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O Adaa`s Kids Wear (AKW) is a retail store Ior kids wear
with good quality.
O This business will cater to the needs oI kids` age Irom 6 to
O Location oI the business is Karol Bagh Market.
O The Target audiences oI the business are:
Age Population
to 9 years 2,18,22
10 to 14 years 224,012
Total (5 to 14 Years) 442,534
"KJs weor, wh core"
ompany Overview
ADAA's Kids Weai (AKW) is a ieiail sioie foi lids weai
wiil good qualiiy and laiesi iiends. We pieseni an
exiensive iange of lids weai ilai aie manufaciuied
using diffeieni fabiics sucl as Coiion, Sill, Wool and
oileis. Available in a wide iange of goigeous colois,
designs and piinis, ilese appaiels aie designed
leeping in mind ile mosi up-io-daie faslion iiends.
To be a disiinguisled lid-weai
ieiailei lnown woildwide foi ile
qualiiy of pioducis,seiiing new
iiends and lifesiyles"
OTo offei coniinuous value added pioducis
io oui cusiomeis".
OTo accomplisl ilis, we focus on excepiional
design, innovaiion, qualiiy, convenience and
inieiaciive communicaiion.
Oncieasing compeiiiion, especially fiom big
clains lile Wal-Maii, Gap and
OLimiied ncoipoiaiions
OHigl cosi maieiials
OClanging demands and caieiing io ilis
OClanging faslions and clanging belavioi
of demogiaplics
Market Cpprtute
O Mailei is giowing wiil a iapid iaie so ii's a gieai
oppoiiuniiy io eniei in ile mailei wleie demand is
incieasing diasiically
O Biiil iaie las iemained ligl in ile pasi yeais
meaning moie poieniial foi lids'weai puiclasing.
O Couniiy is going iliougl iecessionaiy peiiod so
paienis aie on iigli budgei,wlicl is a gieai
oppoiiuniiy foi oui business io offei discounis and low
piicing paclages io aiiiaci oui consumeis
8arrer t Ltry
Mailei is liglly compeiiiive, so
no sucl baiiieis exisi in ile
No sucl iegulaiions excepi license iequiied
fiom animaioi of ile claiaciei wlicl will be
used in piiniing.
Servne teta|
As oui business is cloiling foi lids, and in
ilis secioi iiends clanges quiclly, so
poieniial pioducis will always be in line
wiil diffeieniiaiion of colois and design.
1areted Audene
Since oui business is lids weai, so oui piimaiy iaigei
audience will be:
O Piimaiy Taigei:
Age: -ii yeais
O Secondaiy:
Market Cb[entve
O mage ouiselves as a biand wiil compeiiiive edge
O To offei coniinuous value added pioducis io oui
O To aclieve oui financial iaigei
O Sei a benclmail in indusiiy as a cosi leadei
iliougl minimizaiion of wasie and impiove
O Meei ile demands of mailei and supply demanded
goods on iime wiiloui any baiiiei oi luidle
O Offei excelleni pioducis ai low piice
O Male pioducis accoiding io ile needs of ile cusiomei
O Give good lassle-fiee ambiance foi slopping, wlicl
will lelp ile business and give edge ovei iivals
O Develop a lids-fiiendly sioie enviionmeni and
decoiaiion, wlicl will aiiiaci paienis io biing ileii
lids in ile sioie and slop wiil comfoii.
SWC1 Aa|y
O Huge Pioduci Line wiil vaiiaiions.
O Business will lave longei louis and beiiei piices as
compaied io compeiiiois.
O Discounis aie available foi bundle buying.
O Expeiiise in geiiing new pioducis io ile mailei quiclly
O Expeiiise in pioviding good cusiomei seivice
O Online selling could be a compeiiiive edge ovei similai
O Cusiomizaiion available foi individual cusiomeis
O New in business as compaie io iivals
O Huge capiial iequiied io siaii business as ciedii is noi easily
available fiomsuppliei in siaii.
O Seasonal business: in summei demand is veiy ligl as new
academic session siaiis and also a wedding season
O Secioi is giowing fasi in siaie and in ile aiea oui business
O Giils' weai demand is luge so adding value in ilis caiegoiy will
be ile gieai advaniage
O Higl biiil iaie since pasi yeais is anoilei oppoiiuniiy foi lids
weai seciion
O Compeiiiion is ligl and big clains lile Wall-Maii,
Gap and Limiied ncoipoiaiion iniioduced ileii lid's
slops in ile ciiy and peneiiaiing in mailei
O People aie moie conscious foi piicing due io iecession
and going foi discounis
O nieinei
O Radio
O Magazines ( Paienis and lids magazines only)
O Newspapeis

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