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1ransfer of heat by eleotromagnetio
waves through a gas or vaouum.
eat transfer by this mode requires
a line of sight oonneotion between
the surfaoes involved.
lt ooours between solids and within
highly porous solids.
1he radiant energy reoeived from
the sun takes about 8.3 minutes to
reaoh the Larth.
lt is oaloulated as
intensity of sun rays
falling per unit time per
unit area.
Radiation inoident
varies from plaoe to
Measured by-
pyrheliometer sunshine
3olar radiation-
when rhe o|reor so|ar rao|ar|on |s nor b|ookeo b,
o|ouos, |r |s exper|enoeo as sunsh|ne, a
oomb|nar|on of br|ghr ||ghr ano rao|anr hear. when
|r |s b|ookeo b, rhe o|ouos or ref|eors off of orher
objeors, |r |s exper|enoeo as o|ffuse ||ghr
the world Meteorologioal 0rganization uses the
term 'sunshine duration' to mean the oumulative
time during whioh an area reoeives direot
irradianoe from the 3un of at least 120 watts per
square meter.
1he solar oonstant, is the amount of inooming
solar eleotromagnetio radiation per unit area that
would be inoident on a plane perpendioular to the
rays, at a distanoe of one astronomioal unit
(Au) (roughly the mean distanoe from the 3un to the
1he solar oonstant does not remain oonstant over
long periods of time, but over a year varies muoh
less than the variation of direot solar irradianoe at
the top of the atmosphere arising from the elliptioity
of the Larth's orbit. 1he approximate average value
oited, 1.366 kw/m,
A heliostat is a devioe inoorporating a
mirror whioh moves so as to keep
refleoting sunlight toward a
predetermined target or reoeiver, despite
the sun's apparent motions in the sky. 1o
do this, the refleotive surfaoe of the
mirror has to be kept perpendioular to
the biseotor of the angle between the
direotions of the sun and the target, as
seen from the mirror.
There are older types of heliostat
which do not use computers, including
ones that are partly or wholly operated
by hand or by clockwork, or are
controlled by light-sensors. These are
now quite rare. Most modern heliostat
are controlled by computers.
lndireot solar radiation that
passes through olouds and
reaohes earth's surfaoe
A pyranometer is used to
measure broadband solar
irradianoe on a planar surfaoe
and is a sensor that is designed
to measure the solar radiation
flux density in w/m2 (watts per
metre square) from a field of
view of 180 degrees.
A typioal pyranometer does not
require any power to operate.
3ensor-it oonverts indireot
solar energy into eleotrioity.
igher the level of sky
radiation, the more eleotrio
ourrent is generated.
3hadow band-it shields the
pyranometer from direot
sunlight, allowing only indireot
3unlight to be measured.
1he amount of sunshine during the day is
measured on a sunshine reoorder.
The glass ball Iocuses the sun's rays onto the special card
behind it. The rays burn the card so that the times when the
sun was shining can be read Irom this card. We can thus
calculate the total hours oI sunshine each day.
We measure sunshine in hours.
Every day a new card is Iitted onto the Sunshine recorder.
This card shows burn marks on it. The card also shows time
on it so we can tell when the sun started to shine, Ior how
long it shone and when it stopped shining.
On this card the sun
:- started shining at 0600 hrs (6 AM)
stopped shining at 1000 hrs (10 AM)
and shone Ior 4 hours
started shining again at .............
lL ls compleLely auLomaLlc and keeps Lhe
panel ln fronL of sun unLll LhaL ls vlslble
1be oolpoe feotote of tbls system ls tbot
losteoJ of tokloq tbe eottb os lts tefeteoce
lt tokes tbe soo os o qolJloq sootce lts
octlve seosots coostootly mooltot tbe
soollqbt ooJ totote tbe pooel towotJs tbe
Jltectloo wbete tbe loteoslty of soollqbt ls
moxlmom ln case Lhe sun geLs lnvlslble
eg ln cloudy weaLher Lhen wlLhouL
Lracklng Lhe sun Lhe AS1S keeps roLaLlng
Lhe solar panel ln opposlLe
dlrecLlon Lo Lhe roLaLlon of earLh
uL lLs speed of roLaLlon ls
same as LhaL of earLh's roLaLlon2
uue Lo Lhls properLy when
afLer some Llme eg half an hour
when Lhe sun agaln geLs
vlslble Lhe solar panel ls exacLly ln
fronL of sun Moreover
Lhe sysLem can manage Lhe errors
and also provldes Lhe error
messages on Lhe LCu dlsplay ln
manual mode Lhrough Lhe
sofLware (Cul) aL compuLer Lhe
solar panel can be roLaLed aL
any deslred angle
1he body produoes vitamin U from sunlight (speoifioally
from the uvB band of ultraviolet light), and exoessive
seolusion from the sun oan lead to defioienoy unless
adequate amounts are obtained through diet ,defioienoy
leads body vulnerable to oanoer.
0n the other hand, exoessive sunlight exposure has been
linked to all types of skin oanoer oaused by the ultraviolet
part of radiation from sunlight. 3unburn oan have mild to
severe inflammation effeots on skin, ozone depletion 0
deorease in ozone oould oause a 25 inorease in skin
A laok of sunlight, on the other hand, is
oonsidered one of the primary oauses
of seasonal affeotive disorder (3AU),
more prevalent in looations further from
the tropios, and most of the treatments
involve light therapy.
1ANK 0u

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