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WhaL ls 1C/l

(pronounced as separaLe leLLers) ShorL for

1ransmlsslon ConLrol roLocol/lnLerneL roLocol Lhe
sulLe of communlcaLlons proLocols used Lo connecL
hosLs on Lhe lnLerneL 1C/l uses several proLocols
Lhe Lwo maln ones belng 1C and l 1C/l ls bullL
lnLo Lhe unlx operaLlng sysLem and ls used by Lhe
lnLerneL maklng lL Lhe de facLo sLandard for
LransmlLLlng daLa over neLworks Lven neLwork
operaLlng sysLems LhaL have Lhelr own proLocols such
as neLware also supporL 1C/l
e facLo
A formaL language or proLocol LhaL has become a sLandard
noL because lL has been approved by a sLandards organlzaLlon
buL because lL ls wldely used and recognlzed by Lhe lndusLry
as belng sLandard Some examples of de facLo sLandards
W Payes command seL for conLrolllng modems
W kermlL CommunlcaLlons roLocol
W xmodem CommunlcaLlons roLocol
W PewleLLackard rlnLer ConLrol Language (CL) for laser
W osLScrlpL page descrlpLlon language for laser prlnLers
W 1he CWL81? sysLem for LypewrlLers and keyboards
C|asses of I Address
W Class A 1hls class ls for very large neLworks such
as a ma[or lnLernaLlonal company mlghL have l
addresses wlLh a flrsL ocLeL from 1 Lo 126 are parL
of Lhls class 1he oLher Lhree ocLeLs are used Lo
ldenLlfy each hosL 1hls means LhaL Lhere are 126
Class A neLworks each wlLh 16777214 (224 2)
posslble hosLs for a LoLal of 2147483648 (231)
unlque l addresses Class A neLworks accounL for
half of Lhe LoLal avallable l addresses ln Class A
neLworks Lhe hlgh order blL value (Lhe very flrsL
blnary number) ln Lhe flrsL ocLeL ls always 0
I Address C|asses Cont
W Class 8 Class 8 ls used for medlumslzed neLworks A
good example ls a large college campus l addresses
wlLh a flrsL ocLeL from 128 Lo 191 are parL of Lhls class
Class 8 addresses also lnclude Lhe second ocLeL as parL
of Lhe neL ldenLlfler 1he oLher Lwo ocLeLs are used Lo
ldenLlfy each hosL 1hls means LhaL Lhere are 16384
(214) Class 8 neLworks each wlLh 63334 (216 2)
posslble hosLs for a LoLal of 1073741824 (230) unlque
l addresses Class 8 neLworks make up a quarLer of
Lhe LoLal avallable l addresses Class 8 neLworks have
a flrsL blL value of 1 and a second blL value of 0 ln Lhe
flrsL ocLeL
I Address C|asses Cont
W Class C Class C addresses are commonly used for
small Lo mldslze buslnesses l addresses wlLh a flrsL
ocLeL from 192 Lo 223 are parL of Lhls class Class C
addresses also lnclude Lhe second and Lhlrd ocLeLs as
parL of Lhe neL ldenLlfler 1he lasL ocLeL ls used Lo
ldenLlfy each hosL 1hls means LhaL Lhere are 2097132
(221) Class C neLworks each wlLh 234 (28 2) posslble
hosLs for a LoLal of 336870912 (229) unlque l
addresses Class C neLworks make up an elghLh of Lhe
LoLal avallable l addresses Class C neLworks have a
flrsL blL value of 1 second blL value of 1 and a Lhlrd blL
value of 0 ln Lhe flrsL ocLeL
I Address C|asses Cont
W Class used for mulLlcasLs Class ls sllghLly
dlfferenL from Lhe flrsL Lhree classes lL has a
flrsL blL value of 1 second blL value of 1 Lhlrd
blL value of 1 and fourLh blL value of 0 1he
oLher 28 blLs are used Lo ldenLlfy Lhe group of
compuLers Lhe mulLlcasL message ls lnLended
for Class accounLs for 1/16Lh (268433436
or 228) of Lhe avallable l addresses
I Address C|asses Cont
W Class L Class L ls used for experlmenLal
purposes only Llke Class lL ls dlfferenL from
Lhe flrsL Lhree classes lL has a flrsL blL value of
1 second blL value of 1 Lhlrd blL value of 1
and fourLh blL value of 1 1he oLher 28 blLs are
used Lo ldenLlfy Lhe group of compuLers Lhe
mulLlcasL message ls lnLended for Class L
accounLs for 1/16Lh (268433436 or 228) of
Lhe avallable l addresses
lgure 11
lgure 12

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