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Chapter 8:
Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health Services


 Section 1: Introduction
 Section 2: Learning Objective

 Section 3: Operational Standards

 Section 4 : Implementation Guidance
 Section 5 : Monitoring and Evaluation Tool

Section 1: Introduction
 An effective care to prevent and manage
complications during ANC, labor and delivery, and
postnatal likely to have a significant impact on
reducing maternal deaths, stillbirths and early
neonatal deaths.
 Besides the maternal and perinatal mortality
burden during labor and the early postnatal period;
the high neonatal and U5 mortality should
equivocally be addressed.
 Hence the standardization of MNCH services are

vital important.

Section 2: Learning objectives
By the end of the training; participants would be able
 understand and list the national MNCH operation
 describe the implementation guidance of the
MNCH chapter.
 have a good knowledge to apply on how to use
the MNCH checklists and measures of indicators.
(Monitoring and evaluation tool)

Section 3: Operational Standards
1. The hospital ANC unit provides individualized,
client centered and evidence based care to clients on
all working days and high risk mothers should be seen
in the referral clinic.
2. The hospital should ensure provision of
Comprehensive Emergency Maternal and Newborn
Care (CEmONC) services
3. The hospital should ensure women and child
friendly services at all MNCH units including pain

Section 3: Operational Standards
4. The hospital ensures all equipment, essential
drugs, supplies and reference materials are available in
maternity and pediatric units
5. The hospital should ensure the provision of
intrapartum care as per national protocols
6. The hospital should provide comprehensive
postnatal care in the facility as per national standards
7. The hospital should ensure provision of family
planning (with focus on long term methods) and
comprehensive abortion care services following the
national guideline and policies.

Section 3: Operational Standards
8. Maternity and pediatric units should undertake CQI
activities by conducting regular review meetings and
audit programmers.
9. Hospitals have established separate pediatric OPD,
emergency and triage services.
10. Hospitals have comprehensive Neonatal Care
service that includes NICU, KMC, mother’s room and
isolation rooms.
11. Hospitals have separate Pediatric Wards
composed of separate critical, general, SAM, isolation
and procedure rooms.
12. Midwives should implement the midwifery
process at all hospitals for all admitted patients.

Section 4: Implementation Guidance-
Maternal Health
 Roles and Responsibilities
 Rules and Norms
 Labour and Delivery
 Postnatal Ward
 Caesarean Section
 Maternity waiting rooms
 Case management
 Family Planning Services
 Comprehensive abortion services

Section 4: Roles and Responsibilities
The unit will be led by obstetrician and gynecologist
or IESO and he/or she will be responsible for ;
Planning and monitoring
Arrange training
Prepare schedule for the unit
 Ensure availability of drugs, Supplies and
 Ensure the proper Handover mechanisms
Auditing of service quality
Report and action Plan.

Section 4: Rules and Norms
 ANC unit, labor and delivery ward, and postnatal
 Easily accessible*

 MNCH rooms should be clean, well ventilated,

illuminated and the temperature should be

comfortable for laboring mothers.1
 Mothers should be treated with respect and dignity

 Respectful maternity and newborn care norms

should be applied to all clients 1

 Pain should be managed appropriately

Section 4: Rules and Norms
 Pain should be managed appropriately
 Maternity unit should do Audits regularly
Audit every month. (eg. Evidence based care
-) MDSR-immediately within 72 hours),and
the other audit as specified.
Client/mom’s satisfaction survey every 3
The audit and satisfaction survey data should
be displayed and visible for action and usable
Case Based Discussion (CBD) for complicated
and reportable cases should be held at least
every week

Section 4: Rules and Norms
 Community involvement at least once every 3
 Midwives should implement the midwifery process
at all hospitals for all admitted patients.

Section 4: ANC
 ANC service open throughout working days by
skilled professionals
 All service providers trained on FANC.

 Universal Iron Folate supplementation for 3 months

should be given at their first ANC visit

 Laboratory investigation result should be available

within the same day of sample collected

 All ANC services should be delivered free of charge

including U/S.
 All ANC services delivered should be evidence

based as to the guideline and updates,

Section 4: ANC
 HIV positive pregnant and lactating mothers and
their exposed infants should get option B+
 DBS should be done preferable at 6 weeks of age in

the MNCH clinic.

 Mother-infant pair cohort should be followed for

18 months and documentation in the register

should be proper.
 Partners’ testing should be encourage in all means.

 Referral clinic should be staffed by obstetrician or

IESO and high risk mothers should be referred to.

Section 4: ANC
 All mothers who come for ANC should be
counseled on
 birth preparedness, complication readiness,
and danger signs
 immunization,
 infant feeding,
 family planning,
 HIV, and
 nutrition.
 Mothers better be allowed to hold their ANC
follow up summary form* after 36 weeks.

