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What do you know about prototype?

 A prototype is a replica of a
product as it will be manufactured
which may include such details as
color, graphics, packaging and
It is a three
dimensional version of
your vision.
 If possible, it’s great to start
with a handmade prototype,
no matter how simple/basic.
You can use – household glue,
papers, clay, empty
containers, etc.
Service prototypes
 storyboard
Create your own product prototype.

 You can use household, indigenous, or

expensive materials.
 Clay, construction papers, coloring, empty
jars, etc.
 Prototype must not be smaller than the
ideal real product.

 Creativity 3x2
 Durability 3x2
 Attractiveness 3x2
 Neatness 3x2
 24

 Provide a list of the possible suppliers

for the raw materials.

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