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His Life and Works

 He born in Rugen Island.He went to Putbus Royalty College
and learnt 4 diffrent languages. He studied architecture at
His Early Life Berlin and after that he started to work at Prussia as an
 He went to Istanbul for reasearching when he was 28 and he
rented a house in Beyoğlu. He did architectural researchs in
Edirne, Bursa and Manisa. In 1890, he prepared Sirkeci
Terminal and Abdulhamid II asked him for working in Turkish
Government. He accepted this request and he took attention

His Arrival in
 Jasmund worked in Sanayi-i Nefise and Yüksek Mühendis
Mektebi as a professor with the will of Abdulhamid II. In 1894,
an earthquake happened in Istanbul and after this Jasmund
supported restoration of schools. Because of his supports, he
took 2nd degree Mecidiye medal.
His Works in
The Field of
 Jasmund postponed his return date several times with petitions
but in 1897 he returned to Germany. He started to work at
technical department but he quitted his job in 1889 and came
back to Istanbul. He worked at Ragıp Pasa Mansion and
Tevhide Hanım Mansion until 1911. He returned to Germany at
an unknown time.
His Return to
 Sirkeci Terminal (1889-1890)
 Germanya Inn (Sirkeci)
 Rumeli Passage (Beyoğlu) (1896)
His Major  Sarayburnu Warehouses (1890)
Works  Moltke Monument (1889)
 Ragıp Paşa Mansion (Caddebostan) (1907)
 Tevhide Hanım Mansion (Caddebostan) (1907)
Burkay Saka
11/E, 73442

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