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of PowerShell

 Last Session Revision

 Advance Filtration
 Basic of Comparison Operator
 Pipeline Operator
 Where-Object
 Script Block

 Aliases
 Select-Object
Filtration  Get-Member
 Sort-Object
 Format-list and Table
 It’s series of command connected by
pipeline Operators (|).
 Output of preceding command (pervious
Pipeline command) becomes input of next
Operator  Example :-
Get-Service -name “Windows Update” |
stop - service
 It will select objects based on the property
 Two type of Where-Object filtration

Where-Object $_ and $_.

$_ provide all property values.

$_. Provide particular property values.
 We can test a single and multiple property
values per a object
 Collection of statements or expressions that
can be used as a single unit.

Script-Block  Inside Script block whatever the Input is

should mentioned in { }.
 An alias is an alternate name for a cmdlet,
function, executable file, including scripts.
 PowerShell includes a set of built-in aliases.

Aliases You can add your own aliases to the current

session and to your PowerShell profile.
 The Select-Object cmdlet selects specified
properties of an object or set of objects. It
can also select unique objects, a specified
number of objects, or objects in a specified
position in an array.
 To select objects from a collection, use the
Select-Object First, Last, Unique, Skip, and Index
parameters. To select object properties, use
the Property parameter. When you select
properties, Select-Object returns new
objects that have only the specified
 The Get-Member cmdlet gets the members,
the properties and methods, of objects.
 The Select-Object cmdlet selects specified
properties of an object or set of objects. It
can also select unique objects, a specified
number of objects, or objects in a specified
position in an array.
 To select objects from a collection, use the
Get-Member First, Last, Unique, Skip, and Index
parameters. To select object properties, use
the Property parameter. When you select
properties, Select-Object returns new
objects that have only the specified
 The Format-List cmdlet formats the output
of a command as a list of properties in
which each property is displayed on a
separate line. You can use Format-List to
Format – List / format and display all or selected properties
of an object as a list (Format-List -Property
Table *).
 The Sort-Object cmdlet sorts objects in
ascending or descending order based on
object property values. If sort properties
are not included in a command, PowerShell

Sort-Object uses default sort properties of the first

input object.
 PowerShell provides a rich set of operators
to manipulate variables. We can divide all
the PowerShell operators into the following
groups −
 Comparison Operators
 Logical Operators
PowerShell  Arithmetic Operators

Operators 

Assignment Operators
Redirection Operators
 Spilt and Join Operators
 Type Operators
 Unary Operators
 Comparison operators let you compare
values or finding values that match
specified patterns.

PowerShell includes the following

comparison operators:
Comparison  Equality

Operators 

 Containment
 Type
 -eq, -ieq, -ceq - equals
 -ne, -ine, -cne - not equals

Equality 

-gt, -igt, -igt - greater than
-ge, -ige, -cge - greater than or equal
Operators  -lt, -ilt, -clt - less than
 -le, -ile, -cle - less than or equal

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