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Questionnaire to Assess the Implementation of the WSIS 2003 Geneva Plan of Action in African Countries

Sections of the Questionnaire General Objectives, goals

and targets

of the action plan WSIS Action Plan The Role of Governments and all Stakeholders in the Promotion of ICTs for Development Information and Communication Infrastructure: an Essential Foundation for the Information Society Access to Information and Knowledge

Building Confidence and Security in the Use of ICTs Enabling Environment ICT Applications: Benefits in All Aspects of Life Cultural Diversity and Identity, Linguistic Diversity and Local Content Media Ethical Dimensions of the Information Society International and Regional Cooperation

Sections of the Questionnaire Contd

Role of Information Society: Applications of ICTs: Government services, Education, Health services, Business services, Agricultural services Is ICT mentioned in the national budget plan? Stakeholders: Role of Private sector, civil society and Intl Institutions Global references for improving connectivity and access in the use of ICTs Information Society and Households Households with access to TVs , radios, fixed telephones, PCs, Internet Access, Mobile Phones, Electricity Localities with Public telephone services,

General Objectives, goals and targets of the action plan

The role of Government and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development
What are the mechanisms applied at the national level for the promotion of ICTs development? PPP-Public Private Partnership MSP-Multi-sector Partnership Incubator schemes National venture capital investments International venture capital investments,

Information & Communication Infrastructure: an Essential Foundation for the Information Society
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Universal access policies and strategies: Population with access to telephones Population with PCs Population with mobile cellular Population that have access to the Internet Localities with public Internet services Find whether special requirements are being addressed in the national estrategy? What are the strategies developed for increasing affordable global connectivity?

Access to information and knowledge

Define the mechanisms available at the national level for facilitating the access to information and knowledge Check whether governments have implemented the freedom of information legislation

Capacity Building
Highlight the capacity building initiatives existing at the national level Are the African countries implementing E-learning for personnel training? Highlight the areas where volunteers are highly involved in

Building confidences and security in the use of ICTs

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Policies that are being addressed in the national ICT plans Information security and network security issues Prevention, detection and response to cybercrime and misuse of ICTs Effective investigation and prosecution of misuse of ICTs Government to actively promote user education and awareness about online privacy and the means of protecting privacy Domestic assessment of national law to overcome any obstacles to the effective use

Building confidences and security in the use of ICTs-Contd

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Draw attention to the barriers to the Internet use in SMEs(Small and Medium sized enterprises): Security Complicated technology Development costs Wasted time Communication costs Slow connections and Lack of client/supplier readiness

Enabling environment
Find whether a legal and regulatory framework that provides the incentives to investment and community development in the Information Society exist or not Define the main Internet activities by enterprises: Tax declaration and payment Obtain official certificates Social security payment Property taxes payment Operatives systems used in the governments: Netware, Linux, Unix, DOS, Windows 9x and me, Windows NT, Windows 2000

Existence of ICT applications Do local companies advertise on the Internet?

ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life

Cultural Diversity and Identity, Linguistic Diversity and Local Content

1. Does the national ICT policy cover the cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content issues: The respect, preservation, promotion and enhancement of cultural and linguistic diversity and cultural heritage within the Information Society Develop and use ICTs for the preservation of natural and, cultural heritage, keeping it accessible as a living part of todays culture Support to media based in local communities and support projects combining the use of traditional media and new technologies Preserve, affirm, respect and promote diversity of cultural

2. 3. 4.

Broadcasting law Media that plays a role in the information Society Appropriate measures, consistent with freedom of expression, to combat illegal and harmful content Traditional media engaged in bridging the knowledge divide and facilitating the flow of cultural content, particularly in rural areas

Ethical dimensions of the Information Society

Define the activities aiming at building an Information Society, subject to universally held values, promoting the common and good and preventing abusive uses of ICTs: 1. Steps to promote respect for peace and to uphold the fundamental values of freedom, equality, solidarity, tolerance, shared responsibility, and respect for nature 2. Increasing awareness of the ethical dimension of the use of ICTs 3. Research on ethical dimensions of ICTs by relevant stakeholders, especially the

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

International and regional cooperation

International and regional cooperation efforts are the countries participating/working towards:

AISI NEPAD UN Global Compact UN Millennium Declarations PPP focusing on ICTs, Digital Divide Solidarity Agenda 6. HIPCI/ attracting major private national and foreign investments for ICTs 7. Establishment of national mechanisms to achieve universal access in rural and

Outcome of the Questionnaire

Report entitled Benchmarking of the Plan of Action of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Africa

Thank you for your attention

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