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Greedy Technique

Minimum spanning tree

• Prim’s Algorithm
• Kruskal’s Algorithm

Single Source Shortes Path

Dijkstra’s Algorithm
Optimal Tree Problem
Huffman Trees.

JAN-MAY 2024
• A spanning tree of an undirected connected graph is its connected acyclic subgraph (i.e., a tree)
that contains all the vertices of the graph.
Difficulties in Minimum
Spanning Tree MST
• If we were to try an exhaustive-search approach to
constructing a minimum spanning tree, we would
face two serious obstacles.
• First, the number of spanning trees grows
exponentially with the graph size (at least for
dense graphs).
• Second, generating all spanning trees for a given
graph is not easy; in fact, it is more difficult than
finding a minimum spanning tree for a weighted
graph by using one of several efficient algorithms
available for this problem.
Feb-May 2020
• Sorting the graph's edges in non decreasing order of
their weights.
• Then, starting with the empty sub graph,
– it scans this sorted list adding the next edge on
the list to the current sub graph if such an
inclusion does not create a cycle and simply
skipping the edge otherwise.

Feb-May 2020
• Kruskal’s algorithm is not simpler because it
has to check whether the addition of the next
edge to the edges already selected would
create a cycle.

Feb-May 2020
Feb-May 2020
Feb-May 2020
Prim’s Algorithm
• On each iteration, expand the current tree in the
greedy manner by simply attaching to it the nearest
vertex not in that tree.

• The algorithm stops after all the graph's vertices

have been included in the tree being constructed.
Example from Text

Tree vertices Remaining vertices Illustration

Example from Text

Tree vertices Remaining vertices Illustration

Dijkstra's Algorithm
Feb-May 2020
• The shortest paths (identified by following nonnumeric
labels backward from a destination vertex in the left
column to the source) and their lengths (given by
numeric labels of the tree vertices) are as follows:

Feb-May 2020
Dijkstra’s Algorithm won’t work if
graph has negative edge weights

If cost of every edge is increased by 1, whether the shortest path remains same?!

Feb-May 2020
Compression ratio

• The resulting codewords are as follows:
DAD is encoded as
10011011011101 is decoded as

Feb-May 2020
• Average number of bits per symbol in this code
2 * 0.35 + 3 * 0.1+ 2 * 0.2 + 2 * 0.2 + 3 * 0.15 = 2.25.

• Compression ratio (3−2.25)/3*100 = 25%

In other words, Huffman’s encoding of the above text

will use 25% less memory than its fixed-length

Feb-May 2020 28
Find MST
using Prims and
Find SSSP taking 0
vertex as starting vertex

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