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The Lost Sheep

Luke 15:1-7
What can you remember from
morning devotions this week?
A shepherd had 100 sheep.
He cared for them very much.
He watched over them in case any animals
came to attack.
Every evening he took them back to the sheep fold and
counted to make sure they were all there.
One evening, the shepherd only counted 99 sheep.
The shepherd was very worried and went out to look for his
lost sheep.
He searched and searched.
Where was his sheep?
The shepherd carried his sheep home and made
sure it was safe.
The shepherd was so happy, he threw a party to celebrate!
Who is the shepherd in the story?
Who are the sheep?
Who is the lost sheep?
 The sheep was lost –
lost to God, lost to the
flock and lost to
himself. He can’t find
his own way home, he
needs the shepherd to
find him.
The shepherd was very worried and went out to look for his
lost sheep.
 The shepherd has a lot
of care for that one
sheep, just like he has
a lot of care for
backsliding sinners.

The shepherd was very worried and went out to look for his
lost sheep.
 The shepherd goes
himself to look for the
sheep. He doesn’t sent
a servant to do it.

The shepherd was very worried and went out to look for his
lost sheep.
 The whole of
heaven celebrates
when one person
comes to know

The shepherd was so happy, he threw a party to celebrate!

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