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The peacemakers will

be called children of
You may be asking
yourself “How can I be
a peacemaker? I am not
the pope or the
president. I am just an
ordinary teenager” A
peacemaker does not
need to have a position
of authority or great
power. All that is needed
is a willingness to act
for peace.
You may be asking How can I be a
yourself “How can I be
a peacemaker? I am not
the pope or the
president. I am just an Be compassionate for
ordinary teenager” A others, forgive people,
peacemaker does not justice of upholding
need to have a position fairness, and harmony.
of authority or great
power. All that is needed
is a willingness to act
for peace.
To merely love or want
peace is to passively
advocate peace. A true
peacemaker “makes
peace” even during
difficult situations. He or
she settles quarrels
between friends resolves
disputes between
classmates, or reconciles
family members who
have had a
It is important to note that
the greeting the Risen Lord
To merely love or want gave His apostles after His
peace is to passively resurrection was “Peace be
advocate peace. A true with you all” (In 20:21).
peacemaker “makes Jesus is the great reconciler
peace” even during and peacemaker. As the
difficult situations. He or Savior. He reconciles
she settles quarrels humankind with His
between friends resolves Father, forgives sinners,
disputes between and bring peace into our
classmates, or reconciles lives. His mission is to bring
family members who us back in a loving
have had a relationship with the Father
misunderstanding. and with one another, a
relationship that had been
destroyed by sin.
Prayer Of St. Francis Of Assisi

Lord, Make me an instrument of Your Peace.

Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where
there is
Doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where
there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to

console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in
giving that we receive;
In pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to
eternal life.

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