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LducaLlon for

underprlvlleged chlldren
Abhlshek Arerkar | Anlrudh !ayaram| Ashlsh Mendon | Ashwln Srlnlvasan | Chlrag karunakar
karan SheLLy | kunal Sonavane | 8ohan lnLo | 1e[as awar | vlnay nalr
19 /09/2011
Underpr|v||eged Ch||dren
Street L|v|ng Ch||dren Chlldren who ran away from Lhelr famllles and llve alone on Lhe
Street Work|ng Ch||dren Chlldren who spend mosL of Lhelr Llme on Lhe sLreeLs fendlng
for Lhemselves buL reLurnlng home on a regular basls
Ch||dren from Street Iam|||es Chlldren who llve on Lhe sLreeLs wlLh Lhelr famllles
Underpr|v||eged Cne who doesn'L en[oy Lhe same sLandard of llvlng or rlghLs and
advanLages as Lhe ma[orlLy of people ln a socleLy
Source unCLl
Among Lhe worlds 10 rlchesL people
are Ind|ans
Cn Lhe oLher slde
17 m||||on Ind|an ch||dren work as chlld laborers
1he need of Lhe hour
Lu C 1 Cn
LeLs flll Lhe gaps
r 8k Ambedker who be|onged
to a soc|a||y depr|ved c|ass of
soc|ety headed the nat|on towards
||berat|on and wrote the
const|tut|on of Ind|a
ne set an examp|e for the who|e
mank|nd that the depr|ved
ch||dren |f prov|ded w|th
educat|on can do wonders
1he man who made a dlfference
1he rooL causes
W 9overty and Lo mouLh exlsLence
W I|||teracy lllLeraLe parenLs don'L send Lhelr chlldren Lo school
W 9opu|at|on opulaLlon exploslon ls Lhe mosL serlous problem
whlch our counLry ls faclng Loday
W Unemp|oyment unemployed parenLs cannoL afford Lhelr
chlldren's educaLlon
W Ch||d |abor arenLs are forclng Lhelr chlldren Lo work Lo lncrease
Lhe source of lncome of Lhe famlly
9opu|at|on of pr|mary schoo| age by
sex area of res|dence and wea|th
qu|nt||e Ind|a 2006
Source ueblerblogspoLcom
SLaLlsLlcs conLd
Source LA
ALLendance of chlldren ln
prlmary educaLlon has
lncreased conslderably wlLh
Lhe percenLage ln rural and
urban golng hand ln hand
8uL aLLendance of chlldren ln
secondary educaLlon ls a
maLLer of concern
Chlldren 1he fuLure of a naLlon
AL leasL 33 mllllon chlldren aged 6 14 years do noL aLLend school
33 of glrls ln Lhe age group of 3 Lo 9 years are llllLeraLe
n ndla only 33 of hablLaLlon has a prlmary school and 20 has a secondary school
Cn an average an upper prlmary school ls 3 km away ln 22 of areas under hablLaLlons
n nearly 60 of schools Lhere are less Lhan Lwo Leachers Lo Leach Classes Lo v
lgh cosL of prlvaLe educaLlon ls Lhe key reason glven by 3 ln every 4 dropouLs for Lhe reason
Lhey leave
1 ln 40 prlmary school ln ndla ls conducLed ln open spaces or LenLs
More Lhan 30 of glrls fall Lo enroll ln school Lhose LhaL do are llkely Lo drop ouL by Lhe age
of 12
Source ndlan LducaLlon 8eporL
ssues LhaL demand aLLenLlon
1eacher 8aLlo
W no bulldlngs
W roxlmlLy Lo Lhe nearesL
W WaLer problems
Act|ons taken(Government)
W roper bulldlngs are belng
W ncreased Lhe number of
W WaLer problems have been
Source ndlan LducaLlon 8eporL
W lllLeraLe parenLs noL aware
of Lhe lmporLance of
educaLlng Lhelr chlldren
W Audlence are noL aware of
Lhe varlous opLlons
avallable Lo Lhem
Act|ons taken
W LducaLlon awareness camps
aL rural areas
W 1lmes of ndla sLarLs a
'1each ndla campalgn'
W nu1v 24x7 has sLarLed a
'SupporL my school
Source 1lmesoflndlacom nu1vcom
SLudenL 1eacher raLlo
W SLudenL1eacher raLlo ls
W 1eacher absenLee
Act|ons taken(Government)
W ncreased Lhe number of
Leachers aL elemenLary level
W varlous beneflLs are offered
Lo Lhe Leachers who comply
Lo Lhe aLLendance norms
Source ndlan LducaLlon 8eporL
W CosL of books
W School fees
Act|ons taken(Government)
W 1ax exempLlon on all sLaLe
LexL book corporaLlons
W nLroduced 'Sarva shlksha
W lree and compulsory
educaLlon for chlldren
Source ndlan LducaLlon 8eporL
1he lmpacL on Lhe socleLy
Lack of educaLlon would lead Lo
W ncrease ln crlme raLe
W ncrease ln Lhe number of people below Lhe poverLy
W lall ln Lhe llLeracy raLe
W WasLage of Lhe funds allocaLed by Lhe CovernmenL
