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Team Denmark Decision

What is e-type?
• Graphical Design company which considers itself a Consultant or Trusted
advisor for a company.
• We go deep into soul and strategy of the company and express ideas that
relate to what the company themselves can't express.
Points to consider :Winning the Design
• Winning the design competition against two other very prominent
companies may not be likely.
• Winning implies cash flow growth and good public image.
• Edgy designs reflect e-types core values.
• Classical design has more chance of winning.
Do we really have to win the
• Winning the competition does imply a good public image , but e-types has
grown out as a company making edgy designs .
• It has a image of being unconventional , understanding companies better
than companies themselves. Opting for a classical design makes it highly
likely to win the competition but under this circumstance we must choose
to stick to our ideals because that is how we can actually win.
My recommendation
• We send only the edgy design to the competition.
What do we gain from this decision?
• Even when we are less likely to win the competition , team Denmark
would know what kind of organisation we are and our core ideals as
• We will stand out in the competition for what we stand .
• We must remember we were invited to the competition in the first place
due to our previous work and ideals
• We must use this opportunity to make more such future opportunities.

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