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Apple Global

warming task force

Clean energy adoption

• Apple today announced its manufacturing partners now support

over 13 gigawatts of renewable electricity around the world, a
nearly 30 percent increase in the last year. In total, more than 250
suppliers operating across 28 countries are committed to using
renewable energy for all Apple production by 2030. This represents
more than 85 percent of the company’s direct manufacturing spend
and more than 20 gigawatts in commitments.
Already carbon neutral for its global corporate emissions, Apple
uses innovative tools to support progress toward its ambitious
2030 goal to be carbon neutral for every product. This includes $4.7
billion in Green Bonds, which are helping finance the expansion of
clean energy solutions and emissions reductions around the world.
Apple today shared details of its Green Bond spend for 2022, which
includes investments in large-scale solar, low-carbon design, energy
efficiency, and carbon removal.
Recyclable iPhone design
• Apple today released new details on the increased use of recycled
content across its products. For the first time, the company
introduced certified recycled gold, and more than doubled the use
of recycled tungsten, rare earth elements, and cobalt. Nearly 20
percent of all material used in Apple products in 2021 was recycled,
the highest-ever use of recycled content. Apple today announced
its newest recycling innovation, Taz, a machine that uses a
groundbreaking approach to improve material recovery from
traditional electronics recycling. In 2021, 59 percent of all the
Aluminium Apple shipped in its products came from recycled
sources, with many products featuring 100 percent recycled
Aluminiumin the enclosure. Apple has also made significant
progress toward the company’s goal to eliminate plastics from its
packaging by 2025, with plastics accounting for just 4 percent of
packaging in 2021. Since 2015, Apple has reduced plastic in its
packaging by 75 percent.
Customer Outreach
Creating a customer outreach campaign on Apple products and their
environmental initiatives related to global warming could include:
•Educational Content: Share information about Apple's
commitment to reducing their carbon footprint and how their
products contribute to a more sustainable future.
•Product Features: Highlight eco-friendly features in Apple
products, such as energy efficiency, recyclable materials, and reduced
• Sustainability Goals: Emphasize Apple's goals to be carbon neutral
by 2030 and their efforts to use renewable energy in manufacturing.
• User Engagement: Encourage customers to participate in Apple's
recycling programs and share their own sustainability stories.
• Partnerships: Showcase partnerships with environmental
organizations and initiatives.
• Social Media: Utilize social platforms to engage with customers,
using hashtags like #AppleSustainability.
• Feedback: Gather customer feedback on sustainability efforts and
use it for continuous improvement.
•Promotions: Offer incentives for customers who choose
eco- friendly options, like trading in old devices.
Energy optimization in
• Apple has implemented several energy optimization strategies in their devices to
combat global warming:
•Energy-Efficient Hardware: Apple designs its devices with energy-efficient
components, such as low-power processors and LED displays, to reduce energy
•Power Management: Smart power management features, like optimizing CPU
performance and display brightness, help extend battery life and reduce energy
• Renewable Energy: Apple uses renewable energy sources to power its
manufacturing facilities and data centers, reducing its carbon footprint.
• Energy Efficiency Metrics: Devices provide information on energy usage,
users to monitor and reduce their environmental impact.
• Software Updates: Apple releases software updates to improve energy
and optimize device performance.
• Recycling Programs: Encouraging customers to recycle old devices reduces
electronic waste and the energy required for new product manufacturing.
• Product Lifecycle: Apple designs products for longevity, reducing the need for
frequent replacements.
•Eco-Friendly Materials: Using recycled and recyclable materials in
device construction minimizes environmental impact.
• Product Packaging: Apple has minimized packaging materials to reduce
Engaging with an
environmental organization
•Engaging with environmental organizations that partner with Apple on global warming
initiatives can be a meaningful way to contribute to environmental sustainability. Here's how
Apple get involved:
• Research Partnerships: Find environmental organizations that collaborate with Apple on
sustainability projects. Apple often lists its partnerships and initiatives on its website.
• Attend Events: Participate in events, webinars, or conferences hosted by these
organizations to learn about Apple's sustainability efforts and how you can support them.
•Volunteer Opportunities: Many environmental organizations offer volunteer programs
related to conservation, renewable energy, or climate advocacy. Look for opportunities to
contribute your time and skills.
•Support Campaigns: Join or support environmental campaigns that align with
Apple's sustainability goals. Share information on social media and engage with like-
minded individuals.
•Donation and Fundraising: Contribute financially to environmental organizations
working on global warming solutions. Consider organizing fundraising events to support
their initiatives.
•Stay Informed: Stay up-to-date with the latest news and developments related to
Apple's environmental commitments and the organizations they partner with.
• Advocate for Change: Use your voice to advocate for stronger environmental policies and
initiatives. Engage with your local community and policymakers to promote sustainability.
• Provide Feedback: Share your thoughts and ideas with both Apple and the partnering
environmental organizations to help shape their sustainability efforts.
Here are some of Apple's latest achievements and commitments in the fight against
global warming:
•Carbon Neutrality: Apple announced its commitment to become carbon
neutral across its entire business, manufacturing supply chain, and product life
cycle by 2030. This is a significant and ambitious goal.
•Renewable Energy: Apple continued to invest in renewable energy projects.

By 2021, the company reported that all of its offices, data centers, and retail
stores were powered with 100% renewable energy.
• Green Energy Suppliers: Apple works closely with its suppliers to transition
environmental them
to renewable energy sources. Many of its suppliers have committed to using clean
achievements energy for their Apple-related production.
•Recycling Programs: Apple expanded its recycling initiatives, allowing customers
to trade in old devices for credit towards new purchases. The company also
introduced a robot called "Daisy" to disassemble and recycle iPhones more
• Material Sustainability: Apple made strides in using recycled and responsibly
sourced materials in its products. For instance, it started using recycled rare earth
elements in the iPhone Taptic Engine.
• Product Energy Efficiency: Apple continued to focus on making its products
energy-efficient, including processors and displays, to reduce energy
•Environmental Reports: The company regularly publishes Environmental

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