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How to Use Jupyter

1- Write a program to obtain three number and print their sum
2-Write a program to obtain length and breadth of a rectange and get it area and perimeter.
3. Write a program to get radius of Circle and find its area and perimeter
4.Write a program to calculate BMI.
5. Write a program to obtain temperature in celcius and convert into farenhite using formula.
6.Write a program to find area of a traingle.
7. write a program to calculate simple interest and compound interest.
8. write a program to input a number and print its first five multiples.
9. Write a program to Swap 2 numbers with/without using third variable.
10. Write a program to input a single digit number between (1-7) and print a 3 digit number created as <n(n+1)(n+2)> e.g if
input is 7 ,output is 789
11.Write a program to read three numbers in three variable and swap first two variables with sum of first and second and
second and third number respectively.
12. write a program to read a number and prinet n,n2,n3,n4 values.
13. Write a program to ask you height in cm and convert your height in feet and inches
14. Write a programt to accept marks in 5 subject and output average marks

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