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Passive voice

 Usage
 We use an active verb to say what the subject does.
 e.g. The client has finally signed the contract.
 When we use a passive verb, who or what causes the action is often unknown or unimportant.
 e.g. The contract has finally been signed.

 How do we build passive?

 We use the verb be (in the tense in which it is used in the active sentence) and past
Passive voice

 Rewrite the sentences by using a passive verb.

 a The client has paid for the attorney’s fees.
 b The court shall resolve any additional legal fees later in the course of the proceedings.
 c He expended personal funds for the healthcare of decedent’s daughter.
 d They had relieved the bank of any liability.
 e Surrogate courts enforce wills.
Passive voice

 Key:
 Attorney’s fees have been paid.
 Any additional legal fees shall be resolved by the court later in the course of the
 Personal funds were expended for the healthcare of decedent’s daughter.
 The bank had been releived of any liability.
 Wills are enforced by surrogate courts.
Passive voice

 Rewrite the sentence by using an active verb.

 a This contract may be executed in counterparts with the same effect as if only a single
contract had been executed.
 b No will was found by my grandfather’s executors.
 c Remainder of my estate shall be disposed of as provided in article 3 hereof.
 d Some very hard work was accomplished by employees.
Passive voice

 Key:
 One may execute this contract in counterparts with the same effect as if one had executed
only a single contract.
 My grandfather’s executors found no will.
 One will dispose of my estate as provided in article 3 hereof.
 Employees accomplished some very hard work.

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