Section 4: Labor and Delivery
 Is the time between the first stage to third stage of
Laboring mothers triage protocol should be available
and addresses the following major area;
Laboring mothers should be allowed to go
directly to the labor ward.
Triage/reception with clear admission criteria.
Log book at triaging site or reception for laboring
mothers who are in false or latent phase of labor.
Rapid assessment tool and client flow in labor
and delivery posted at reception and emergency

Section 4: Labor and Delivery
Rapid assessment of laboring mothers to advance

Section 4: Labor and Delivery
 Flow chart for triage and registration of laboring

Section 4: Labor and Delivery
• Rooms clean, well ventilated, illuminated and the
temperature should be comfortable for laboring
• Emergency drug cabinet should be available with
essential drugs labeled and the expire date
• Functional refrigerator with temperature
monitoring chart.
• All essential functional medical equipment. 2
• Functional clock, weighing scale, head lamp and
tape meter.

Section 4: Labor and Delivery
• Sufficient space to the standard *
• Allow Oral fluids and light food during labor.
• Allow the accompany of Family member/support
• Functional bathroom and toilets with door with
hand washing basin and soap- for mother and
• Running water and soap for hand washing for the

Section 4: Labor and Delivery
• At least four beds for first stage of labor and two
delivery coaches for second stage of labor.
• ICU or HDU available near the nursing station for
seriously ill patients.
• Partograph: Complete and consistently be used for
all laboring mothers in active phase.
• Third stage labor should be managed actively.

Section 4: Labor and Delivery
Documentation should be clear and complete and
check weather the following items are in the record
• Date and time of admission,
• Identification and previous obstetric history,
• Vital sign at admission findings of BP, PR, Temperature,
• lie and presentation,
• FHB,
• uterine contraction,
• cervical status (dilatation and effacement),
• membrane status (intact or ruptured),
• molding and
• station should be documented.

Section 4: Labor and Delivery
Laboratory investigation should be done for laboring
mother at presentation
• HGB,
• blood GP and RH,
• VDRL for syphilis and
• HIV testing should be done for all and
The safety assessment checklist should be done
• Safe childbirth check list should be used for all.
• Delivery coach is comfortable with all accessories
• Mothers are allowed to deliver in their preferred

Section 4: Labor and Delivery
• Routine immediate essential new born care should
be available-1
• All midwives should be trained on Helping Babies
Breath (HBB)
• NICU should be available for advanced care and
should be adjacent to labor ward.
• Delivery summary should be completely filled on

Section 4: Postnatal Care
• The post-natal beds should be clean and
comfortable with accessories and bed sheet.
• Comprehensive post-natal care for at least
• Maternal BP, PR, temperature, uterine tone
(contraction), vaginal bleeding checked
every 15min for the first 2hrs.
• Neonates are checked for breathing normal,
color; pulse rate, breast feeding and cord tie

Section 4: Postnatal Care
Mother should be counseled for danger signs for
mother :
• vaginal bleeding,
• fever,
• foul smelling vaginal discharge,
• severe abdominal pain,
• safe sex,
• abnormal body movement and

Section 4: Postnatal care
 failure to suck,
 jaundice,
 Cyanosis-bluish discoloration
 fever,
 abnormal body movement,
 difficulty of breathing

Section 4: Cesarean section
Fully functional operating theatre with staff should
• one table dedicated for cesarean section and it
should be adjacent to the labor and delivery ward.
• Appropriate and adequate cesarean section team
member available 24/7;
 anesthetist,
 scrub nurses and
All essential drugs and functional equipment for
cesarean section

Section 4: Cesarean section
• Safe surgery check list used for all
• Documentation complete for all cesarean
• Conduct Cesarean section Audit every three
month and as necessary.
• Rate and indications for C/S should be
displayed in white board every month. -*
• Spinal anesthesia used in the absence of

Section 4: Maternity waiting Homes-
“Residential facilities where mothers who live
remotely can wait before giving birth at a health
facility.” national

The admission criteria for MWH

any mother who is pregnant for >8 months,
irrespective of her gravidity, parity, medical
and obstetrical history but who resided >10
Km distances.

Section 4: Case Management
Background overview
The clinical causes of most maternal deaths in
Ethiopia are;
• hemorrhage,
• anemia,
• eclampsia,
• obstructed labor and
• unsafe abortion.
All of these complications are preventable and hence
should be managed with evidence based care as to
the national guideline.

Section 4: FP services
Family planning clients shall receive information,
education and counseling on;*
 Sexual and reproductive health,
 family planning and
• Ensure the accessibility and availability of full range
of family planning services with particular
emphasis on long term methods.
• FP Services delivery should be patient centered,
evidence based, timely, and clients should be well
informed about the benefit and adverse effect.
• Document the clients’ decision and preference of
the method

Section 4: FP services
• Staffs should have received;
• appropriate training,
• demonstrate competent skills and
• the services should be evidence based
including use of national guideline and

Section 4: Comprehensive abortion Care
The abortion care services provided to women, as
permitted by law, are safe, affordable and accessible
 Reduce deaths and disability from unsafe
abortion and complications through effective
management and/or stabilization and referral

Section 4: Comprehensive abortion Care-CAC
 Integrating abortion care services into other
sexual and reproductive health services.

