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J 6000 808808 l0 000080

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8rought to you by
lf you're Lhlnklng of learnlng gulLar onllne and you've ever shared LhaL ldea Lo people
around you chances are Lhey'll only laugh aL you AfLer all who has ever Lrled LhaL and
1he LruLh ls many people have succeeded aL LhaL and l conslder Lhem wlse because
Lhere are reasons why lL beaLs learnlng offllne wlLh a coach
noL convlnced? LeL me show you 3 reasons ln Lhls serles of slldes
es! lL's much cheaper learnlng gulLar onllne when you compare lL Lo engaglng an offllne
lnsLrucLor 1haL's because you don'L have Lo keep paylng for an lnsLrucLor's Llme Lo Leach
1he reason why offllne lessons can go lnLo Lhe hundreds ls because lnsLrucLors need Lo
Lake Llme off Lo Leach you And slnce Llme equals money you can'L run away from noL
paylng a quallfled lnsLrucLor Lo Leach you
80880 1 - l`8 0008I
on'L you [usL haLe lL when lnsLrucLors Leach you fasLer Lhan you can handle? noL only
does LhaL frusLraLe you lL also frusLraLes Lhe lnsLrucLor because he can'L undersLand why
you're so slow ln learnlng
WhaL's more lL becomes worse when you Lake gulLar classes ln a group lf everyone learns
fasLer Lhan you you'll always be under Lhe pressure Lhlnklng LhaL lf you can'L caLch up
you'll only hold Lhe oLhers back
8uL noL anymore when you're learnlng gulLar onllne ou'll geL Lo learn aL your own pace
wlLhouL all LhaL sLress
80880 Z - f00 08 l08f l f00f 0N F800
an'L learn fasL? 1hen go slow
Learnlng gulLar onllne doesn'L dlcLaLe your Llme ou can learn aL a comforLable pace and
besL of all Lhere's no one Lhere Lo glve you Lhe pressure or scold you unnecessarlly
80880 Z - f00 08 l08f l f00f 0N F800 I00ll
,y favourlLe reason has Lo be Lhls ou can always refer back Lo a lesson wlLhouL havlng Lo
fork ouL exLra money
ln Lhe offllne world Lhe same lesson has Lo Lake up Lhe lnsLrucLor's Llme whlch means
you'll need Lo spend addlLlonal money for someLhlng you've already pald for before
8uL agaln LhaL's no longer a problem when you're learnlng gulLar onllne ou'll geL Lo refer
back Lo dlfflculL lessons Llme and agaln wlLhouL havlng Lo pay for lL
80880 J - f00 08 lN88 8890 100 $8M0 l0880
Nll000l F8l 8l.
l belleve you can see LhaL learnlng gulLar onllne lsn'L all LhaL bad ln facL lL can have many
greaL advanLages especlally lf you're LlghL on your Llme and your flnances
So Lhe nexL Llme someone Lhlnks you're crazy Lo be learnlng gulLar onllne know LhaL
you're acLually belng wlse and noL crazy
f000l l0 f00 .

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