W amper Lhe overall developmenL of Lhe counLry
8lghL Lo LducaLlon
W 1he 8lghL of Chlldren Lo lree and Compulsory
LducaLlon AcL or 8lghL Lo LducaLlon AcL (81L)
W 8y ndlan parllamenL
W assed Cn 4Lh AugusL 2009
W mplemenLed on 1
Aprll 2010
W Already presenL ln 134 counLrles
W LducaLlon Lo chlldren of Lhe laborers
W LducaLlng parenLs and glvlng lncenLlves Lo
famllles lf all chlldren are educaLed
W Cradlng of Lhe conLracLors
W mprovlng lnfrasLrucLure
W rovldlng educaLlon aL a reasonable cosL
lood for LhoughL
W Lvery prlvaLe school LhaL wanLs Lo open a branch ln a meLro or any
Ller 2 clLy musL be requlred by law Lo open aL leasL one small branch
ln a vlllage
W CovernmenL should creaLe a cenLrallzed monlLorlng cenLer for
Lhese remoLe schools ln meLro clLles
W 8aslc Lhlngs llke clean drlnklng waLer worklng lnfrasLrucLure clean
LolleLs are some of Lhe Lhlngs LhaL Lhe sLudenLs ln Lhese schools
should cherlsh
W A replacemenL Leacher should be senL from a nearby school lf a
Leacher goes on leave ensurlng LhaL all classes are always sLaffed
lood for LhoughL conLd
W 1here should be evenlng or nlghL schools for Leenage chlldren who
work ln Lhe facLorles Lea shops cycle repalr shops work shops or
do odd [obs durlng Lhe day Llme
W 1hese schools should provlde Lhem meals and educaLe Lhem ln a
way LhaL ls enLerLalnlng and lnLeresLlng for Lhe chlldren
W 1he learnlng process for Lhe chlldren should make use of audlo
vlsual meLhods compuLers educaLlonal charLs eLc
ConLrlbuLlon by sLudenLs
W 1he SLudenLs of unlverslLles and publlc schools can also conLrlbuLe
Lowards provldlng beLLer quallLy educaLlon for slum chlldren
W We can enrlch Lhe experlence of slum chlldren and ralse funds for Lhem by
organlzlng feLes muslcal culLural and sporLs evenLs
W We can also donaLe Lhelr spare books school bags old magazlnes
sLaLlonery eLc for Lhese chlldren
W We can brlng Lhem Lo our campus aL leasL once a week and glve Lhem
classes for Lngllsh MaLhemaLlcs Sclence ersonallLy developmenL
Ceneral knowledge and so on
W We can also Lake Lhem for games and sporLs and show Lhem lnsplraLlonal
1he 8eneflLs
W LducaLlon peneLraLlon ls very good ln clLles and very low ln
vlllages 1here ls a huge gap LhaL we need Lo flll else we wlll
never be able Lo become a developed counLry
W LducaLlon and schools ln Lhe vlllage lLself wlll creaLe an eco
sysLem LhaL wlll make vlllages more lndependenL and prevenL
mlgraLlon Lo clLles
W 1hls wlll reduce Lhe pressure on clLy lnfrasLrucLure and Lhere
wlll be all round developmenL
W Lveryone even Lhe prlvaLe schools would beneflL as soclal
acLlvlLles llke Lhese wlll help creaLe good brandlng for Lhem
CorporaLes who have made a
W 1lmes of ndla (1each ndla)
W rocLer Camble(Shlksha)
W uL and SLar 8azaar(ndla's lavourlLes)
CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy
W Many lndusLrlallsLs are donaLlng funds for educaLlon developmenL and Lhe
governmenL ls also sLresslng on greaLer corporaLe lnvolvemenL ln soclal
servlce acLlvlLles
W raLham
W lan ndla
W Smlle loundaLlon
W LlLeracy ndla
W Chlldren 8lghLs and ?ou(C8?)
W 1|mes of Ind|a (1each Ind|a)
a naLlon bulldlng lnlLlaLlve LhaL brlngs LogeLher chlldren ln need of
educaLlon and people who can conLrlbuLe a llLLle Llme Lowards
Leachlng Lhem
based on one slmple prlnclple f you have Lhe deslre Lo Leach we wlll
puL you ln Louch wlLh underprlvlleged chlldren who are wllllng Lo
f we all pledge Lo educaLe aL leasL 1 person ln our llfeLlme lL wlll be enough Lo
help ndla rlse from Lhe sLaLus of a developlng naLlon Lo LhaL of a developed
W Mukesh(arenLs are laborers earn less Lo
send hlm Lo school Lhus make hlm work wlLh
WhaL do you'll Lhlnk can be done here ?
W ?ou have 8s 300 aL your dlsposal ?
W WhaL else do you Lhlnk Lhe governmenL can
do ?
W WhaL can be done Lo brlng ln more Leachers ?
1hank ?ou

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