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(Qualitative Research)
Learning Competency:
Infers and explains patterns and themes from
data (CS_RS11-IVd-f-2)

Identifies common statements and infers
themes from data using thematic analysis
“Qualitative research involves finding
out what people think, and how they feel-
or at any rate, what they say they think
and how they say they feel. This kind of
information is subjective. It involves
feelings and impressions, rather than
Goldstucker, 2011

• Review of the previous lesson on the

different data collection techniques used
in qualitative research
• The teacher will group the students
according to their interest (i.e. music,
language, arts, sports etc.)
• Each group will be given worksheets to
read and analyze. The worksheets contain
the data gathered from the participants.
• List down statements with common ideas or
patterns from PARTICIPANT 1 to
PARTICIPANT 3. Write them in Column 2 of
the table.
• Based on the listed statements, create a theme
for group of statements. Write them as
Essential Theme in Column 1 of the table.
Participant 1

During recess time, my friends would ask each

other of the food that they wanted to buy. The most
common food choice that will be suggested by everyone
will be followed. Sometimes, I tend to look around and
check on what other foods the students buy. If I find it
appealing for my appetite, I would buy that food.
Sometimes, my food preference would depend on the
amount of money that I have. Though I wanted to eat a
specific food, I always check first if my money is
enough. There are times that my allowance is short, so I
tend to buy the cheap ones in the canteen.
Participant 2

Our school canteen is serving food required by

the school nurse. I have no choice but to buy what is
available there. But I love soft drinks and curls which
are not allowed in the school canteen. So, I asked my
classmates to buy it in the municipal food court.
Participant 3

: My mom is very strict with the food I eat. She is

always telling me to eat healthy food. To make sure that
I’m always eating healthy food, my mom would prepare
snacks and viand for me. So, I’m not buying any food in
the canteen.
Factors Affecting Students’ Food Choice

Essential Theme Statements with

Common Ideas

How did you find the activity?

What are the essential themes that you have
identified from the responses?
What are the strategies you used to identify
the common themes/ ideas?
Thematic Analysis in the Spotlight…

Thematic analysis is a method of

analyzing qualitative data. It is usually applied
to a set of texts, such as interview transcripts.
The researcher closely examines the data to
identify common themes, ideas, and patterns
of meaning that come up repeatedly.
Thematic Analysis
According to Serrano (2016), the heart
of qualitative data analysis is the task of
discovering themes. Themes are patterns
across data sets that are important to the
description of a phenomenon and are
associated to a specific research question. The
themes become the categories for analysis.
Thematic Analysis
Serrano (2016) added that thematic
analysis is performed through the process of
coding to create established, meaningful
patterns. He defined code as a word or a short
phrase that descriptively captures the essence
of elements of a researcher’s material and is
the first step in data reduction and
Thematic Analysis
Prieto, et al. also defined thematic analysis
as a form of pattern recognition within the data
that provides a simple interpretation and concise
description of themes and patterns in data set.
Themes can be identified after coding and
categorizing the data.
The following are the processes of conducting thematic
analysis according to Braun and Clark (2006) as cited by
Prieto et al. (2017):

1.Familiarizing the
You transcribe the
verbal data, read very
well and find
meanings and
2. Generating Initial Codes
You produce initial codes for
all the data and identify
those codes which are
3.Searching for Themes
You organize a long list of codes and sort the
different codes into themes. A theme is a collection
of similar codes. It is possible to classify and form
main themes or sub-themes.
4. Reviewing Themes
This has two levels:
• First level -You do a review of the codes to determine if the
data really fit into each theme. Data can be re-arranged if
• The second level-You review the levels of themes. Maps and
diagrams can be used to put together the themes.

5. Defining and Naming the Themes

You reveal the essence of each theme or sub-themes and
how they relate to the overall essence of the data.
6. Writing up
You make your report concise, logical, and
coherent and you should present a broad and
meaningful account of the result of your research.
This is your culminating activity in doing thematic
Read and analyze the data gathered from the
participants in research entitled “Campus
Bullying in the Senior High School: A
Qualitative Study”. Be guided by the question
“What are the coping mechanisms of bullied
senior high school students”? (20 points)
Identify statements with common ideas from
them in Column 2. Infer an essential theme
from the group of statements and write your
answers in Column 1.
Participant 1
I have different experiences of bullying in
senior high school. But, I ignore them and I let it
in one ear and out in the other. I told myself to
make the experience as inspiration and
motivation. I just continue my schooling despite
hurtful experiences of bullying. My close friends
advised to me to fight and not be carried away by
my bully classmates.
Participant 2
I just considered bullying as a mere
challenge that I can surpass. I restrain myself
even if people call me ugly and dull. I don’t care
about what they call about me. My parents keep
on telling me to ignore those bully students.
Participant 3
Sometimes, I heard discouraging remarks
from my classmates like I am not good and my
brain is empty. Despite that, I do not care about
what they call about me. I motivate myself to
finish my senior high school even if at times I feel
discouraged. My class adviser and subject
teachers keep on reminding my classmates to
avoid bullying.
• Read a research sample entitled “A Study on the
Living Experiences of People during the COVID-19
Pandemic”. Examine the ways on how the
researcher/s applied Thematic Analysis on the Results
and Discussion.
1.Billones, R.O., et al. (2018). Qualitative Research. Manual for Senior High
School Practical Research 1, 91-104.
2. file:///D:/Downloads/Campus-Bullying-In-The-Senior-High-School-A-Qual
itative-Case-Study.pdf Date retrieved May 27
, 2021
/arts-congress-proceedings/2019/CP-02.pdf Date retrieved May 27, 2021
4. date retrieved
June 6
, 2021 Date
retrieved: 06-27-2021 Date retrieved: 06-
God bless researchers!

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