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"To uctIve!y contvIbute to tLe socIu! und economIc
deve!opment oI tLe communItIes In wLIcL we opevute.
In so doIng, buI!d u bettev, sustuInub!e wuy oI !IIe Iov
tLe weukev sectIons oI socIety und vuIse tLe countvy's
Lumun deve!opment Index."
Mre. Iojoelree Birlo ChnIrorson
Tho AdIfyn IIrIn Confro for CommunIfy InIfInfIvos nnd !urnI
ukIng u dIIIevence
Ioforo Corornfo SocInI !osonsIbIIIfy found n Inco In
corornfo IoxIcon If wns nIrondy foxfurod Info Crou's vnIuo
sysfoms. As onrIy ns fho l940s foundIng fnfhor ShrI C.
IIrIn osousod fho frusfooshI concof of mnnngomonf.
SImIy sfnfod fhIs onfnIIs fhnf fho wonIfh fhnf ono gonornfos
nnd hoIds Is fo bo hoId ns In n frusf for our muIfIIo
sfnkohoIdors. WIfh rognrd fo CS! fhIs monns InvosfIng nrf
of our rofIfs boyond busInoss for fho Inrgor good of socIofy.
WhIIo cnrryIng forwnrd fhIs hIIosohyIogondnry Iondor Mr.
AdIfyn IIrIn wonvod In fho concof of 'susfnInnbIo IIvoIIhood'
whIch frnnscondod choquo book hIInnfhroy. In hIs vIow If wns
unwIso fo koo on gIvIng ondIossIy. Insfond ho foIf fhnf
chnnnoIIsIng rosourcos fo onsuro fhnf ooIo hnvo fho whorowIfhnI
fo mnko bofh onds moof wouId bo moro roducfIvo. Ho wouId sny
"CIvo n hungry mnn fIsh for n dny ho wIII onf If nnd fho noxf dny
ho wouId bo hungry ngnIn. Insfond If you fnughf hIm how fo fIsh ho
wouId bo nbIo fo food hImsoIf nnd hIs fnmIIy for n IIfofImo."
TnkIng fhoso rncfIcos forwnrd chnIrmnn Mr. Kumnr MnngnInm IIrIn
InsfIfufIonnIIsod fho concof of frIIo boffom IIno nccounfnbIIIfy
rorosonfod by oconomIc succoss onvIronmonfnI rosonsIbIIIfy nnd socInI
commIfmonf. In n hoIIsfIc wny fhus fho Inforosfs of nII fho sfnkohoIdors
hnvo boon foxfurod Info our Crou's fnbrIc. Tho foofrInf of our socInI
work fodny snns 3000 vIIIngos In IndIn ronchIng ouf fo sovon mIIIIon
ooIo nnnunIIy. Our communIfy work Is n wny of foIIIng fho ooIo
nmong whom wo oornfo fhnf Wo Cnro.
Irojocfs nro cnrrIod ouf undor fho nogIs of fho "AdIfyn IIrIn Confro for
CommunIfy InIfInfIvos nnd !urnI ovoIomonf" Iod by Mrs. !njnshroo
IIrIn. Tho Confro rovIdos fho sfrnfogIc dIrocfIon nnd fho fhrusf nrons
for work onsurIng orformnnco mnnngomonf ns woII.
Iocus Is on fho nII-round dovoIomonf of fho communIfIos nround
Innfs Iocnfod mosfIy In dIsfnnf rurnI nrons nnd frIbnI boIfs. AII Crou
comnnIos - CrnsIm HIndnIco AdIfyn IIrIn uvo nnd !Ifrn Toch
hnvo !urnI ovoIomonf CoIIs whIch nro fho ImIomonfnfIon bodIos.
Irojocfs nro Innnod nffor n nrfIcInfory nood nssossmonf of fho
communIfIos nround fho Innfs. Inch rojocf hns n ono-yonr nnd n
fhroo-yonr roIIIng Inn wIfh mIIosfonos nnd monsurnbIo fnrgofs. Tho
objocfIvo Is fo hnso ouf our rosonco ovor n orIod of fImo nnd hnnd
ovor fho roIns of furfhor dovoIomonf fo fho ooIo. ThIs nIso onnbIos
us fo wIdon our ronch. AIong wIfh InfornnI orformnnco nssossmonf
mochnnIsms our rojocfs nro nudIfod by roufod oxfornnI ngoncIos
who monsuro If on qunIIfnfIvo nnd qunnfIfnfIvo nrnmofors hoIIng
us gnugo fho offocfIvonoss nnd rovIdIng oxcoIIonf Inufs.Our
nrfnors In dovoIomonf nro govornmonf bodIos dIsfrIcf nufhorIfIos
vIIIngo nnchnynfs nnd fho ond bonofIcInrIos fho vIIIngors. Tho
Covornmonf hns In fhoIr 5-yonr Inns socInI funds onrmnrkod for
humnn dovoIomonf nnd wo rocourso fo mnny of fhoso. Af fho snmo
fImo wo nofwork nnd coIInbornfo wIfh IIko-mIndod bIInfornI nnd
unIInfornI ngoncIos fo shnro Idons drnw from onch ofhor's oxorIoncos
nnd onsuro fhnf offorfs nro nof duIIcnfod. Af nnofhor IovoI fhIs
rovIdos n Infform for ndvocncy. Somo of fho ngoncIos wo hnvo
coIInbornfod wIfh nro !IIA SIISA CA!I IndIn HnbIfnf for
HumnnIfy InfornnfIonnI !nIcof nnd fho WorId Innk.
ocus uveus
Our rurnI dovoIomonf ncfIvIfIos snn fIvo koy nrons nnd our sIngIo-
mIndod gonI horo Is fo hoI buIId modoI vIIIngos fhnf cnn sfnnd on fhoIr
own foof. Our focus nrons nro honIfhcnro oducnfIon susfnInnbIo
IIvoIIhood Infrnsfrucfuro nnd osousIng socInI cnusos.
InIwndIs (ro-schooI)
AduIf oducnfIon
on-formnI oducnfIon
ConfInuIng oducnfIon
SchoInrshIs for gIrIs morIf nnd fochnIcnI oducnfIon
eu!tL und IumI!y we!Iuve
MobIIo cIInIcs - docfors vIsIf onco n
ModIcnI cnms - gonornI nnd Issuo-
HonIfh frnInIng nnd nwnronoss
SnnIfnfIon - foIIofs frnInIng smokoIoss
chuIInhs bIogns
Snfo drInkIng wnfor
Mofhor nnd chIId honIfh
!oroducfIvo honIfh
Awnronoss buIIdIng
$ustuInub!e deve!opment und !Ive!ILood
und ugvIcu!tuve und wutevsLed
SoIf-hoI grous
SCSY - dnIry rondymndo gnrmonfs jufo
rojocf bnskof mnkIng nggnrbnfI mnkIng boo
kooIng durrIo mnkIng.
Chock dnm
!nnd dovoIomonf
SoII nnd wnfor consorvnfIon
Insfuro dovoIomonf
SocInI forosfry/ InnfnfIon ncfIvIfIos/ nursory
Inrmor frnInIng
InIvustvuctuve deve!opment
CommunIfy confros
HonIfh confros
Wnfor chnnnoIs
$ocIu! cuuses
WIdow / dowry-Ioss mnss mnrrIngos
Womon omowormonf
Awnronoss drIvos on knowIodgo
nffIfudo nnd rncfIcos

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