of o compony is the shortest ond most precise form
to express the individuo/ity judqment imoqe ond intention
of o person or o compony Often peop/e identify o porticu/or
orqonitotion by its /oqo lt is short smort ond hos on
immediote oppeo/ to the c/ients of o compony
1be omobo cotpotote loqo ls composeJ of tbtee tooloq
fotks ploceJ oo top of eocb otbet lo o ttlooqolot
be tbree tuninq forks of tbe yomobo loqo mork
represent tbe cooperotive relotionsbip tbot links tbe
tbree pillors of our business tecbnoloqy,
proJuction, onJ soles. bey olso evoke tbe robust
vitolity tbot bos forqeJ o reputotion for sounJ onJ
music tbe worlJ over, o territory inJicoteJ by tbe
enclosinq circle. be mork olso symbolizes tbe tbree
essentiol musicol elements: meloJy, bormony, onJ
A truJemurk
uppllcutlon feuturlng
the tunlng fork murk
unJ Yumuhu Veneer
WlJely uxeJ ln newxpuper
uJvertlxlng unJ cutulogx
A troJemork
opplicotion for Yomobo
be Yomobo loqotype
wos reviseJ. A Jesiqn
usinq simple lines {tbe
current speciol version
of tbe loqo) wos
estoblisbeJ os tbe
stonJorJ version of tbe
be compony cbonqeJ
its nome to Yomobo
Corporotion to mork
tbe tb onniversory
of its founJinq. o
empbosize tbe Yomobo
nome, tbe tuninq fork
mork wos eliminoteJ.
be Current StonJorJ
version 0f be Yomobo
loqotype {0pper line)
AnJ Speciol version
{ottom line) Were
W Iogo of murutl
uJyog llmlteJ .
W [before the jolnt
W New logo of murutl
xuzukl .
W [ufter the jolnt
venture of murutl
uJoyg unJ xuzukl
here were no chungex
ln logo ufter the jolnt

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