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The mystery of oceans

 Bioluminescence is the light produced by
marine creatures as a defence mechanism.
Certain chemicals in the creatures’ body
when counteracted with atmospheric
oxygen results in the emergence of
bioluminescent light.
Convergence of Baltic and North Seas:

 This oceanic phenomenon has been a

highly debated topic. The convergent point
of the North and the Baltic Seas occurs in
the province of Skagen in Denmark.
However, because of the differing rates of
densities of the seas’ waters, the sea waters
continue to remain separate in spite of their
convergence. It is said that this ocean
phenomenon finds a mention in the holy
Steaming Black Sea:
 Called as the ‘sea smoke’, the steam
arising out of the Black Sea is caused
due to the humidity of the oceanic
water counteracting with the coolness
of the wind over the water’s surface.
Apart from explaining the ocean
mystery behind the steam rising from
the Black Sea, experts have also proved
that the phenomenon is quite .
Green Flash:
 The ocean phenomenon of green
flashes occurs during sunset and
sunrise. Usually seen for merely a
couple of seconds, such green flashes
are the result of the natural prismatic
effect of the atmosphere of the earth.
During sunset and during sunrise, the
light cast by the sun gets diverged into
multiple colours, which is seen by the
emitting of the green flash.
Sea Foam:
 The foaming of the seas is caused by
the disturbance to the organisms present
on the water surface due to the constant
tidal action. Alternatively, in certain
cases, sea foam can also be caused due
to disturbances caused by human
activities like dispelling of waste
toxicants into the oceanic water.
 Concentrated salt water escapes from
within the frozen ice formed above the
ocean’s surface and seeps into the depths of
the water. However, once the concentrated
salt goes under the surface of the water, on
account of natural processes it freezes and
gets formed into brinicles. Brinicles occur
in the frigid oceanic waters around the
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