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oise pollution Air Pollution

Types of Pollution

Land Pollution Water pollution

Water pollution is the contamination of water
bodies (e.g.lakes,rivers,oceans, groundwater).
Water pollution affects plants and organisms
living in these bodies of water; and, in almost all
cases the effect is damaging not only to individual
species and populations, but also to the natural
biological communities.
1.Factories throw their waste in water bodies.

2.People bath and wash clothes in water bodies.

3.Some oil ships drown in water which hardly

effects the aquatic life.

4.Smoke from vehicles lets the river to dry.

1.Factories should not throw there waste in water
2.People should not bath and wash clothes in rivers or
3.People should not take there animals to take bath in
rivers or lakes.
"The wind is our guru,” "water is father, and the earth, mother."

Save it from pollution.

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