Help women to;

 Make free and informed decisions regarding their
 be more informed about health services and
 follow up care needed, and
 feel more emotionally comfortable with their decisions,
Through supportive, nondirective reproductive
health counseling

Section 4: Comprehensive abortion Care service
 Prevent unwanted pregnancies through
contraceptive services, including counseling and
method provision
All working staffs should
 receive appropriate training ,
 demonstrate competent skills and
 the services should be evidence based including use of
national guideline and policies.
The hospital should also ensure availability of safe
abortion services including medical and surgical
options as permitted by the law.

Implementation Guidance- Child Health
 Emergency and triage services
 Pediatric OPD
 Comprehensive Neonatal Unit
 EPI Clinic
 Pediatric indicators
 Appendices

Pediatric Emergency and Triage services

 Pediatric triage is separate from central triage

 Emergency treatment room set next to the triage
 ETAT trained professionals and active ETAT
 Drugs, equipment and supplies available and
labeled (annexed)
 Necessary guidelines and job aids available
 Emergency lab tests (Hgb, BG, Cross m, glucose,
 Further management by a senior professional

Pediatric OPD
 Separate from adult OPD
 Adjacent to the pediatric emergency room
 Emphasis on IMNCI target diseases (U5)1
 Space requirements, equipment and guidelines2
 Play ground
 Physicians or IMNCI trained professionals should
manage children under 5 years
 Components of pediatric OPD:
 ORT corner
 Regular OPD rooms
 Pediatric specialty clinics including pediatric ART

Comprehensive Neonatal Unit
 Adjacent to the Labor Ward
 Components:
 KMC room
 Mothers’ waiting rooms
 Isolation room for infectious cases
 Resuscitation/procedure room
 Essential drugs, supplies and equipment available
 Trained professionals
 NB care GLs and job aids (updated)
Immunization (EPI) clinic
 Providing all the primary series of vaccinations
 Supply of all the primary vaccines maintained
 Cold chain and storage of vaccines as per NGL
 EPI GLs and job aids
 MCH nurse(s) with special training in EPI

Pediatric in-patient (Ward) services
 Separate from adult wards
 Components:
 Therapeutic feeding room (complicated SAM)
 Pediatric ICU or at least dedicated room for critically
ill children adjacent to nurses station
 Isolation room for children with communicable
diseases (e.g measles)
 Procedure/ resuscitation room with good light
 Room (or corner for primary hospitals) for pediatric
surgical cases

 Essential supplies, drugs and equipment (annexed)

Pediatric ward…
 Case management GLs available
 Child friendly room paintings
 In-patient care guidance
 Frequency of sick child evaluation by
physician/nurse and documentation
 Vital signs monitoring
 Emphasis for nutritional and pain

Child Health Indicators
Proportion of HWs # of HWS with ETAT Bi-annually
assigned at training/Total # of HWs
pediatric triage and assigned to the
emergency unit unit*100
trained in ETAT
A) A) Cumulative # of A) Total number of LBW Quarterly KMC register
LBW newborns NBs admitted to the
admitted to the KMC room from
KMC room beginning of year to
B) B) Survival rate of end of reporting period
LBW (<2000gr) B) # of LBW NBs admitted
newborns admitted to KMC room that
to the KMC room survived/Total # of NBs
admitted to KMC
room*100 44
Child health indicators…
Proportion of # of charts with Quarterly Patient
children admitted documented v/s q charts
to pediatric wards 6hrs/Total # of
for whom vital charts
signs are assessed*100
measured Q 6hrs
Proportion of U5 # of charts with Quarterly Patient
children admitted documented charts
to the ward for growth
whom growth monitoring/Total
monitoring is # of charts
done assessed*100 45
Child Health indicators…
Case fatality rate NB deaths in the past Every 3 HMIS register
for newborns 3 months in the months
hospital/Total # of
hospitalized NBs in the
same period*100
% of essential Number of essential Every 6
drugs and drugs and equipment months
equipment available in the
available in the pediatric
pediatric emergency/Total
emergency unit number of essential
drugs and equipment
listed in the annex*100

Child Health Appendices (list)
 Appendix 1: List of Emergency Drugs and Equipment for Child

 Appendix 2: List of NICU equipment and essential drugs for child


 Appendix 3: List of guidelines and job aids for child health

 Appendix 4: List of pediatric ARVs and OI drugs

 Appendix 5: Facility, Supplies and Equipment for Pediatric OPD and

ART Clinic
 Appendix 6: Facility, Supplies and Equipment for Pedia

Implementation monitoring

 Checklist & Indicators to measure attainment

of each Operational Standard.


Thank You


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