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By: Jasmita
Washington was
the first President
of the liberty-
loving nation, and
The Declaration of
Independence was
signed in 1776.
Both of these
comprise rather
well-known events
throughout the
course of
American history.
• The Founding Fathers
penned the first couple of
drafts of the Declaration
of Independence on hemp
paper, since at the time at
least 75 percent of all the
world’s paper was made
from cannabis hemp fiber.
The democratic delegates
eked out the document’s
first and second draft
completed on June 28th
and July 2nd 1776,
respectively on Dutch
hemp paper. The final
document had a more
official air, though, as it
was printed on parchment.
• Nearly 170,000 people
boarded the ferry service
from Battery Park in
Manhattan to Liberty Island
and nearby Ellis Island in
January, an 18 per cent rise
over the same period in
February171,000 visitors on
the same service in February
- a 15 per cent rise on the
same month in 2016. A mild
winter in New York may have
contributed to the increase,
but both figures are the
highest for Statue Cruises,
the company operating the
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