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UNIT 1 – Chapter 5
• Classes and objects are core part of java programming

• The class is the essence of java.

• It is the foundation upon which the entire java

language is built.

• Class forms the basis for object Oriented

Programming, the data and methods are defined
inside a class.

• Java code is contained in either a class or an interface.


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All java programs A class is a It specifies both Java uses a class Thus, a class is
activity occurs template that the data and the to construct essentially a set
within a class. defines the form code that will objects and of plans and rules
of an object. operate on that objects are that specify how
data. instances of a to build an object.
•There are two kinds of things we can include in a class definition,

• Data Members

• Methods

• Data Members: These are variables that store data items that typically differentiate one object of
the class from another.
• They are referred to as fields or member variables of a class.

• Methods: These define the operations you can perform for the class, they determine what we can
do with objects of the class.

• The fields in a class definition can be of any of the primitive data types, or they can be references
to objects of any class type.

Class = Data + Methods


• When we define a class, we declare its exact form and nature.

• We specify the instance variables that it contains and the methods that operate on

• A very simple class might contain only methods or only instance variables, but
most real-world classes contain both.

• A class is created by using keyword Class.


[accessModifier] class ClassName

// class body containing variables and methods

[ variable Declaration]

[ Method Declaration]

Public class Bicycle
/* Variable Declaration */
private int gear=5;

/* Method Declaration */
public void breaking()
System.out.println(“Working of Braking”);
Rules for defining a Class

By convention, the class

It must be a legal java There can be only one
names starts with a
identifier. public class.
capital letter.

If a class is to be defined
The name of the .java file A source file may have in a package, then the
must match with the any number of non-public package statement must
public class. classes. be the first statement in
the source file.
5.4 Adding
Variables to Class
Public class demo{
//declaring instance variables
Int age;
Float percentage;
//declaring class variables
Static int collegeCode;

• <classname> <reference_variable> = new <classname>


• Classname object = new classname();

• examples:

//Creating bicycyle objects

Bicycle sportsBicycle = new Bicycle();

Bicycle raceBicycle = new Bicycle();

Accessing Class Members

To access variables : To access Methods:

object.variables object.method()
Class A{
/* declaring instance variables */
Int I, j;
Public static void main (string[] args){
// Create object of class A
A a1 = new A();
a1.i = 10;
// Create another object of class A
A a2 = new A();
a2.i = 10;
• A constructor is special method that is called when an
object is created.
• The purpose of a java constructor is to initialises newly
created objects before it is used.
• Unlike normal methods, a constructor has the same
name as that of class and it does not have any return
Syntax: class ClassName{
ClassName() { //constructor
Types of constructors

• Default Constructor

• No Argument Constructor

• Parameterised Constructor
Default Constructor

• Default constructor is a constructor that is automatically created by java compiler

if it is not explicitly defined.

• If we do not create any constructor, the java compiler automatically create a no-
argument constructor during the execution of a program.

• We would not find default constructor in source code as it would be inserted into
the code during compilation and exists in .class file.

• Default constructor initializes any uninitialized instance variables with default

class Bike1{
Bike1() // default constructor
System.out.println("Bike is created");

public static void main(String args[])

Bike1 b=new Bike1();
No Argument Constructor

• A constructor may or may not have any parameters.

• Constructors with no arguments is known as no-

arguments constructor.

• The signature is same as default constructor; however,

body can have any code unlike default constructor.
• A java constructor can also accept one or more parameters.

• Constructors with arguments are known as parameterized


• These parameters can then be used to dynamically initialize the

instance variables of the newly created object.

• Parameterized constructor is used to provide deferent values to

distinct objects.
package parameterConst;

public class Employee {

int empID;
String name;
// Parameterized Constructors
Employee(int empID, String name){
void dispaly() {
System.out.println("Employee ID is "+empID + " Name " +name);
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Employee e1=new Employee(10,"Akash");

• The keyword this has several uses in java, the
keyword this refers to the current object.

• Whenever it is required to point an object from a

functionality which is under execution then we use
Using this
the “this” keyword.
• The job of this keyword is only to point, its always
point to an object that is executing the block in
which this keyword is present.
• The first use of “this” is to call constructor from another constructor, specifically
one in the current class.
Class A{
int i,j;
A(100); //error
A(int a){
Class A{

int i, j;


this(100); // calls constructor

which takes one argument

A(int a){

this(a,200); // calls constructor

which takes two argument

• The process of calling the constructor
from other constructors is called as
constrictor chaining
The “Static” Keyword
• The static keyword in java is used to share the
same variable or method of a given class.

• The users can apply static keyword with variables,

methods, blocks and nested classes.

• The static keyword belongs to the class than an

instance of a class.

• The static keyword is used for a constant variable

or a method that is same for every instance of a
Static keyword can be
used with,

1. Variables

2. Methods

3. Blocks

4. Classes
a. Static Variables
• The instance variables are non-static and it is part of an object.

• But static variables are special type of variables that are not
associated with an object.

• Static variables are also called as class variables.

• The static variables can be accessed without an object.

• Class demo{

int x, y;

static int z; }
• Static variables are initialized only once, at the start of the execution.

• These variables will be initialized first, before the execution of main()


• A static variable can be accessed directly by the class name and doesn’t need
any object.


b. Static Methods
• A static method is associated with a class rather than the instances.

• The static methods are also called as class members.

• Static methods are appropriate when it is associated with a class rather than objects of that class.

• The most common example of a static member is main()

Class staticDemo{

int x, y;

static int z;

void static method1(){

system.out.println(z); } }
• A static method can be accessed directly by the class
name and doesn’t need any object.



• A static method can access only static data, it cannot

access non-static data.

• A static method can call only other static methods and

cannot call a non-static method.
c. Static Blocks
• Sometimes a class will require some type of initialization before
it is ready to create objects, It might need to establish a
connection to a remote site.

• It also might need to initialise certain static variables.

• To handle these type of situations java allows us to declare a

static block.

• Static blocks are used to initialize the static variables.

• Static block syntax, static {

// variable initialization }
class Test{
// static variable
static int age;

// static block
static {
d. Nested Static Class
1. Static Nested Classes

2. Non-Static Nested Classes

• A class can be made static only if it is a nested class.

• Nested static class doesn’t need a reference of outer class.


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